Discussion in 'Selling' started by TheDel, Oct 7, 2016.
19 hours time!
sold 71 att 3 slot craven
congrats, you've won the bid! pm me when you are online IGN: MsConception
Will be on in 3-4hours.
sold 7 int 6 ma ywg
sold 7 att fs, ty @Superlol
sold 10 int 10 ma wg
sold 8 int 6 ma ywg
add 9 att fs 128 st 22 int dana 40 stat red ades 52 att skanda
Idk if I can bid here but.... 8 CS for the FS!
hey sorry but taking 10 cs/ws straight for fs!
sold 9 att fs
sold 135 tma pyrope staff
sold 52 att skanda
sold 22 int dana
1.6b for the st
Separate names with a comma.