bump! Got lucky today and got a near perfect clean pirate skirt while doing some prequests. 8 dex 7 luk Green Pirate Skirt for sale added.
bump~ Almost out of orbis etc, time to farm some more? Mostly have pepe beaks left, come get your mithril ore rebate from exchange quest! Lowered price on skirt a bit too.
bump~ Sold Green Pirate Skirt in-game. Have 128 attack dragon shiner bow for sale~. Out of orbis etc for now
140m for 2 ring set. I am a bit inactive so feel free to add me to BL and I will try to get to you as soon as I can if you're still interested
bump~ selling some 11 wa FS for 7.5b I still have orbis etc, amount always fluctuating so ask away if you're interested I'll give you a good price.