Have you tried leeching someone at roids yet, compared to red slimes? Curious about the exp/hour, I'd think that roids would be better now.
alright, sorry for this long, i came back after first semester and now got some free time. Sorry for 2 guys contact me at the time rms just open trade. just contact me if u need help or anything xD sorry for this lately. Ah, also open my leech service. i ll change my price after 1 weeks if i see anything diffent about leech service. TY <3
sorry about this late but seem i die and dont lose exp so the service need more time .-. at 68% right now and i want to stay 120 forever
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/no-exp-loss-when-you-die.87438/ haha,friends~~ I'm also be confused at this bug LOL