Wanted to do something about Venom but I thought maybe using another language for Venom. First language I tried was French. Well here it is
Just for your info, Blackout RO was closed in a sudden...And there are players who trying to rebuild this server yet there are many code /script error making the server unplayable at all.
Hargao’s from @Kai ‘s fav dim sum. Harmee (translation: prawn noodles) is um some name I decided to use. Fun fact I’m actually allergic to prawn so ha ha ha jokes on me for naming both my chars after prawn-based dishes.
My pally is named after Knoll from Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones. Rennac (My old forum name), and my RS name, my WoW name, my... literally everything, is also from the same game. Started using it in July 2005 :3
Ign: BuccisShyt How did I get the name? At that time, I couldn't come up with a name so I asked a friend on royals and he suggested BuccisShyt. I used this name because I thought it was jokes and I never thought I was going to make it this far but Buccaneer is pretty fun and enjoyable to play so here I am now 19x.
Well, I like to keep my ign's unique, unpredictable and something that surprises everyone that it's me .. So I went itsKate itisKate and isKate .. Still got confused people asking for my name ...... Even one guy called me "itis" once .....
JDemio - This name came from my Mazda 2 hatchback. "J" initial for Japanese and Demio for the way this hatchback is called in Japan.
PhotonSphere A photon sphere is a region where gravity is so strong that light can travel in circles. In reality, photon spheres exist around black holes. For a non-rotating zero-charge black hole, photon sphere has 1.5x the radius of event horizon. At the photon sphere, a photon could leave the back of your head, go once around the black hole, and be seen by your eye - you can see the back of your head.
PurePoisonJr From my Windia main F/P, PurePoisonXD. Also have a PurePoisonJR in Reboot too. As to why I picked PurePoisonXD, its because back in the days Pizards were very good but underestimated and misunderstood by most as its training style wasn't a mindless skill spam, so I went with that route. Never expected to get to third or fourth job, so I thought using Poison Breath would be my end-game lol. Looking back at it now though, PurePoisonXD was indeed a pretty lame IGN but it has sentimental value to me. Spoiler: My Maplestory Journey https://www.youtube.com/user/MapleWorldXD/videos
VVISORD because all my clever ideas were already taken, and because I wanted my F/P Mage to literally be named what he is. A wizard. Also because I thought it would put a right trick on anyone who interpreted it as being spelled with a "W". I know that the in-game font is kind of squished and letters that are close to each other can sometimes look like one letter (which is how, back when I was like 10 playing GMS, I learned I could say "darnn" to look like I was swearing but w/o actually swearing hehe). It was dumb to me when I made it, and it's dumb to me now, but I just go with it
Being a huge Soul series geek (putting 6,000 hours into Dark Souls 1 ALONE!), I named them some of the bosses names that sounded cool. MoonPresence: Secret last boss in Bloodborne Pursuer: My least favorite boss in my least favorite souls game (Dark Souls 2) TheOneReborn: Bloodborne boss before entering near the end of the game. KingAllant: One of my favorite Demon's Souls bosses And ofc, the best series ever made is Final Fantasy, and after playing all of them, still love xiv <3 Heavensward: 1st DLC in Final Fantasy XIV