Should all Warrior classes have Total Crash rather than only Paladin?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by xDarkomantis, Sep 8, 2024.

  1. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    The other big server provides data on the economy and a breakdown of classes. You can see which level blocks people are giving up on certain classes (or making as mules) or pulling through to (almost) the end. I'm not sure if Royals will ever do something nearly on that level.

    The Paladin community won't be affected much if:
    • Paladins get a return of DEF Crash (which is a valuable skill for Warrior, which I'm surprised nobody is acknowledging)
    • The class gets additional changes as part of the Skill Change rework
    • Paladin's Total Crash has a better breakthrough rate than Hero/Drk
    One of the sad things talking to Paladin mains in the past, especially Haplopelma, was not feeling the need to gear as hard as a Paladin due to them losing damage on 199k Damage cap. This is a very demotivating limitation on the class. It feels bad to use high attack potions. I'm just not sure Staff will address this.

    My thoughts are that Heroes should actually have a "Combo Attack" that works. Currently, you can't do much with Coma, Panic, Shout, and Enrage. I did make suggestions in the Skill Change thread to improve Hero but it's hard to make sound changes. The idea is to make Hero a AoE specialist. Unfortunately, I don't know if we could borrow skills from KoC to make Heroes better without disrupting the nostalgia. Aran is what Heroes strive to be and was Nexon's idea of a "Hero 2.0" back then in my opinion.

    Having (a weaker) Total Crash will make them desirable in certain bosses but they won't eclipse Paladins.

    Icato likes this.
  2. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Uncapping the damage cap is something i’m very supportive of, multiple feedback threads has been made, unfortunately till date its not implemented.

    But that aside, i genuinely do not think killing the uniqueness of paladins & enabling crash to other classes is a good idea.

    Ok, give them a lower breakthrough rate? How much? 30%? Heck 50% Wouldn’t change shit too, players will just bring their crash mule into horntail anyways.

    Heroes? Nah. Shadower is better.
    But hey this isn’t a hero’s DPS feedback thread so lets not go there.
  3. RonJJ

    RonJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    I am not for it, all warriors need a buff and not by stealing eachothers identities.
    paladin is a mule because he is weak compared to other attackers its that simple.
    heroes and drks are not "meta" because of the exact same reason, not enough dps.
    a class does not need to have a utility buff in order to be good, if you do that you will just make these classes into mules too, shads and nls do not provide any utility(for the most part) and they are the best most desired classes in the game(mostly because they are the strongest!)
    warriors need a general buff in order to keep up with the elite classes
    if you look from above, at the bigger picture, it is very easy to see that all the classes are far from balanced when compared to eachother and since everyone wants to be relevent while playing an online video game, it is not a surprise that you see way less warrior mains when you compare it to the amount thiefs.
    I have a warrior 200 and a nl 200, id love to play and main my drk again, i have a deep love to that character(since it was my first attacker) but why would i do that when I can play NL and do much more DPS, save myself and my friends time when we run bosses and also save myself time when creating and joining a party, it is much easier when your class is desired.
    Bottom line, my opinion is, keep the warriors identities as they are, but buff them, make them desired, make it that its not obvious to take a shad over a warrior while recruiting for a run.
    For example, if paladins are buffed correctly, the ultimate result would be for players to prefer having a paladin main in their runs instead of bringing their attacker + mule, because as of right now it is way more beneficial(time wise) to just use one of the elite classes and use paladin as a mule.
    also buccaneers are pretty good in the meta at the moment which means that if warriors get buffed generously, we could see a much needed meta shake, where runs with only buccaneers and warriors as main attackers is almost as good if not as good as running with shads or nls.
    Sylafia, procrastinya and GleamKnight like this.
  4. procrastinya

    procrastinya Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2023
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    I think add a new-type end game boss is a different way to buff warriors. (maybe no need to adjust skills)
    >>>more unstable platform (e.g.HT left-bottom small platform)
    >>>more multi strong target stage(e.g. cwk bottom 3 bosses)
    >>>more high dmg mob(>30dmg)(resist with 4th job skill: Achilles)
    (**but shads are good at these things, too :c)

    Warrior is stronger in multi target situation(scarga/bottom cwk bosses/ht/LHC...),
    but 2 end-game bosses are single target now (vl/auf).
    (**but shads are good at both -->single target/multi target. :c)
    Sylafia likes this.
  5. Zenoooo

    Zenoooo Donator

    Apr 2, 2015
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    Jan 2015
    Oct 2017
    I am a returning player from year 2017 (only merching in 2018 and/or 2019). In just a few days I decided to make a CR mule.
    The intention was to buff pallies. Yes pallies are buffed, but now heroes are trash (no party skill, dps worse than dk and pal against single or duo target). Also people just make CR mules.
  6. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I disagree with the notion of "stealing each other identities". Total Crash doesn't define the Paladin class. It's a just a party buff. BM and MM have different identifies while providing SE, a party buff. You can give the Warrior classes their needed buffs while expanding Total Crash to Hero/Drk. If you check my later comments in the threads, I mentioned:
    • Paladins get a return of DEF Crash (which is a valuable skill for Warrior, which I'm surprised nobody is acknowledging)
    • The class gets additional changes as part of the Skill Change rework
    • Paladin's Total Crash has a better breakthrough rate than Hero/Drk
    This will make Warriors in general more loved while not affecting Paladin that much.

    I'm aware that a number of people have defaulted to using Paladin as a mule. We still have genuine Paladin mains coming through but it's very obvious that players are just making Cr mules. My suggestion won't stop people from making/using Cr mules but people will be more likely to take an available Hero/Drk if they can't find a Paladin main.

    And I do agree with buffing Paladins (and other Warrs) as you can see here.

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