i got 4 igns that im happy with soo far : 1) Gijew (Gi Joe pun) ._. 2) Senor 3) Hesus 4) Honeybobo (i know the tv show is called "Honey Boo Boo")
Kind of new here :s But I got the IGNs: Iniquitous - Periodic - Actinium - Lanthanum - Insolence - Tact - Magnanimity - Definition -Comprehend - Kelley - Aquifer ^-^
I've been here about a week. Somehow, I managed to grab the name Complaint. And, boy oh boy, have I lived up to it.
I got: Independence (Ironman) - to show that I don't need to party or trade with anyone to level up Repeats (future shad) - to show that my skills will be repititive (dark sight > assassinate > boomerang step) and the cycle repeats Remain (Islander) - im always remaining in maple island Unwanted (perm beginner) - because no one wants me in their pt Shaughn (spearman) - well, cant get Sean so Shaughn will have to do
Someone took iEatEmoKids... which I've been using as my IGN for like the past 10 years in all the games I play. So now I'm iEatTinyKids and iEatFatKids... which is fine, I GUESS.
Tampoff because Tampon was taken. TaeMD 'cause I'm Tae and I'm working on getting an MD after my name. I am not from Maryland lmao.