Everyone calls your character Kao during the Ellin Forest questline but for some reason Loha calls you "traveller". This should be changed to Kao because that would make more sense.
This isn't really a typo, but I figured it kind of falls under the umbrella of this thread's topic. In the Quest menu, it says I have 0/100 Slygie killed, but Petrifighter is 100/100. This is incorrect. The Quest Helper UI is correct. I have killed Slygie but no Petrifighter, so basically the kill counts got reversed in the Quest menu.
i think there's a typo error in Alchemist skill description image. It should be: Duration of Effect 150% https://i./dDxWpPZ/alch.png . please fix.
While most of the time you would not see this anyways, the Shroom Card is named "Spore Card" within the game, when it should be Shroom Card. (Probably direct translation from KMS instead of using official english translation)
If Wonky the Fairy rejects entrance to OPQ due to one of the party members not meeting requirements, he says there needs to be a party of 5 - 6 of level 50 and above. Should be level 51 and above.
It says see Yellow Mesoranger at Safety Zone, but the ranger is in Off Limits. And just linking this one to this thread as well. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/conflicting-info-in-dialogue-quest-log.226902/
The following cash shop weapons are missing the part of the description that says which weapon types they can be equipped on: "Cute Cat Knitting Ball" "Cute Bunny Knitting Ball" "Friendly Bear Weapon" "Eternal Rose Weapon" "Hop-Hop-Hop Bunny Weapon" "Space Celebrity Skateboard"