hey guys when i try to log in the game i enter my password, select CH, enter pin and the my game logs out giving me 'unable to connect to game server' notice. ive tried re downloading the game, disabled my windows security yet i still cant log in the game (no other ani-virus in use) what can i do? ty
hi, ive noticed that the error happens only when im using my house wifi. when using hotspot i dont get the message. any idea why?
I Have the same problem and there is no way i got ban on my wifi ip. i havent play for few month and now i can get in like him. before when i played everything was perfect. i have never did nothing to get ban for.
It's possible if your ISP assigned you a banned IP address You need to verify if its account or network ban
hey its been a while. ive been playing using my hotspot so far. i dont think my ip has been banned or anything like that, out internet provider is pretty new (ive played royals with it before). is there anything i could do to fix this problem? my hotspot is unstable.
If you are using hotnet, you may be one of the affected players https://royals.ms/forum/threads/am-i-banned.145966/#post-862797