Discussion in 'Selling' started by Shaderip, Feb 22, 2017.
taking all 56/6-8 6slot red craven for 25m ea ign:use123
you would have to offer on them Alright, I'll be on in 5 minutes
50m for all?
no thanks
Buying the Story Time Chair ~ 35m - if you're still selling
What price u looking for?
Do you still have 60% helmet INT? Could I get 22 for 200m?
sure, pm me in-game ign: shaderip
Are you on now?
can take this Dark Commodore 10 str 7 dex clean for 20m?
yes i am sorry i'm looking for 30m min for it
Store update, added mount quest items
Blue Neos top (M) 11 str 2 dex 8 acc, clean whats the min u looking for this item?
20m Also, store update new items added
OK will take them
17m for 102att white nisrocks
alright, pm me on the forums when you get on alright, pm me on the forums when you get on
Store update, added gfa 100% gm scroll
Separate names with a comma.