Name: Tom Age: 22 In-game Name: Northeast Country (Timezone): USA, East Coast Describe yourself briefly: Student (under-grad). I started playing GMS with my friends when I was in 6th grade. Took it into high school and then dropped it. Picked it back up every so often for a few months at a time. None of my old friends played and a lot of the guild mates I used to play with were inactive, or played like I did (every few months). Decided to try MapleRoyals because it was nostalgic. Here I was part of a guild with a pretty social community, but then I went inactive and after coming back I saw that they kicked me. I stopped playing Royals in Nov. 2014 and decided to start it up again. This is a little about me. Hope it makes it through What do you like about Home?: Reading about it, seems like a tight knit community. Looking to get involved in an in-game group. How often do you play Royals?: I leave the account logged in all day. I go active approx. 1-2 hours to grind, and pop on at other random times. What is your intention behind playing?:Missed the old MapleStory. Look forward to making new experiences. Do you have Skype? [optional]on't use Skype.
Never thought I'd have to apply to go Home... Name: Matt Age: 19 In-game Name: MattOnRum Country (Timezone): US East Coast (EST) Describe yourself briefly: I'm currently a rising sophomore in college, but I have tons of time during the summer to do whatever. I'm currently taking one summer class, but it doesn't require very much time. I joined Royals fairly recently. What do you like about Home?: The ducks on the intro post were just too irresistible. Also I love how close the guild seems and how well members know each other--the personal descriptions of each junior were amazing. How often do you play Royals?: About full time. What is your intention behind playing?: I joined Royals for the nostalgia and got sucked in by the great community. I've noticed that most of the folks on here are friendly, chill people. Unlike GMS, there is no pressure to have the highest damage range or the most money. Do you have Skype?: Yes.
Welcome Home boys! I'll be looking forward to see you guys in game! Contact one of the juniors to be added in the guild!
Readers, I am quite serious about recruiting SEANS into Home Please contact me if you want to join! Also, anyone with not the name Sean is also welcomed
Name: Matt Age:19 In-game Name: Pyromancy Country (Timezone): Canada, GMT-5:00 Describe yourself briefly: I'd like to say I'm a very humourous person. I'm definitely a huge socialite. More so than any other aspect in this game. I'm honestly just looking for a close group of friends that I can enjoy this game with as it gets boring really fast playing alone. I'm extremely friendly, I love all things video games, and I've been on and off Maplestory for roughly 6 years now. What do you like about Home?: The main thing that I like about "Home" is that it's essentially a home. This is exactly what I've been looking for in a guild. Reading all of your introductions makes me really want to meet all of you as you all seem like really fun people. How often do you play Royals?: If I'm in a guild that I enjoy because all I do is socialize, then I'm on almost every day. Minimum maybe 3 hours a day. I know, it's a problem, haha. What is your intention behind playing?: As previously stated, I've come to the conclusion that Maplestory is a social game. For me, it's not about the big numbers of damage that I potentially deal, it's about the people I meet along the way. My goals are to befriend as many people as I can and have a close-knit group of people that are like a second home to me. This even includes joining in Skype calls and such to socialize even more. I definitely enjoy being around people that I'm close with as it's my favourite thing to do. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yes, I do! (By the way, I just have to say that I love the way you outlined your application format. I almost always change them to bolded question, unbolded answer. It just looks so much nicer that way. So you guys did all the work for me, haha. You're the first guild I've seen to do that c: )
Name: Dean Age: 20 In-game Name: Deathwater (Really not sure if I will stick to this character though.) Country (Timezone): Bulgaria (GMT +3) Describe yourself briefly: I graduated a french high school and will begin my second year of university this September, studying International Business (whole course is taught in English yay). I love photography and would be more than happy if one day my work revolves around it. I love watching and playing football (Man Utd <3), as well as table tennis. Tv series: (GoT, Flash, Arrow, Gotham, Suits, Hannibal etc) /Animes: Naruto, Mirai Nikki, Death note, Deadman Wonderland, Shingeki No Kyojin, Elfen Lied...) /Books: ASOIAF, Hannibal and Sherlock, Dan Brown, a lot of business and economy related ones/ a bit of League/ occupy my free time. What do you like about Home?: I randomly stumbled upon this thread while looking for my new Home and really felt this would be it. When I was younger I mostly cared about levels/equips/looking good in NX but nowadays all I wish to have is a close group of friends to spend my leisure time with. I have a strong feeling that my wish will turn into a reality here. How often do you play Royals?: Note that I just came back to playing yesterday from a 1 year~ break from the server (accomplished obtaining some fat stacks then quit ) Since I don't really have any obligations during this summer other than learning Photoshop and a programming language coupled with staying fit, Maple will take a large portion of my daily activities if everything goes well. What is your intention behind playing?: Reliving the past while creating an unforgettable future Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yup!
Name: Joshie Age: 72 In-game Name: HSHorse Country (Timezone): Skootea's Booty (GMT +9) Describe yourself briefly: When I enter Zakum's Altar, Zakum summons itself and commits seppuku as tribute for me. I use White Scrolls as toilet paper. When I use Chaos Scrolls, they become Peaceful Scrolls. Gachapon gaches godly items from me. Monsters refuse to hit me purely out of respect. The admins had to reset my fame count because it broke the rational boundary of numbers. I am, The Most Interesting Man in Royals. I don't always join guilds, but when I do, I prefer Home. What do you like about Home?: I hear there are some cool mammals in it. How often do you play Royals?: Whenever I'm not busy being Gotham's last hope. What is your intention behind playing?: To be the very best, like no one ever was. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yes (monkey) (monkey) (monkey) (monkey)
Welcome Home, Jo.. oh hey la! it's joshiebootysexyleg la! guess what la?! you're not accepted!!! get D.E.N.I.E.D.!#@! (monkey) (monkey) (monkey) (monkey)(monkey) (monkey) (monkey) (monkey)
Name: Ibrahim Age: 19 In-game Name: Pages (there's a pun to it, if you ever see me in-game ) Country (Timezone): Americah, PST. Describe yourself briefly: Mmm, I like to sleep. Sometimes it bites me in the butt, since I don't really keep in contact with people as much as I'd like; or I'll sleep over important gatherings or I don't get to eat...BUT I'M NOT THAT BORING. On the times I'm not busy with volunteering or sleeping or errands, I enjoy drawing or baking. Cupcakes, eclairs, and cheesecakes sit in my repertoire. Much of my drawing is influenced and characterised by the hours of anime I watch/ manga I read. I also enjoy playing the piano, sculpting, and painting -- when the materials are available to me...oh, and I write! I write lots of random essays, poems, or short stories...all of which I like to call bits and bobs of my "future book". One day, one day What do you like about Home?: I get to mess around with Cyn on a daily basis I probably shouldn't leave it at just that. I've noticed that a lot of my friends of the past are now in this guild, and so it would be an opportune moment to reconnect with them, if they remember my name (which, let's be honest, isn't something one remembers like *wakes up after a day camping the FM* "Ahh Ibrahim, I wonder what you're doing right now...", says Cyndy in retrospect.); as well as the Home-y atmosphere that ya'll advertise about. Which, in all honesty -- I'm awfully honest, if that hasn't been apparent yet -- is something I'd like in my life. Being an acquaintance with everybody at school is great, but the lack of interaction outside of school is a bummer. And non-existence...which is why it's a bummer. Um, so the sense of a pseudo-social life in Home would prove to be really great. How often do you play Royals?: Everyday, if not every other day. About several hours a week, possibly less now that school is around the corner! (Which doesn't really play into the favour of being active since ya'll are full...meh) What is your intention behind playing?: I play to socialise, basically. Constantly in search of new friends and people that share a common interest with me. Or a more mature group of people to intellectually converse with, aside from the daily dose of gossip and hormone-driven conversation I get from college haha When I don't play, I usually vote and amass NX for gach. Then gach, stick the booty into my store or storage, and roam Henesys in search of an omok game or people to faff around with. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yaaas.