UPDATE 6 dex branch nose dols in fm store to Clocks for 65m added 13 tma red marker ~ 150m 1 int RoA ~ 100m 8 tma YWG ~ 60m
UPDATE 23/5 red pirate pants(m) sold in fm store to MYeoneee for 1.1b added 10 TMA raccoon mask ~ 700m
UPDATE 8 TMA white raccoon mask sold in store for 375m to Voice2Voice 14 yellow adventurer sold in store for 130m to Voice2Voice 24 int bathrobe sold in game for 350m
UPDATE 8 tma YWG sold in fm store for 50m to MCFasho2 added 17int green bandana ~ 150m 18dex freen bandana ~ 250m
UPDATE 12 TMA white raccoon mask sold in fm store for 950m CaiTauKueh 1/4 spec sold in fm store for 500m to Milrin 10 dex single earring sold in fm store for 13m JoeCurf
28 TMA dark noel sold in fm store to Holamigo2 for 1b 12 luk earrings sold in fm store to Lirtrip 50 15int green bandana sold in fm store to DoragonK for 65m 15int green bandana sold in fm store to Bekan for 65m 2dex1luk spec sold in fm store to MikanLL for 100m
11 dex earrings sold in fm store to amaotopia for 50 20 tma earrings sold in fm store to BishopRider for 60m