After giving it a 2nd tought i have to say the following: 1st.-You may like it or not, 1/1 is a meta change, caused by a bug YES, but if you let a bug work like that for years it becomes part of the meta, it doesnt matter if its intended or not, or if its right or not, it is what it is. Lets call it for its name, this bug was part of the meta bishop gameplay. This means it should reverted? No, not at all, Ruins Bishops? also not, just mentioned it bcs the discussion of "is not a meta change" created some sort of negativity in this thread. Yes fixing that bug changed the meta, bishop guides have to be rewrited after this. 2nd.- Since main change is related to HT, ill focus on that, now that youre not able to be sed you feel like an hs mule? Well,give your bish some love, equip it, learn to do your support job better, several times ive seen bishops not being a good support just bcs theyre selected as sed target, when bishops should: 1.-Heal the sed target(if theres an active SED, then its really nice when bish haves the sed timing) 1.1.-As a drk i love when bishop know how to position to heal sed but not me. 2.-Hs the pt when any part is about to die 3.-Ress if any ocasional death happens 4.-Keep the pt "shielded" as much as you can. 5.-Dispel the buffs so the drk/hero in the pt(if theres 1) dont lose dps crashing. 6.-Clear the mobs highly recomended that you should be able to do this by yourself(by anticipating summons+learn how to follow them quickly if gene+bahamut isnt enough) One of my last runs was with a friend who is a HYPER OP bishop...boy that run was SMOOTH, he didnt only did this, he also gened the whole run and the dps was insane. Bishops also can do a decent amount of dmg at the start of the run. Another experience i haved with a really experienced bishop was, this guy positioned perfectly to heal the whole pt but me all the time, but when i got hitted, he came close to me and healed the exact amount to avoid my death but keeping me in zerk range..i was amused. Personally if i go HT with a bish main, and pt gets less than 5 shields(when in a whole hour youre able to cast 20-30) in the whole run, misses HS when body parts are about to die(or is needed to ask for HS several times), let sed die or doesnt care much about it, and on top of that ask for help to clear mobs, i personally feel that he/she came to steal exp/splits(this doesnt apply for the ones that bring bish as a mule, or bring another atacker/utility, dont hate me friends) Dont like to be an HS mule? Stop acting like one.......
I dont know I feel like 1/1 should 1/1 any class no matter the buff they have (achiless, mesos guard, magic guard, etc). Get rid of sed mules altogether tbh. This would make warriors with a shield have 15% of living a 1/1 and for shads 30% to dodge it. Seems better than having a shadower afk for 2 hours and be unkillable. This will also give a proper role for bishops, keeping the sed alive is about communication and teamwork, if we do not want that in the game I think it is sad.
i disagree with some of your points but evryone has different point of view and play style 1.there is no need for heal with this generation of sed cr/shad afk mules (and there is plenty of them now) 1.1 no need heal when everyone has auto pot and sed mule is doing fine 2.HS for most of it not needed aswell when evryone in party is 200 and very common this days as royals age (still not issue to go spam HS incase someone need it when part is about to get killed) 3,4 and 5 yea sure fair enough 6. clearing mobs is nice aswell but for most of it is better to let the mobs corner bully mules although sed bishop was great challenge and great help to get in to runs without mule there is still plenty of smegas that look bishop for support role as i seen so is finee i still hope we get rid of multiclient bossmuleing & farming and bugs like HP wash firstly thats far more broken then all this that barely changes anything (especially expecting this from pinkbean when it comes to bring that team play,minimum 12+ players,class variety, equally important roles and without mules)
If you care about how the game was meant to be played, just get rid of sed mules. That would make melee classes desirable and needed, and same will happen with bish as a supportive role since healing the sed will be required.
Did you die when infinity buff was active? I see it's on cd. There are repeated cases like this when you have the infinity buff. Can you record future runs? It would help a lot with analysis.
That cd looks longer than 2 minutes and more in line with the rest of his buffs (mg, invincible, se, hb which all look ~3-3.5 minutes in) so I would think it's unlikely. A few possibilities based on the screenshots: - 1/1 -> rock/pillar/mob + autopot hit at same time - some glitch exists where auto-mp doesn't function properly after infinity runs out - auto mp appears to proc before auto hp during 1/1, so it's possible that there is either a delay long enough to die from rock/pillar/mob or auto-hp is confused because auto-mp didn't proc Agree that video evidence would be useful. If it's possible, I would suggest making auto-hp proc before auto-mp. The slight delay in timelag is presumably to balance against double-potting during 1/1 but mp before hp seems to unnecessarily increase the risk of dying.
Same happened to me.. had gingers 80% on both mp and hp. I was standing still, didn't jump on anything, FULL MP AND MG ON! Spoiler: rip nof
Guess which key used to be my infinity key ? Plz fix pet pot while buffing bug next And 1/1 and mp drain does not trigger auto mp pouch for some reason dont know is intended or not ?
That's also what I saw when my guildie tested 1/1 from Griffey with infinity on. Logically, 1/1 should only drain 20% of the total HP if they have infinite mp but it goes down to 1. Maybe there's something new or unknown in the formula.
Heads up, a friend of mine, with no infinity claimed that he also got hp drined but mp untouched..i asked him to record his next zak and HT...and i reply
Never forget... Spoiler Players: Why did you remove Snipe's ability to hit through weapon cancel? It was in OG Maplestory from the beginning and well into BB. It was a visual bug that caused it to show only 1 damage. Staff: I think the most baffling thing are the people or "elite" players who think the return of the mana drain part of the 1/1 maintains some sort of "challenging aspect" of the game. Your mana was reduced to 1... Wow.. so challenging... The fact that even one of the Devs came out to say that the 1/1 change makes for "interesting gameplay" says enough. Let's be honest here, there's no challenge or interesting gameplay being brought to the table due to 1/1 being fixed. This is to 100% kill Sed Bishops in Horntail. That's what motivated the fix. I'm one of the players that dislikes the 1/1 fix. Was there that many Sed Bishops to warrant the change? I don't know and honestly I don't really care for Sed Bishops since I've ran into so few of them. I've seen more smegas and general recruiting for "Atkers pref w/ Mules/Cr/Sed(shad)" than I did of Sed bishops. Even running as a Flame Sword Paladin(no SI needed) with no mules wasn't enticing for recruiters. What matters to me is that the 1/1 'fix' is making Dojo absolutely terrible to complete. There's already a general frustration and disgust in doing Dojo for Belts and now doing Manon/Griffey and especially Papulatus is incredibly bothersome. Runs have become longer to complete and feels like an empty achievement getting through just one of the nine runs (+15 points) needed to finish the daily points. In my opinion, there should have been a change to Seduce. We know there's two different Seduces: Active Seduce (single person) and Map Seduce. Active Seduce should be given the function to remove Magic Guard while Map Seduce remains unchanged. So if a Mage enters Horntail room first and becomes the Active Seduce target, if they're under Active seduce, their Magic Guard will be removed. Map Seduce would not remove Magic Guard. This would disincentivize Sed Bishops while not affecting any classes, leading parties to go with the "Tank first" intended gameplay.
Another thing I'd like to add, if the Staff is always so adamant about "bug fixes". Where's the "bug fix" for the Dojo Boards that's supposed to be in Victoria Island towns? @Joong
I was the one who mentioned this change, so I'd like to say that it's not like I was "adamant" about bug fixes. It was something I had noticed for a long time and felt it could be fixed in the new update. Having 1/1 take mp away finally gives it the function that it was named for, since it was like that in old source and the original. People have had it so easy with those skills only cutting HP down for the longest time, and I know it can be a weird change to get used to for those who haven't experienced it before, or at least in such a long time. On sparky's note about infinity changing the 1/1 function, I'm not sure if that would be a change we could do, but if it were put up in its own feedback thread, i'd be glad to bring it up for discussion. I'll let this comment sit for a bit before I lock the thread up, as to give people a chance for any final responses.
Updating 1/1 with mana drain was a mistake for dojo. These attacks were already borderline unfair when they only affected HP, but now they are practically no different from instant-death attacks. How are you supposed to beat Papulatus when he only spawns bombs twice but uses 1/1 on you more than a dozen times?