I dont think I can help you with your ban appeal if you believe I falsify data taken from the vote logs in the database
im just saying that might be either your mistake or it could be my mistake so did i double vote on april or may or even in january or feb?
i just realized i been voted on the wrong game as my secondary vote. i was voting for maplesaga and mapleroyals. i have the same account info in saga and royals. please forgive me and accept my apology im very sorry please give me one more chance. i just log on maplesaga and realized how come i got no nx there and now i realized i mess up big time. please please please accept me back in royals. i miss my guildies and friends
oh when you ask me for the 5th character its my girlfrined account ign sshortcake she only plays it when she comes to my place. she just realized sge is ban also
even if you exclude your friend's account there's still days you vote on 5 accounts on the same day. and evne if you exclude IGNs Danrage and vaeri that voted on those days you still end up with 4 votes on the same days that come from your characters YeetHaySaiLa, HoGupCi, Adoah and Aznbabygurl
is it panstuthief and 5uckerpunch? thats my friends account he sometime comes to my house and log on my connecction to play on his own laptop
I told you the IGNs already, yours are among them and you vote abused on them regardless of the votes your friends may have done that play on your connection
then that wouldn't be my fault because i have told you sooo many times i did not vote 5 times in my whole life in royals not 3 times not 4 times not 5 times.