@Mika thanks for letting us know beforehand. I understand your problem. No worries, no point shall be deduct on the 16th #DseaHT run if you don't make it.
IGN: Himeragi Job/Level: Drk/195 Needed Loots: Mw (because he fails every one) Date(s) attending: * I have a flexible schedule ps. He failed 5
Our third SEA/Australia HT finished relatively smooth but there was a ran! Indeed, #DseaHT has improved from the first run. The Squad: Melee: Designer (17x Pally) thewchong (18x Hero) - DC in 1st Pre-head Meditate (15x DrK) juranga (15x MM) NamiYL (17x Bishop) Yiks (16x F/P) Ranged: Tommie (200 Corsair) Sweep (17x BM) - Didn't get slapped by tail this time. Himeragi (19x Drk) LosAngeles (200 NL) Dakker (16x NL) Sh0ok (18x MM) No Shows: MikaMisuky (16x BM) - Docked 2 points in both columns Drops: The fruits of our labor this run was bountiful and luscious and included: Various average equips handed out to whomever wanted one 4 Leafs given to Sh0ok, Sweep, Himeragi & LosAngeles 3 Pendants 1 given to NamiYL, 2 given to Yiks 1 Egg given to Meditate Triple Throw 30 - Given to Dakker who purchased it for 15 points and failed it Air Strike 30 Enrage 30 Special personal thanks to Tommie for taking Screenshots for me, Chance for the re-warp and the rest for participation. I have updated the point tracker and please confirm your dates for the upcoming run. Friday and Saturday.
Thanks Desmond for the update ^^ I have added a new component to the point system. Since we previously handed out leafs (the 5k NX leafs) to the highest levels with no real system, we have implemented a purchasing system for that as well. The following excerpt will explain Basically, since the people who already have completed egged HTP's had no use for the HTP/Egg column, we've made the column an HTP/Egg/Leaf column If anyone has a strong objection, feel free to post here or PM me.
Welp, I was at school and me and my friends decided to sit in the sun which turned out in drinking beer for hours. So I basically forgot the run.
The run was a success anyway. Sorry, but i have to deduct your point whatever reasons you have. Thanks for your understanding and would like to double-confirm are you able to make it for this friday run?
No no, that's completely fine. Rules are rules. I've been thinking about it and I might do other things on the friday so take me off that run as well. But be warned, I'll return for the leafs.
Application Format to join the squad: IGN: Nostaigia Job/Level: Bishop / 158 (and counting) Needed Loots: HTP / Egg / Gen30 / MW20 Date(s) attending: May 16th
I've been looking for Manons all day now and didn't find a single one. I'll try again tomorrow morning, I'll even wake up early for it, but I thought I'd let it know here that I may or may not come depending on the availability of a Manon. :x
Once again, #DseaHT ROUND 4 has slain the giant lizard with baby wings. The run was relatively smooth i assume but just some hiccups along the way. My condolence to the fellow casualties. Which is you @Contemplated may your soul be cleanse and rest in peace @Kobato you need to stop what is happening to you. The Squad: Melee: Designer (17x Pally) thewchong (18x Hero) Meditate (15x DrK) Kobato (17x Hero) Dc'ed after Head A was down magnuss (16x Bishop) Linyah (16x CB) Please don't think wrongly, it means chief bandit this time! Ranged: Jerzy (15x Drk) Sweep (17x BM) Pathetically, died at last arm. Himeragi (19x Drk) Dc'ed after Head A was down LosAngeles (200 NL) Dakker (16x NL) Sh0ok (18x MM) Mob Controller: Yiks (16x F/P) Contemplated (17x I/L) No Shows: - NamiyL (17x Bish) Docked 2 points in both columns Drops: The fruits of our labor this run was bountiful and luscious and included: Various average equips handed out to whomever wanted one 2 Leafs given to PureHeroin (Tommie donated to me, i donated to him) Sh0ok (Purchased with his HTP points) 4 Pendants 3 was given to Yiks , 1 given to maguss 1 Egg was looted by the wrong person without permission (magnuss) Maple Warrior 20 (Purchased by Designer with 25 points and passed it on nottiboi) Berserk 30 Air Strike 30 Heaven Hammer 30 Enrage 30 Special personal thanks to Chance again for the re-warp, i personally think if the server is unstable. End of the day, this paragraph will be for you. I have updated the point tracker. Do check it and if any queries do approve us. #DseaHT round 5 coming soon. Bear with us, we are improving!