the "free" market

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Earth, Mar 22, 2020.


A permanent owl of minerva would

  1. improve my gameplay

  2. ruin my gameplay

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  1. Earth

    Earth Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Must be very hard to figure out how an owl works. The description is litteraly on the item.

    Smega's will be for either high value items or stuff going for real cheap. Most items won't have to be smega'd, because of how easy it's made to purchase items.

    Don't think I mentioned forum usage anywhere on this thread.

    Save us 3mil because we only owl once in a lifetime?

    We could go on all night but I'm really getting bored of weak arguments. Could you post something new, you actually put some thought in before typing it out?
  2. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    What exactly about "Owl of Minerva" clue anything shop related, what would make an absolutely new player look at it? What items would they know to search? How would they know if the item is a fair price if it's prescrolled and there are not many examples to go by?

    Smega's are used for advertising existing shops, high items, or mas selling. All things owl of minerva will not mitigate. Your smega point is wrong, concede it.

    You were complaining players had to do research via Forums/google, making owls free will not make these go away or keep people from wanting to make them. Another dead point.

    Considering you requested to close the post literally 3-4 posts ago, I doubt you could last an afternoon.
  3. Earth

    Earth Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    That's one way to Tryhardt the thread.

    You're really just repeating.
  4. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    If you had merit to any of your arguments you wouldn't be essentially spamming your own thread. I'm sorry your perception is wrong and your suggestion was poorly received, but that's why it's a suggestion and not a command.
  5. Earth

    Earth Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Bro, if you deny that permanent owls would solve many problems, then there is really no way for me, or any other human being on this planet to explain this to you.

    You are just digging for any sort of argument, whether it makes sense or not, to disagree with me.

    I said I could go on, but I won't. Good night.
  6. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Okay, I really didn't want to demonstrate how dumb you are but here we go:

    Your original post has 3 points and 3 examples to stress each point. The format of it makes it look like you have 6 points when you actually only have 3. These are called subpoints, they emphasize your 3 main points. When you go to college they will stress this information to you in order to easily write essays.

    Your 3 main points are as follows:

    - Difficult to price check items
    - Too expensive for new players
    - FM spots create unfair competition, or unnecessary competition, whichever.

    I have stated for your first point that, the information already exists out there for that. How do you think the person price checked the items? He bought the owls. People will continue to have those type of spreadsheets because clicking owls for 25+ items you just gached is tedious vs CTRL Fing a spreadsheet. Free option doesn't necessarily mean less effort, especially for scrolled items which is dependent on the existence of them in FM. The game has been out for almost 10 years now, that information is available, makes your entire first point moot. Even if we entertained your idea, it wouldn't make any changes into regards with effort.

    Point 2, cost, which is a moot point because the cost of an owl should be negligible if you're at a stage in the game where you would have to use it to find a specific piece of gear. Scrolled dex overall? Better have at least 200m to throw up. Trying to scroll your own weapon? New players will hunt themselves or buy from scroll shops. Honestly I can almost guarantee you no player is going to be concerned about money until they hit coolies since teeth are exchangeable and have a good ratio to money. Most new players will be looking at guides anyway because they probably don't remember the most optimal training spots or SP set ups. Those guides will give the money options. I don't know where you're getting this perception where some new out of the blue player is going to drop white scrolls randomly because he thinks its worthless. Someone that out of touch wouldn't know what an owl of minerva is, let alone think about PCing it.

    This one is just as dumb because if you look beyond Fm1 people have shops set up in Fm7 chan 7 or quirky places like that. Because owl is so available at an in game currency model, it makes it so spots are that important. It's good for advertising and people looking for HT/Zak/end game equipment, but that's about it. I browse when I'm bored, I naturally start at 1 and work up, but if I really need something I just owl it. The biggest complaint about shops is the meso limit and the 24 item limit tbh, not that you need it in an optimal spot.

    I've already explained your last 3 points which are poor examples but I'll repeat again:

    -Low dex overall is going ot be specific to only the bathrobe, no one is going to be selling any other variety and if it is it's not worth it & not worth the owl to begin with. Again, comes with experience, why would a player who knows all the options he has to them, suddenly just go dumb and look for less optimal equipment to save a meso? He would know that anything below 15 dex is not worth since you can make it yourself for less than a million. The player is knowledgeable or they're not, if they aren't they won't even know what accuracy is, low stat builds or anything like that. They will use the damn NPC sold equipment.

    - You aren't going to owl anything less than 3m unless its an attack potion, power elixer, or a specific scroll which at less than 3m you're probably buy 7+ of them to scroll something. Owl of minerva being free wouldn't even fix that problem since more times than not stores will have <3 of that scroll in a single store. Use minerva once and write it all down on a random channel so you can CC through.

    - Waste owl, I dont think I confronted this because it's a legitimate point but that's why people owl once a day. If it's dry after 2-3 then you smega for it or post a forum post. I don't think thats enough merit to make it free and your other points aren't strong enough to hold water.
  7. Earth

    Earth Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    but I r8 8/8 for the gr8 effort m8.

    They should've elected you instead of Trump, you seem to be good at building walls.

    The explanation is there, owls bring us closer to an auction house system, and with that many advantages come along. I'm sorry its difficult for you to comprehend.
    David2016 likes this.
  8. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    neither of you are that smart relax lmao
  9. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    Seriously guys?

    Closing because OP's point as made.
    Tect, Sen, Earth and 3 others like this.
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