As stated in the title, what if we could sell NX items like APRs, Gachapon tickets, NX equips and rings in the shops we set up in FM? An advantage would be that we wouldn't have to spam S>APR in FM entrance. No clue how difficult this would be to implement into the game. Would like to hear you guys' thoughts on this!
Would further increase incentives to vote abuse. Hence why theres already a level 50 cap on most of those said items. Only APRs would be considered to sell cause they can stack. An NX ring is on average 4.5k nx lets say, ratio is around 5-6:1, it’s like only 22.5-27m. It woulf make selling old unused items easier, but im sure theres a huge headache to implementing cash shop items into stores.
I'm against the ability to sell tickets, its untradeable for a reason. But anything that is already tradeable should be also possible to sell in FM. I think the reason cs items cannot be sold in fm is more of a technical issue than a delibirate decision. Cause there's a problem with trading nx already, and it might also affect FM selling. (correct me if im wrong tho)
In my opinion, the problem of vote abuse has been managed pretty well by the GMs. Hence I do not see this as a large issue. (I could be super wrong about this) What exactly is the reason you are talking about? How would it affect FM selling? Your response is kinda vague I agree with your point on technical limitations though! Enabling the sale of NX items in free market stores would be changing the game in a significant way (maybe a GM or developer could shed some light on this?) I am strongly in favour of a free and open economy in Royals. I find that the little fluctuation in APR prices (relative to other items) to be a sign that we are unconsciously price fixing. I find that if we are able to have a more open economy, both buyers and sellers would benefit in the long run.
English is not my first language so I'm not the best when it comes to building a coherent sentence What i was getting at is that i support all the things you suggested except the part where you suggested the ability to sell gacha tickets.
Oh yes I totally understand what you mean now! Then yes I agree that gacha tickets should remain un-tradable, ensuring that only people who are above lvl50 have access to them