I guess i fit in that criteria but still not creditable to you because I see things differently than you.
Credible is exactly that. Credible. I can believe your point of view as being one that was based on experience, not based on theoretical thinking. It also doesn't mean I have to agree. I do think the game has a social aspect. Maybe not the same way you want it to, but it does exist.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. The community is there, but it's no where near, not even close, being the same as what the circumstances that this server was created. This server was created trying to bring back the old GMS pre BB experience, and people joined this server under the impression it's that way but I'm saying it's far from it. Look at the screen shot below: "No longer recognize today’s MapleStory as the one you played in the good old days? Try MapleRoyals! MapleRoyals offers a nostalgic experience, the way you remember it, with a large community where you can easily find your place. Whether it’s bossing, PQing, or grinding, you can enjoy it all again here as you did years ago!" The server has been drifting away from the quoted statement above over the years. The PQ and grinding community is slowly diminishing, and that's the point im trying to make. The goal is not get rid of hp washing or leeching, but to bring back the community as advertised.
I can tell you as a new player who recently started HP washing, I like the challenge of it and that it's rewarding in the end. I've also managed so far to get to lvl 47 without ever buying or selling any leeching. Unless you count PQing with low dmg as leeching, but I really wouldn't call it that since there's more involved than just fighting mobs. Even though I'm enjoying it, I still say it's a bad mechanic overall and its hurting the server. Most people I know would have quit the server after finding out about it. Even if they would never be committed enough to get to bossing levels anyway, just knowing that you're essentially locked out of a fun part of the game is discouraging enough for people to lose interest fast. To say that someone is lazy if they don't want to save up 10b for int gear and hundreds of AP resets just to do the same thing that other classes can do for free is a bit shortsighted. For most people its simply not worth the effort, and if they dont want to be a mage or warrior they'll just quit and play something else. Maybe leeching would still be popular without HP washing.. I still hold my opinion that PQs should be the quickest way to lvl for early-mid game, but most people disagree with me on that one.
I have washed my NL to 30K-capable, and sold another couple hundred hours of leech to upgrade its gears. Yet I totally agree with the two opinions above. When new players come here, you shouldn't expect them to immediately decide "I will spend the next couple of months grinding heavily", or "I will remember to vote everyday and come back after 1 year". They simply don't have enough attachment to this sever to do that. Many veteran players did it (multiple LV200, heavy HP washing, etc) because they enjoyed the early-game social aspects of this server when they started, and became devoted to this server. You see this effect in many posts in the latest accomplishment thread "When I started 2 years ago I didn't believe I would reach 200, but I made it thanks to all my friends, etc. etc.". However, this is no longer the case for new players who joined recently. First, there is a lot less early-game social experience. Moreover, before their first character even reaches LV100, they learn that if they want a good late-game bossing experience (which is what this server is primarily about nowadays), they need to restart their character and collect 10B+ for HP washing. Of course many of them will leave, not because they are incapable of working hard towards a goal, but because the goal itself is not worthwhile for them. I think most people agree that currently Royals is unattractive to new players. Many people (myself included) believe that Royals should do a better job appealing to new players. Making PQs great again would be a great start. Postponing the effort needed for HP washing (by making it possible to increase maxHP for high-level characters) or even slightly reducing the effort needed for HP washing (by making Albert selling AP resets at a slightly lower price) are also good solutions in my opinion.
Again, you guys bring up this nostalgic experience, yet you keep bringing up HP washing. You are not obligated to play with end game in mind. Most of us played when HP washing was not even a known thing, but it still existed. It is nostalgic to play WITHOUT CARING ABOUT HP WASHING, the moment you start caring and stressing about that, you aren't playing for a nostalgic experience. And if you did for some reason play during HP washing was prominent, you should know that it costs IRL money, so the fact you can live the dream without using real life money, its a pretty good deal. So what is the issue here??? Are you playing to be a top player or are you playing to satisfy nostalgia? And if you wanna play the end game, just take the time to farm it up. Maplestory is a fun game, why does everything need to be grinded all day so you can reach 155 in 3 weeks with 30k hp lmfao? Take it easy. Like could you imagine playing official GMS or w/e and having to remake on a 1x server where you gotta pay irl money to HP wash. It would've been the same way there. Theres a reason why the BB patch hit and why maple got so easy. Its because everyone kept saying its not fair. P2w etc etc.
In my case the point of bringing up washing is because it's obligatory in some way or another to be able to enjoy late game bossing. In other words end game content. Of course the majority of players want to play the game to the end. This is a private server that has already tweaked the game in some ways, the nostalgia doesn't mean it has to be an exact replica of the game at that time. There are much more to it than either being a top player or just reliving nostalgia and I think you know this. I agree with the time and effort it should take if you want to "git gud" and I like it BUT, there should be realistic measures that does not damage the experience for new players. I dont understand why you are so passive-agressive in your posts. We are all just having a discussion and expressing our opinions and giving you our point of views. @PhotonSphere two posts up had some great points imo.
I don't think we should continue this discussion here as we are just met with "ignore the issue and play the game however you want" and "Just let new players vote for a year to play 1 character with decent hp". We aren't really getting anywhere because of stubbornness. I don't get how people look at the server and say "yeah its all okay" when its just a leeching hp washing fest.
You're arguing a point that we haven't made. Nobody's saying they want 30k hp to be a cakewalk. There are several solutions people have come up with that keep it challenging without punishing new players.
Lol if I was new I'd just see the server is too troublesome, delete the game and join an easier server like Croosade or something. The main advantage Royals has over competing servers is the population, but when you just leech and don't actually party then that advantage is gone. In terms of content some servers are much better than Royals but people still join Royals due to it being the top server with a high population
Yeah I understand why people would want to be able to self-leech, but what I don't understand at all is why anyone would oppose having PQs, quests, or anything else be quicker leveling than leeching. The only explanations I get are from "expert economists" saying it would be bad or "just play the game how you want, maaaaaan" which is the same argument I hear from people who cheat or hack.
I think everyone joined here under the premise of this is a nostalgia server. Of course we are here to satisfy the nostalgia feeling. The server back in 2015 when I first joined. PQs area were always full, popular training maps like wolf spider, ULU2, hime, skele, etc were almost always full of GRINDERS instead of LEECHERS/AFKERS. People back in 2015 usually boss with a HB in the party. That's how I remember back in Pre BB GMS, AKA nostalgia (relatively speaking). There is no issue with HP washing and Leeching, however, it directly/indirectly affected the MapleRoyals' community as time goes on. It's fine if people prefer Royals the way it is right now, Lv 135+ and boss oriented community ONLY. It's is completely fine, but don't claim that we actually have a "large" community for PQing and Grinding when we only got Bossing community left; at least that's the case in MapleRoyals year 2017 and 2018.
All very interesting perspectives for both sides of HP washing. The game, however, is definitely lacking the "fun" aspect for new players and a lot of it has to do with the stigma around leeching and HP washing. If the focus of damage was shifted to, "how can I deal the most damage without HP washing," then the diversity of classes would rise, and a stronger sense of community would be established (and more inclusive at that). If HP washing is gone completely, then all that's left to do is make sure everyone in the HT groups has the best gear and resources to revive allies when they die (which is a lot more fun imo and probably others' opinions as well). HP washing has essentially replaced the equipment diversity, class diversity, and resource diversity of the server, which limits the different kinds of goals people are likely to set for themselves to just, "be at this HP at this level". Sacrificing all that diversity and reducing the "funness" of the server pre-level 135 is not worth the loss of community and growth.
There definitely is a big issue in the direction the game went. Anyone who has played around 2015 knew pq and duo/party grinding was on the rage from levels 21-200. Leeching and hp washing still existed at that time, but there were plenty of people doing other content to have a lot of variety in playing in this game.
hp washing hasnt changed. it was always the same. Maybe the prices for resets just went up. (btw i prefered the lowered prices too, ap resets 9-12m ea, and cs 330m ea.)