Sold 1 piece of Santa Hat (3 pieces left) and Santa Girl Overall (5 pieces left) @250m. Sold 1 set Rose Ring @ 100m. (11 pieces left). Sold 50 Fireworks Messenger @ 1.7m each. (1800 pieces left).
Sure, leave ur ign and inbox mi when u are online Sold 100 Fireworks Messenger @ 1.7m each. (1350 pieces left).
Sold 130 Onyx Apples in game @ 10m each. ( none left ). Sold 1 Santa Girl Overall in game @ 200m. ( 4 pieces left ). Sold 100 Fireworks Messenger @ 1.7m each. ( 1250 pieces left ).
Yes, the ones that pop up with the image of your character at the top right side of the screen. Sold 50 Fireworks Messenger @ 1.7m each. ( 1200 pieces left ).