Ghetto: the ign actually came from nowhere, i just always wanted to try a night lord which is kind of a thief thing. This might sound racist but no i swear.. I dont do that we're all human aaaaaand the name is going incredibly well together with my nx costume. I'm quite sure if there was something like a conceptual pageant i would probably win it.
My IGN comes from Randy. The fat, no shirt wearing, cheeseburger eating, potsmoking guy from the series Trailer Park Boys
Silachan- Sila was taken at the time. When I was in middle school, my friends and I all came up with nicknames for each other. Two of us went with Sailor moon related names (Serena and Lita), and me and one of the others made up our name. Hers was a combination of a pokemon and random sounds, and mine was created from my "author tag" at the time (Silver fox---which came from an obsession with Kurama from Yu Yu Haksuho). Combined 'Silver' with my real name (which you will not find out ) and got 'Silla'. ---> found out that meant 'Chair" in Spanish, so I dropped an L. It's stuck with me ever since- even teachers called me by that, my own boyfriend calls me Sila. The only one who doesnt is my mom and her friends. The -chan is just a japanese suffix that essentially means "little girl", and well, I'm a girl. Whenever 'Sila' is taken or too short, I use 'Silachan'. iason- Greek for healer. Fitting for a priest, aye? Feariess - Was trying to come up with something that sounded fitting for a brawler. Tough, strong, courage, kept looking for something like that. "Courage" was taken, as was a few other options. Came up with "Fearless" but "FearLess" was taken, so "Feariess" it is.
Idk if I've posted here before but A Goofy Movie is the greatest movie ever made and is basically my childhood. SWAG, MASTERRACE, BESTCLASS, NUMBERONEJOB, BETTERTHANYOU, LOLNIGHTLORD, LOLHERO, BOWDOWN
Time to add some [new] IGNs that popped up. MountainGoat: Derived from a joke between me and a friend. Whenever we played League of Legends and one of us were to play a champion that can jump great distances (or move really quickly) and when we actually jumped in that far into a fight, for example, we would say that we "fly in like a mountain goat", which obviously makes no sense, but hey, random. I once said it (by accident) in a League game with some Crown members and now they know, too, which is why I decided to make the character! Lingerei: Kinda obvious, right... The word lingerie with a twisted E and I.
Dawn/Rain/Snow: The climates I always love. Also love that these names are so short and simple. Allure:Recieved a bottle of perfume with this name as a gift. Been using it ever since <3 Elluel: Just because I'm in love with Elluel's BGM.
When I first started playing maplesea like 10 yr ago my first ign was WindDance from a Taiwan racing drama whose garage was call 风动~ Than I meet my first maple bf call maximum and we went to play in the new sever D and I name my main Windmax. There ppl start calling me wind.. So that's how windy came along~
Thought of it from the Latin word "Lotus" - which means "Pure" (like pure of heart) and the Ancient Greek word "Kendo" - which means "Way of the Sword" (or way of the Warrior, if you will)
TheIsland: While there may be many Islanders I am the Island itself, pretty pro for a new islander If i do say so myself DuelMoons: My Fiance Always says "I love you more than 2 moons", so that is where I got that one. (just another average beginner/Hero) Oxycodone: Well it is a mage going to be a cleric so of course I would choose a healing drug. iFondledYou: Well that was a random original name I chose back in GMS and have stuck with it in this Pserver (Level 30 Spearman FTW) iDidYourKid & Kony2012: Well... The names share the same story as iFondledYou However, I use iFondledYou a lot more and these two i kind of just take as place holders in case I want to make a new character. All names are original By me though, and have not been taken by another player among all Servers I have played on. I am sticking to this one though because come on, Who doesn't love the nostalgic feel of old MS. <3
Helps so many people on the forums that a whisper in game saying "thanks for the help with _______" means nothing #plentyproblems
Bisu's the best player to ever grace any esport's scene. Naturally, my name has become bisufan/bisu-fan~ reason why i'm protoss in BW