Useless Guide to Discord

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Creative, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Creative

    Creative Donator

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Welcome to what most people will say is a useless guide to Discord. For others, it'll be helpful if they're new and not sure what Discord even is.
    You can skip the guide if you'd like.Here's the invite link.

    Table of Contents
    1. What is Discord?
    2. Multiple Locations?
    3. Sign me up! How do I join?
    4. Where can I download the program for my computer/phone?
    5. What are the roles in the chat and can I get one?
    6. Police(Bot) commands
    7. Commands in Discord
    8. Important Discord Links
    9. Can I make my own server?
    10. Settings in Discord

    1. What is Discord?
    It's a all-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that’s free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone. The servers you make are free and can be made in multiple locations around the world, and has better security than Skype. If you're using the program on your phone, it won't run your battery down like Skype does. The program has all the good things from Skype, Teamspeak, IRC, and Curse Voice into 1 program.

    2. Multiple Locations?
    When making a server or being in a server, you're able to change the location of where the server is. This will change your connection speed(not by much sometimes) to the server whenever you talk in voice chat or type in the text chat. Here's the current locations you can choose from.
    -Amsterdam, Netherlands
    -Frankfurt, Germany
    -London, England
    -Sydney, Australia
    -US West, East, South, and Central

    3. Sign me up! How do I join?
    Joining a server is easy and doesn't actually take that much time at all. Have someone send you the invite link and you should be able to join. However, if you're new and not sure what to do, here's a small helpful way to get you there.

    1. If you haven't made an account yet and you're joining a server, something like this will show up. Just put in the name you want and continue on.
    1.1. When you have an account, a page will come up where you can accept the invite and you can join the server.
    2. When in the server, if you haven't already I suggest you make an account. This way, you can login and join more servers with other friends.
    2.1. You should be good to go now

    4. Where can I download the program for my computer/phone?
    You can download Discord for your computer on their website as its available for MAC OSX, Windows, and soon to be Linux. The same link has downloads for iOS and Android. If you don't want to download the program, you can always use their web client.

    As of sometime in the middle of January, they've added a PTB(Public Test Build) where any user can download Discord but it'll have new things that the staff at Discord are working on. If you're inserted in helping out, at the bottom of the download page you'll see something that says "Get the public test build". It'll switch the page to downloads for it.

    5. What are the roles in the chat and can I have it?
    Most likely, you won't get a role in the server unless you become a part of the staff(good luck). Here's what they are.

    *Staff - Aaron, Aly, Cyndy, Fergus, Jeen, John, Manny, Sila, Stan, Tim,
    *Discord Mods - Yappy and Succubus
    *Bot - Police

    6. Police(Bot) commands
    Maple Emotes
    !f2 - !f7

    Quick Links
    !charissue - Quick link to Character Issues to the Forums
    !rates - Server's Rates
    !guide - Directory to important Guides to the Forums
    !status - A site to check if the server's/site & forum is down or not

    Search Commands:
    !youtube - Search Youtube videos
    !pokemon - Search up your Favorite Pokemon
    !imgur - Search for the dankest memes images on Imgur
    !manga - Search about your favorite manga!
    !anime - Search about your favorite anime!

    7. Commands in Discord
    /gamerscape - FF XIV wiki search
    /giphy - Searches for animated gifs on the internet(EX: /giphy feelsbadman)
    /me - Displays text w/ emphasis
    /tableflip - Flips a table with the emoji (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
    /unfliptable - Un-flips the table with the emoji ┬─┬ノ(º_ºノ)
    /xivdb - FF XIV wiki search
    /nick <name> - Can be used once you get an account and are activated in the Server chat
    /shrug - Shows the shrug emoji ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    8. Important Discord Links
    Server Status of Discord
    Discord Feedback
    Twitter | Facebook | Subreddit
    Discord's Blog
    3rd Party Discord Bots
    MapleRoyals' Chat Rules

    Original thread from Cyndy

    9. Can I make my own server?
    You can make your own server by clicking the circled plus sign where the channels are. Just make sure you don't do anything against the rules of the server.

    10. Settings in Discord
    There's a ton of settings in the program that you might want to change when first joining or making an account. I'll go through them.

    Connections - You can add/remove your Twitch or YouTube account. This will enable you to join a streamer's group that you might be subscribed to.
    Friends - I suggest turning off the part where people can add you with the email you use.
    Text & Images - I have it with the first 3 things listed unchecked, the 4th option checked, and the last one unchecked. Gives a cleaner look.
    Voice - Make sure your input and output device is the mic you're using. Leave the volume the same and either have voice activity or push to talk enabled. Keep advanced how it is.
    Notifications - Everything off as well as text-to-speech to never.
    Appearance - I personally like the compact display with a dark theme. Your preference though, it's much easier on the eyes.
    Games - This only works with the desktop application. I usually have it enabled or disabled. Had it say I was playing Hello Kitty Online.
    Overlay - This is for in-game to see who you're talking to. I have it disabled.
    Locale - I have it on English because I'm English.
    Streamer Mode - I have this enabled, but its self explanatory if your stream.
    Security - Highly suggest this if you have Authy(phone app). This will make sure it's you and n one hacks your account. This will also work well on the forums since it has it as well.

    6/30/16 - Thread was made
    7/1/16 - Added Sila to Staff role and added a link to the original thread from Cyndy
    7/2/16 - Added John to Staff role, 'Settings in Discord', and bot commands
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  2. WinryGaara

    WinryGaara Donator

    Apr 10, 2014
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    10/10 would rate as usefull
  3. Sila

    Sila Donator

    Jun 4, 2014
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    It may be useless to some people but not to me! I have barely any clue how to use discord, so I appreciate this (plus I didnt even know we had a discord group. Joined!)
    Thanks! :D
    Creative likes this.
  4. WinryGaara

    WinryGaara Donator

    Apr 10, 2014
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    So even one of our GM's doesn't know about our discord group, seems they want to keep things secret from you
    Succubus likes this.
  5. Sila

    Sila Donator

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Huh? Lol I've never used discord until the past month or so. Has nothing to do with hiding anything :p
    Succubus likes this.

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