Discussion in 'Selling' started by rexlim7, Sep 6, 2015.
updated C/O
do you have a time when the bid will be over?
I won't sell this lower than 1.1b
o ok, i withdraw then
6att fs 800m
Noted updated
want them now, 1,4b!
Updated CO
1.5 FS
Noted, Selling in another hour
lol should i stay up then, really want deez
a/w. Please wait, ill be online in 5hrs, ok? dont put it into store
Auction end for 6ATT FS : cellica123 a/w 1.6b
1.65 lol
thanks <3
NEWLY ADDED 5 att fs 0 slot C/O: A/W : 1.3b
250m for bot
Withdraw offer. Got 1 similar at 365m
Separate names with a comma.