IGN: Alvilda Job: Bowmaster (level 150, do not need HB) Need: Gen 30 in the long run Attending: can't really specify when I can join because of my work schedule, but if you ever need a BM and I'm online (IGNs Alvilda/Doomsday/NurseJoy) don't hesitate to ask!
IGN: Yiks Job/Level: Lvl163 F/P A/M Needed Loots: HTP reloot, Egg & MW20 Date(s) attending: 20th 22nd May (changing my availability from Wednesday's to Friday's run)
Once again, #DseaHT ROUND 7 has slain the giant lizard with baby wings. We RIP several times and thanks to the respective gm that helped us. The Squad: (The ones that made it long enough) Melee: nottiboi (16x Drk) Juranga (16x MM) Barbell (18x BM) Kobato (17x Hero) Molly (17x Bishop) Ranged: Sweep (17x BM) Himeragi (19x Drk) Gags (16x Sair) Died at the last head B Dakker (16x NL) Sh0ok (18x MM) The Casualties: Platypie (16x Pally) Linyah (16x Shad) Purrday (16x BM) No Shows: NIL Drops: The fruits of our labor this run was bountiful and luscious and included: Various average equips handed out to whomever wanted one 4 Leafs given to Sweep, Himeragi, Juranga & nottiboi (All purchased with their respective Htp points) 4 Pendants given 2 for Molly & 2 for nottiboi 1 Egg to Molly Triple Throw 30 Berserk 30 Air Strike 30 Heaven Hammer 30 Enrage 30 Special personal thanks to @Christopher Chance & @Tim again for the re-warp. I have updated the point tracker. Do check it and if any queries do approve us. #DseaHT round 8 coming soon. Bear with us, we are improving!
Application Format to join the squad: IGN: royalgirl Job/Level: bish 170 Needed Loots: necklace+ egg Date(s) attending: *today asap
Just confirming I didn't accidentally loot a leaf when I got warped. No +5k NX message. I did get 52 reindeer milk that I would be happy to return if necessary. But as far as getting leafs goes I'm saving up points in case I want to get pends for other chars at a later (much later) date, so no need to get me leaf.
Once again, #DseaHT ROUND 8 has slain the giant lizard with baby wings. We RIP several times and thanks to the respective gm that helped us. The Squad: (The ones that made it long enough) Melee: nottiboi (16x Drk) Thewchong (18x Hero) Meditate (15x Drk) - Dced after Left arm is down Kobato (17x Hero) NamiyL (17x Bishop) Experience (16x Shad) Ranged: Sweep (17x BM) Himeragi (19x Drk) Barbell (18x BM) Dakker (16x NL) Sh0ok (18x MM) Dc-ed at Prehead 2 Molly (17x Bishop) The Casualties: Meditate (15x Drk) Sh0ok (19x MM) No Shows: NIL Drops: The fruits of our labor this run was bountiful and luscious and included: Various average equips handed out to whomever wanted one 1 Leafs given to Thewchong (Purchased with their respective Htp points) 3 Pendants given 1 for Molly, 1 for nottiboi & 1 for Experience 1 Egg to Molly Genesis 30 - Purchased by NamiYL with 18points and Failed Berserk 30 Smoke Screen 30 Special personal thanks to @Jen & @Cyndy again for the re-warp. I have updated the point tracker. Do check it and if any queries do approach us. #DseaHT round 9 coming soon. Till the end of time.
@Desmond I informed @Platypie over Skype about @nasrul_wave (Juranga) not showing up, and also mentioned it to you just before the run started haha.
I can confirm I was informed juranga will not be showing up. I just forgot to change his name from (possible late show) to no show. Points will be fixed! Sorry for the confusion guys.
IGN:Sweep Job/Level: 183 Bowmaster Needed Loots: MW20/Leafs Dataes Attending: 23rd May I may need to cancel last minute but for now Im okay to go.