That's the problem. If no one else has attacked in the map since it was killed. There could be 10 people who's tried to spawn a Manon since the last one was killed, leaving the ~mapowner command useless, unless you're incredibly lucky. I've gotten countless whispers from people seeing me as the mapowner of the map, after coming back from being afk after an unsuccessful hunt.
It's still relatively useful- if, say, you were unable to find a manon when you hunted 3 hours ago and you told someone that. Then they'd know that it would spawn anytime between then and 3 hours from then.
I've tried your method sila it doesnt havent worked 10/10 times for me its just someone who tried to spawn it or the player is offline. not rly helpfull, also the point that I was trying to get across is what @maggles mentiond the problematics for a casual player to get the cry's. and for mike its dont i wouldnt call it casuall just because you don't camp manon for hours. Casual is more like you have certain play time and can only stay online for a limited amount of time say you can only play 1hour a day maybe, it will be really it will be really hard to get manon's cry and getting 2 prequests done is imposible. also I myself usually dont have any problem with getting cry's except the one time i had to kill 9 manons to get 1. I usually stack them aswell but i wouldn't say im that much of a casual player since I'm usually online atleast 6hours a day probably.
I've hunted manons three times since sila made that suggestion and two of the three times I used ~mapowner and asked the last person if they found a manon, they had, recently, and pointed me towards which channels might still have some. Will it help you every time you try? Of course not, but it's still a useful trick and doesn't exactly take much effort.
i hunted over 10 times and got not a single good response i guess im not hunting at any good times not hunted 10 times but whispered over 10 different ppl
I had people coming into a map and just spam skills to quickly claim it as theirs.. Not very nice imo. (Off topic?)
I myself used to run regularly on 2 accounts and I've never ran into the problem of lacking in either the availability of Manons or not having the possibility to get a Manon's Cry before a run. In fact, it rarely happened that I didn't find a Manon within 1-2 hours max, except for when the server wasn't stable and the maximum uptime was up to a day tops. I once spent a day doing the quest every 2 hours and ended up with 25 Elixirs after 1 day of nearly no effort, and this was when Manons were hunted even more for NX, since Horntail wasn't such a casual thing as it is now back then.
Just camp in the map until one spawns. If you're really adamant in getting a Manon spawn, you'll wait those several hours and be on with your way.