Well, time to necro this once again with our speedrun Total time: 14 mins 16 seconds Eligibility Criteria: Speedrunners Inductees: Spoiler: . @Barte - Jyppeet @autismax - tompson @Elie - Tahoon @Olli - Ollicious @tazan - tazan @special呆 - richdai @Donn1e - Donn9e @p2theredator - BeanNL @Nerd - Obfuscate @Takikun - Takikun @cremcrem - clemonade @GreedyTW - GreedyBishop @CodGhost - Tupac1994 @Eywh - Guardsman @onetwotree - onetwotree @TunaBelly - SaltyTuna @frozenrain - Sieun @Kloss - Klos @PinaColadaPirate - VolleyFire @yann - Yanzi @Dong - Taegyuk @Paige - Basalt @CreamGoddess - CreamGoddess @Ras - Ricemus @nut - Cuboid @Zkittlez - StarReaper @MengQian - MengQian @Snuf - SnufTheDit @ZJZJ - Ywei @caselead - Sherbino Acknowledgment: We did a 30 man speedrun to celebrate our 1 year anniversary as a group, it ended up being a 29 man due to an early DC tho. Can read more about it here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/latest-accomplishment-thread.2508/page-469#post-1377270
Eligibility Criteria: Ranged-only run, with an asterisk. We had three buccs, but they were relegated to only using ranged attacks, i.e. snatch, dragon strike, and demolition. Barrage, corkscrew, etc. were not allowed. Inductees: guavastyle internship softcraft awex ldmsindit exhaled kurosu 2ndamendment cupa slinks nuken creamgoddess thisguybuccs crembrulee bucnaf benjadd mewn nonoobcleric provocateur Acknowledgements: This was a really fun run. Despite having people who don't know left from right, the run went surprisingly smoothly. Even mob clear felt not too bad - throughout the entire run, only one golem got eaten. Maybe in the future we'll try a strictly ranged-only run. Videos: Spoiler: Bucc pov
Eligibility Criteria (satire): First ever Von Leon to start on time. Inductees: JustJae Lindgren LeeMing NastyWing Airwork Komacha XuanYu Yuizaki WiseOne Beppu Celptomania Certem Reynor Barms Giffaneer Thuna Acknowledgements: Holy shit our run was 12:00 servertime and 16/16 was inside by 12:00 Proof: Sorry I don't have a SS of this record breaking achievement, you just had to be there bro
Napoleon, Genghis Kahn, Eisenhower, and Alexander the Great would all be in slack-jawed awe of your superhuman ability to coordinate people.
Since I haven't posted it here yet I'll just copy the text: Also thank you @cremcrem for taking over! Eligibility Criteria: Deathless run Inductees: Spoiler: members Donn6e - @Donn1e SneakyBe2r - @TofuMasterD PinaColadas - @PinaColadaPirate crembrulee - @cremcrem daioujou - @autismax Ricemus - @Ras Kmew - @Paige Ywei - @ZJZJ SaltyTuna - @TunaBelly StarReaper - @Zkittlez Acknowledgment (optional): We have finally achieved the elusive deathless Von Leon run. Spoiler: bucc pov Shoutout to @Barte and @nut who are usualy on these runs but missed this specific week. Also shoutout to the chiken @MengQian for making this 8 months longer than it should've been (TWICE!? ) And of course to @TunaBelly for catching a laser at 5% left and giving me a heart attack. It was casually achieved on one of our regular weekly 10-mans weirdly enough, and not on the runs where we were actively pushing this record previously I gave up on this goal many months ago after realized that no matter how carefully you play, someone is guaranteed to get unlucky or lose focus at a critical moment and die. It was the better approach to just keep running normally and let it happen naturally one day. I'm very happy with this achievement regardless!
Thanks! I've added this run to the hall of fame. I've also updated the post with new banners, courtesy of @bibz
Eligibility Criteria: Provide a reason why your run should be inducted into the Von Leon Hall of Fame. We've had deathless petless runs on DKs, but what about a run for the truly unprepared VLer who forgets everything, including potions? Beat VL with 0 deaths and 0 potions used Inductees: Include the IGN of your squad members (and forum id if available). Include the squad leader/organizer as well! Sylafia (one running the challenge) Full group I ran with: iClapCheeks konkussive anglerfish3 hotnbothered ywei darkfogblade Tteokkaebi immer kurosu h4xdefender shinjitai holymoo Lord4th pvtexusiai crags xxketxx sylafia jawshh Organized by @final1094 , thanks for hosting! Acknowledgment (optional): Finally, you can wrap up with the people you want to acknowledge, or something you want to say This challenge is pretty much only possible on heavily washed bishops, as any other class you're going to quickly run out of MP and have to heavily rely on the bishop to heal you for everything. Or just hide in the corner I guess, but that goes against the spirit of the challenge. I realized it was theoretically possible as long as I avoided 1/1s and really wanted to run for the meme, however I'd never run this in a 12 man due to the large chance of me throwing hard. This was an unusual week where I didn't run bish in only 12 mans, so it gave me an opportunity to attempt it! I'm honestly surprised that I managed this first try, with only getting 1/1'd twice - once during ress at the start from a bird, and once near the end by a laser. On a side note, this was actually such a smooth run, especially for 18 man. Very little healing, reasonable amount of deaths, and much faster than most runs I've been on recently. Screenshots and/or video if available! Twitch stream Note: twitch only saves Vods for 14 days, so watch it fast and backup the vod if you want to keep it.
Adding the all mage run in here (as well as the 8-man that I forgot adding), all the details should be here: All mage run: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/latest-accomplishment-thread.2508/page-484#post-1450232 8-man: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/latest-accomplishment-thread.2508/page-473#post-1400370