Forum [Winners] Design a Quest!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Evan, Jun 2, 2018.

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  1. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    First, I'm sorry for the delay on this everyone.. it was a lot of reading. I'm happy to announce the winners though!

    IGN: Morlune
    Quest Title: Paving the Way (repeatable every 3 days)
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 110
    Reward: 200,000 EXP, 7 Fame, 3 Return to New Leaf City Scroll
    Reward (if repeated): 75,000 EXP, 2 Fame, 1 Return to New Leaf City Scroll
    Start NPC: Jack (in Cavern of Pain)
    Stop NPC: Jack
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Kill 30 Crimson Guardians and collect 1 Crimson Heart.
    Available Quest Window Text: Rumor has it that Jack Barricade is looking for a way to power down the Crimson Guardians around the gate to the Crimsonwood Keep! Perhaps I can help him in his research...
    In progress Quest Window Text: Jack asked me to take care of 30 of the mighty, lumbering Crimson Guardians and bring him 1 Crimson Heart. The hearts are supposedly rare crystals containing strange energies that power the Guardians. Jack wants to learn more about the crystals so that perhaps one day he can find an effective way of destroying them.
    Completed Quest Window Text: *Phew* I managed to take down 30 whole Crimson Guardians! Boy, those monsters are big and scary! As a token of his appreciation, Jack gave me some very handy magic scrolls!
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Jack: Traveller! If you could spare a minute... I could really use your help! [Next]
    Jack: As you may know, there are large, lumbering behemoths guarding the gate to the Crimsonwood Keep. Well, as it stands, myself and many other adventurers have a hard time slipping past them unscathed, which is detrimental to many expeditions to the Inner Keep. I have been looking for ways to disable the guardians but it's proving to be a real challenge. [Back] [Next]
    Jack: For one, the guardians don't exactly like being experimented upon, and what's more, they are not like other creatures. They are truly unique in that they are neither living, nor undead or robotic. Instead, they seem to be powered by these strange magic crystals called Crimson Hearts... of which I must learn more in order to fully understand how to effectively combat these monsters! [Back] [Next]
    Jack: So what do you think? Would you be able to help me out by bringing me a sample of the crystal I mentioned? [Accept] or [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Jack: Thank you so much! Any further information I can gather on the Crimsonwood Keep and its surrounding creatures is of tremendous value, and gaining knowledge of the Crimson Guardians and their hearts is a step in the right direction!
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    Jack: *Sigh* Very well. Perhaps I will see you around...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Jack: You have returned, and in one piece, too! What a relief! Did you manage to get your hands on a Crimson Heart? [Back] [Next]
    Jack: Oh, wonderful! This is precisely the stone I was looking for! And it shines with a particularly strong glow, too! A truly excellent specimen! [Back] [Next]
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Okay, you gave me a helping hand and for that I give you this! Please, consider it a token of my appreciation. Thank you again!
    3 Return to New Leaf City Scroll
    7 Fame
    EXP: 200,000 exp

    Reward!! (if repeated)
    1 Return to New Leaf City Scroll
    2 Fame
    EXP: 75,000 exp
    A three part chain quest that mainly exists to give you a reason to wander the wilds and see the sights.
    IGN: YungVenus
    Quest Title: Long Walks are Good for Your Health!
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: Level 20
    Reward: 3,000xp, White Gomushin, 60% Scroll for Shoe for Speed
    Start NPC: Betty
    Stop NPC: Betty
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Walk Victoria road, defeat 1 Red Snail, 1 Slime, 1 Pig, 1 Orange Mushroom, 1 Octopus, 1 Green Mushroom, 1 Stirge, 1 Axe Stump, 1 Bubbling, 1 Wild Boar, and 1 Rocky Mask.
    Available Quest Window Text: This adventuring life is exhausting! I should speak to Dr. Betty in Ellinia to see if she has any fitness advice for me.
    In progress Quest Window Text: Betty has advised me that long walks are good for fitness. I should walk Victoria Road and practice my skills along the way. I need to hunt a Red Snail, a Slime, a Pig, an Orange Mushroom, an Octopus, a Green Mushroom, a Stirge, an Axe Stump, a Bubbling, a Wild Boar, and a Rocky Mask.
    Completed Quest Window Text: I went for a long walk and hunted monsters along the way. I feel better already!
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Betty: "Hello _____. You're looking to get in shape?" [Next]
    Betty: "I suppose I could give you some advice. You look a bit flimsy, so lets start your workout routine with something simple." [Next]
    Betty: "I want you to go for a walk all the way around Victoria Island. Hunt any monsters you see along the way, it will help make the road safer for others." [Next]
    Betty: "So, are you up for it?" [Accept][Decline]
    [Accept] dialogue:
    Betty: "The journey to fitness begins with a single step!"
    [Decline] dialogue
    Betty: "I thought you came to me for help?"
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Betty: "You look stronger already! I hope you enjoyed your walk. When you've rested up, come back and we can start your next level of training."
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    My legs are killing me, but I also feel stronger than ever.
    White Gomushin
    Scroll for Shoes for Speed 60%
    EXP: 3,000

    (End part 1)
    (Part 2)

    Quest Title:
    Climbing stairs is good for your health!
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: Level 35, completed Long walks are good for your health
    Reward: Pink Whitebottom Shoes, 60% Scroll for Shoe for Jump, 6,000 exp
    Start NPC: Betty
    Stop NPC: Betty
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Climb Eos and Orbis towers, hunting the monsters along the way. Defeat 1 Jr. Sentinel, 1 Ice Sentinel, 1 Fire Sentinel, 1 Dark Leatty, 1 Jr. Pepe, 1 Black Ratz, 1 Propelly, 1 Tweeter, 1 Trixter, 1 Planey, 1 Blocktopus, 1 Drumming Bunny, and 1 Block Golem.
    Available Quest Window Text: I feel stronger after my walk, but there is still a long way to go. Betty said to see her again for more training.
    In progress Quest Window Text: Betty suggested that I climb two of the giant towers of Ossyria. I need to hunt a Jr. Sentinel, an Ice Sentinel, a Fire Sentinel, a dark Leatty, a Jr. Pepe, a Black Ratz, a Propelly, a Tweeter, a Trixter, a Planey, a Blocktopus, a Drumming Bunny, and a Block Golem.
    Completed Quest Window Text: I went for another long journey. I feel exhausted, but accomplished.
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Betty: "You're back! Good, you still have a lot of work to do if you want to get in shape." [Next]
    Betty: "Now it's time for something more serious. To build more muscle, I want you to climb the Eos and Orbis towers." [Next]
    Betty: "Be careful on your journey, and please hunt any monsters you see along the way to make the road safer for others." [Next]
    Betty: "So, _____, are you still up for it?" [Accept][Decline]
    [Accept Dialogue]
    Betty: "Excellent! With that attitude, you'll be in shape in no time."
    [Decline Dialogue]
    Betty: "Still tired from your last journey? Come back when you're ready."
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Betty: "I can see it in your eyes, you are stronger already. Why, you look like you could jump all day long!" [Next]
    Betty: "Don't think you're done yet, though. I still have one more challenge for you, when you're ready. Come back when you think you can handle a true challenge."
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    I return again, tired and weary, but successful in my training.
    Pink Whitebottom Shoes
    Scroll for Shoe for Jump 60%
    EXP: 6,000

    (End part 2)
    (Begin part 3)

    Quest Title: Swimming is good for your health!
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: Level 80, previous 2 quests done.
    Reward: 25,000 Exp, Violet Snowshoes
    Start NPC: Betty
    Stop NPC: Betty
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Swim Aqua Road, hunting monsters along the way. Defeat 1 Poopa, 1 Scuba Pepe, 1 Freezer, 1 Pinboom, 1 Bubble Fish, 1 Krip, 1 Flower Fish, 1 Bone Fish, 1 Squid, 1 Shark, and 120 Gobies.
    Available Quest Window Text: I can feel it. I'm ready for Betty's final fitness challenge!
    In progress Quest Window Text: Betty has challenged me to swim Aqua Road. I need to hunt a Poopa, a Scuba Pepe, a Freezer, a Pinboom, a Bubble Fish, a Krip, a Flower Fish, a Bone Fish, a Squid, a Shark, and 120 Gobies.
    Completed Quest Window Text: I survived my final challenge. I feel like I can accomplish anything!
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Betty: "You've returned. I can see that you are stronger, and perhaps more worldly as well." [Next]
    Betty: "For your final fitness challenge, I want you to swim Aqua Road. This will be a challenging task, and there are some very dangerous creatures along the way." [Next]
    Betty: "Still, I know you can do it. Come back when you've seen the denizens of the deep. Especially those Gobies! They sure know how to swim." [Accept][Decline]
    [Accept Dialogue]
    Betty: "I knew you were up for any challenge. Be safe."
    [Decline Dialogue]
    Betty: "You should believe in yourself."
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Betty: "You've come back, stronger than ever. I think you are near peak physical fitness." [Next]
    Betty: "I have no more challenges for you, but don't think that means you can rest! Staying fit takes constant effort."
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    I've seen much of this world and its challenges. Betty thinks I am near my peak, but I think I can go even higher. I won't know until I try.
    Violet Snowshoes
    EXP: 25,000
    Since we're all still fresh off the Infinity War hype, I'll try my best to create a quest-line based on that! Hopefully this doesn't infringe copyright issues :x and I guarantee there will be no spoilers

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Elder's Concerns
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+
    Reward: 1000 EXP
    Start NPC: Alcaster
    Stop NPC: Olaf
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Speak to Alcaster to receive details of the quest.

    Available Quest Window Text: Alcaster has been having nightmares of the end of Maple world, I should pay him a visit to find out more...

    In progress Quest Window Text:
    Alcaster does have reasons to suspect that his dream will come true in the near future, I should listen to him and do what he asks of me for now. I should look for clues on the 6 aspects of the world he spoke of: Power, Space, Reality, Soul, Mind and Time.

    Alcaster says I should pay a visit to Olaf in Lith Harbor for clues on Power...

    Completed Quest Window Text:
    I spoke with Olaf to look for clues on Power, looks like this may not be that simple afterall...

    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Alcaster: Traveller... I have been waiting for your arrival... [Next]

    Alcaster: I have been having nightmares of the end of the Maple world, and it will be caused by the disruption in the 6 aspects that maintains the balance of the world... [Next] [Back]

    Alcaster: These 6 aspects are Power, Space, Reality, Soul, Mind and Time. If even one of these aspects are disrupted, it could cause major unbalance in the Maple world. BUT... this can be stopped if we take action against it soon enough... Will you help restore the balance of the Maple World young one? [Accept] [Decline]

    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Thank you young one, you should start by paying a visit to Olaf in Lith Harbor to ask about Power.
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    The world of Maple is over...

    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Olaf: Howdy! It's been awhile since we last met! You look stronger than before!
    Olaf: But I know why you came here to look for me, Alcaster has given me the information.

    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Olaf: Please speak to me again while I get prepared.

    EXP 1000

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Restoring Power 1
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, completed Elder's Concerns
    Reward: 50000 EXP
    Start NPC: Olaf
    Stop NPC: Olaf
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Defeat monsters and go back to Olaf
    Available Quest Window Text:
    Olaf told me to speak to him again after he made preparations, hopefully he will have a clue on how to restore Power...
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    Olaf told me to eliminate monsters in Sleepywood that possess evil energy to help restore Power in Maple world. I should defeat 70 Tauromacis, 70 Taurospear and Jr. Balrog and go back to Olaf.

    Tauromacis 0/70
    Taurospear 0/70
    Jr. Balrog 0/1
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    I defeated Tauromacis, Taurospear and Jr. Balrog in sleepywood, hopefully this will help in restoring power to Maple World...
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Olaf: Alrighty, in order to restore Power to Maple World, we have to get rid of the evil energy lingering in Maple World. [Next]
    Olaf: I have made a list of monsters that you have to defeat in Sleepywood, and it is going to be tough. Please defeat 70 Tauromacis, 70 Taurospear and Jr. Balrog in the deepest part of the Dungeon and get back to me. [Next] [Back]
    Olaf: You will do that for Maple World won't you? [Accept] [Decline]

    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Great! I expect good news from you soon!
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    I was confident in you...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Olaf: Looks like you managed to get rid of the evil energy in Sleepywood! Good Job... [Next]
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Olaf: But there's one more thing I need you to do, speak to me again after I'm done with preparations.
    EXP 50,000

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Restoring Power 2
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Restoring Power 1
    Reward: 55,000 EXP, 1 Lidium
    Start NPC: Olaf
    Stop NPC: Olaf
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Defeat 2 Crimson Balrog and go back to Olaf
    Available Quest Window Text:
    Olaf says that removing the evil energy in Sleepywood wasn't enough, it seems like there might be more to this...
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    Olaf needs my help once more to help restore Power in Maple World, I should hunt down 2 Crimson Balrog to remove evil energy.
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    I have defeated 2 Crimson Balrog, this should be enough to restore power to Maple World... Olaf says I should go to Omega Sector next, what clues will I find there?
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Olaf: Hello there, I have been waiting for you to come back! [Next]
    Olaf: Good job eliminating monsters in Sleepywood, but that was not all the evil energy, there is more to it! [Next] [Back]
    Olaf: Please take the ship from Ellinia and eliminate 2 Crimson Balrog that you encounter on the way, you will do that for Maple World won't you? [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Awesome! I will be waiting here for you!
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    I was confident in you...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Olaf: Wow! You've managed to defeat 2 Crimson Balrog, incredible! Now the disruption to the Power in Maple World will be restored!
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Olaf: Your efforts will not be in vain, you should pay a visit to Omega Sector next.
    EXP 55,000
    1 Lidium

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Not enough Space!
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Restoring Power 2
    Reward: 188,000 EXP, 1 Aquamarine
    Start NPC: Dr. Kim
    Stop NPC: Dr. Kim
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Help all the Mesorangers with their jobs and go back to Dr. Kim
    Available Quest Window Text:
    I have successfully restored Power to Maple world according to Olaf, I should pay a visit to Dr. Kim in Omega Sector for more details on how to restore Space.
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    Dr. Kim says that the Mesorangers in Omega Sector should be vigilantly maintaining the Space aspect of the Maple world, he tells me to check on all the Mesorangers.

    Check on Chury (Not Completed)
    Check on Hoony(Not Completed)
    Check on Gunny(Not Completed)
    Check on Pink Mesoranger(Not Completed)
    Check on Yellow Mesoranger(Not Completed)
    Check on Green Mesoranger(Not Completed)
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    I have assisted the Mesorangers in maintaining Space in Maple world, they should be able to handle the rest by themselves. Dr. Kim tells me to go back to Alcaster who should have some clues on Reality.
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Dr. Kim: I have been expecting you, <IGN>. I have heard so much about you from Olaf. [Next]
    Dr. Kim: I understand you are here due to Alcaster's concerns on the Space aspect, but you need not worry and I have appointed the Mesorangers to maintain Space and prevent distortions in Omega Sector. [Next] [Back]
    Dr. Kim: Speaking of which, I haven't heard from them recently, since you're here, how about you check on them for me? [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Thank you very much, I will be waiting.

    Speak to Chury
    Chury: So you're the guy Dr. Kim was talking about huh? Go help me defeat 100 Mateons, I'll be waiting!

    Speak to Hoony
    Hoony: Dr. Kim told me you're coming, go get rid of 100 Plateons, be quick!

    Speak to Gunny
    Gunny: Dr. Kim sent you to help right? Eliminate 100 Mecaton for me, that will do for now.

    Speak to Pink Mesoranger
    Pink Mesoranger: Dr. Kim didn't have to get additional help... But since you're here can you defeat 100 Barnard Gray for me?

    Speak to Yellow Mesoranger
    Yellow Mesoranger: I have done my schedule for the day, but could you get me something to eat? I'm starving... (give her 50 space food)

    Speak to Green Mesoranger
    Green Mesoranger: ... You're late... go defeat 30 Zeta Gray, 30 Ultra Gray and 30 Chief Gray...

    [Decline] Dialogue:
    I'll get Porter to check on them then...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    I knew I could count on you, but the Mesorangers did not disappoint didn't they?
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    What..? I need to have a discussion with the Mesorangers about this... How about you go back to Alcaster for a routine report to ease his worries?
    EXP 88,000
    1 Aquamarine

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Restoring Reality
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Not enough Space!
    Reward: 230,000 EXP, 1 Garnet
    Start NPC: Alcaster
    Stop NPC: Alcaster
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Complete first 2 stages of Zakum pre-quest, get one Breath of Lava and one Piece of Fire Ore.
    Available Quest Window Text: Alcaster has clues on how to restore Reality, I should probably go back to him in El Nath.
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    Alcaster says that a strong flame will be needed to keep the evil energy away and burn away illusions, and that is the only way to restore Reality. And I know just the things I need for a strong flame, I should be able to get the required materials by helping Adobis with his first and second missions.
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    I helped Alcaster light a flame to keep the evil energy out, hopefully this will restore Reality to Maple World. Next I should visit "those who have given me strength" to search for my soul who could it be...
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Alcaster: Young one, I heard you have restored Power and Space, well done... [Next]
    Alcaster: Now, I have clues on how to restore reality, I will need a flame... An undying flame that will burn away illusions and restore Reality to Maple world... [Next] [Back]
    Alcaster: Unfortunately, that is all I can say... I do not know where you can find a flame with such strength... [Next] [Back]
    Alcaster: But I believe you already have an idea of where you should go, will you continue to go down this path? [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Thank you young one, I will be awaiting you good news...
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    Dread it, run from it, destiny will still arrive...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Alcaster: I knew you had the means to do it young one...
    Alcaster: Now we will be able to restore Reality.

    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Alcaster: With this we're halfway there, now you should visit "the one who has given you strength" and search your soul...
    EXP 130,000
    1 Garnet

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Trading Souls
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Restoring Reality
    Reward: 550,000 EXP, 1 Adamantium Ore
    Start NPC: Athena Pierce/Dances with Balrog/Grendel the Really Old/Kyrin/Dark Lord (depends on your own class)
    Stop NPC: Athena Pierce/Dances with Balrog/Grendel the Really Old/Kyrin/Dark Lord (depends on your own class)
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Speak to your 1st job instructor, and they will kill you. Quest complete after you go back to them again.
    Available Quest Window Text:
    I have successfully restored Power, Space and Reality, next up should be Soul. I should look for my job instructor for clues...
    In progress Quest Window Text: <Job Instructor> told me the conditions for restoring the Soul is A Soul for a Soul, I have sacrificed my Soul (exp to be exact...), now I should go back to him/her and see what happens next...
    Completed Quest Window Text: By sacrificing my soul I have me the conditions of A Soul for a Soul and have accomplished the restoration. Now I need should go to Mu Lung to search for clues on the Mind.
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Job Instructor: Welcome home, chosen one. [Next]
    Job Instructor: I understand that Alcaster has given you the task of restoring the balance of the Maple world. [Next] [Back]
    Job Instructor: The terms for restoring the Soul is simple, A Soul for a Soul. If you accept the conditions, then lets begin? [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Job Instructor:Wise choice, I knew you had in you to be a <insert job (warrior/thief/pirate/magician/bowman)>.
    Go back to job instructor after respawn to complete quest.
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    This is not the way of a <insert job (warrior/thief/pirate/magician/bowman)>.
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Job Instructor: You have returned, chosen one.
    Job Instructor: Alcaster has made the right choice.
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Job Instructor: The balance of Souls in the Maple world is now restored, you should head to Mu Lung for your next task.

    550,000 EXP
    1 Adamantium Ore

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Peace of Mind
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Trading Souls, Mr. Do's book on Herbal Medicine
    Reward: 500,000 EXP, 1 Topaz
    Start NPC: Mr. Do
    Stop NPC: Mr. Do
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Craft all the items in Mr. Do's Book of Herbal Medicine. (1 Canned peach, 1 peach juice, 1 bellflower medicine soup, 1 pill of tunnel vision, 1pill of intelligence, 1 slithering balm, 1all cure pot, 1 peach tree herb pouch)
    Available Quest Window Text:
    Mr. Do in MuLung has clues on how to restore the mind, I should go look for him next.
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    Mr. Do asks me to refer to his Mr. Do's Book of Herbal Medicine, what does Canned peach have got to do with restoring the mind...?

    Canned Peach 0/1
    Peach Juice 0/1
    Bellflower medicine soup 0/1
    Pill of Tunnel vision 0/1
    Pill of Intelligence 0/1
    Slithering Balm 0/1
    All Cure Potion 0/1
    Peach Tree Herb pouch 0/1
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    I have followed the recipes given by Mr. Do, it should be enough to restore the Mind, last but not the least, I should seek to restore Time. This time there are no clues... maybe Temple of Time holds the key?
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Mr.Do: You're finally here! Let's not waste anymore time shall we? [Next]
    Mr.Do: All you need to do to restore the state of Mind is to follow my Mr. Do's Book of Herbal Medicine. [Next] [Back]
    Mr.Do: Bring me all the items listed in my book, I will be waiting right here alright? [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Mr.Do: Awesome, I will be expecting you in a bit!.
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    I just wanted some extra Peach Juice...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Mr. Do: Ahh.. The peac... I mean, the required items are here. [Next]
    Mr. Do: Now we can begin... [Next] [Back]
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Mr. Do: There, I have restored a peaceful state of Mind to the Maple world. Unfortunately I have no clues for you to follow, good luck on your journey!
    500,000 EXP
    1 Topaz

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Running out of Time
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+,Peace of Mind
    Reward: 600,000 EXP
    Start NPC: Temple keeper
    Stop NPC: Temple keeper
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Kill Memory Monk, Memory Monk Trainee, Memory Guardian, Chief Memory Guardian and Dodo
    Available Quest Window Text:
    I do not have a clue where to start searching to restore Time, perhaps I should go to the obvious place, Temple of Time.
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    The temple keeper says we're running out of time, I should defeat 99 Memory Monk, Memory Monk Trainee, Memory Guardian, Chief Memory Guardian and 1 Dodo immediately.

    Memory Monk 0/99
    Memory Monk Trainee 0/99
    Memory Guardian 0/99
    Chief Memory Guardian 0/99
    Dodo 0/1
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    It appears that temple of time isn't related to restoring time. The Temple Keeper says I should look for Rolonay in Nautilus, maybe he has a clue.
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Temple Keeper: We're running out of time! We're running out of time! [Next]
    Temple Keeper: Can you get rid of 99 Memory Monk, Memory Monk Trainee, Memory Guardian, Chief Memory Guardian and 1 Dodo for me?!! [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Temple Keeper: Thank you so much, please be quick!!!
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    Temple Keeper: What? You will not help? Then get lost!
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Temple Keeper: Hmm, you're looking to restore the Time in Maple world? [Next]
    Temple Keeper: I'm sorry but you might have come to the wrong place.
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    I might have an idea where you should be heading to, give me a second.
    EXP 600,000

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: The Temple is Timeless
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Running out of time
    Reward: 50,000 EXP
    Start NPC: Temple Keeper
    Stop NPC: Rolonay
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Look for Rolonay to continue questline
    Available Quest Window Text: The Temple keeper says he has information on how to restore time, I should speak to him again.
    In progress Quest Window Text: It seems like Rolonay might hold the key to restoring time. I have a bad feeling when it comes to Rolonay to be honest...
    Completed Quest Window Text: My intuition was right, Rolonay DOES intend to put me in danger once again..
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Temple Keeper: I'm sorry but you may have come to the wrong place for you search... [Next]
    Temple Keeper: The Temple of Time itself is Timeless, there isn't a need to restore it's time. [Next] [Back]
    Temple Keeper: Perhaps you should look for Rolonay in Nautilus, he may have a clue on what you're looking for. [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    I wish you the best of luck.
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    Then why did you even ask...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Rolonay: Ooof, it seems like Mr. Do forgot to tell you to look for me... [Next]
    Rolonay: No matter, let's not waste anymore time. [Next] [Back]
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Rolonay: I'll prepare the detail, speak to me when you're ready.
    EXP 50,000

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: The Crack in Time
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, Papulatus pre-quest, The Temple is Timeless
    Reward: EXP 1,000,000 , 1 Emerald
    Start NPC: Rolonay
    Stop NPC: Rolonay
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Kill Alishar and Papulatus and bring back certificate of Papulatus to Rolonay.
    Available Quest Window Text: Rolonay has the clue to restoring time, but this doesn't bode well for me once again... Whatever, I should speak to Rolonay once I'm ready.
    In progress Quest Window Text: Rolonay says I have to defeat Papulatus to resore the crack in Time. I should defeat Papulatus as soon as possible and restore the crack in Time to restore balance in the Maple world.
    Completed Quest Window Text: I listened to Rolonay and defeated Papulatus. Now I should bring the ores and minerals given to me back to Alcaster and see what he has to say.
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Rolonay: Alright, my friend. This is it, the last step to restoring balance in Maple world. [Next]
    Rolonay: All you have to do is go to the the highest level of Eos tower and defeat Alishar. [Next] [Back]
    Rolonay: Oh, and of course go to the deepest part of Ludibrium and defeat Papulatus, bring back a Certificate of Papulatus while you're at it, alright? [Accept] [Decline]
    [Accept] Dialogue:
    The fate of the Maple world rests on your shoulders.
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    Please reconsider, we're so close to saving Maple world...
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Rolonay: Welcome back hero! You have done it! [Next]
    Rolonay: Quick! Show me the certficate! [Next] [Back]
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Rolonay: My suspicions were right all along, bring this stone along with the other 5 you've gotten previously back to Alcaster and he will restore the balance of Maple world, once you're ready, I will send you to him.

    EXP 1,000,000
    1 Emerald.

    IGN: iExplore
    Quest Title: Infinite Balance
    Level Requirement / Pre-reqs: 100+, The Crack in Time
    Reward: EXP 1,000,000 , lvl110 Glove (based on your class), dark scroll for glove att30% x2, dark scroll for glove for magic att. x2
    Start NPC: Rolonay
    Stop NPC: Alcaster
    Quick Summary of what will be done: Bring the 6ores to Alcaster in El Nath. (Lidium, Aquamarine, Garnet, Adamantium Ore, Topaz, Emerald)
    Available Quest Window Text: I have successfully restored balance to Maple world, now all I have to do is bring these stones to Alcaster in El nath. I should speak to Rolonay first before proceeding
    In progress Quest Window Text:
    According to Rolonay I should bring these 6 stones to Alcaster as soon as possible with minimal delay, I should hurry up and do so.

    Lidium 1/1
    Aquamarine 1/1
    Garnet 1/1
    Adamantium Ore 1/1
    Topaz 1/1
    Emerald 1/1
    Completed Quest Window Text:
    You have successfully restored balance to the Maple World, your adventures continue from here!
    Quest Initiation Dialogue:
    Rolonay: My friend, you have gathered all 6 of these stones, you should now bring them to Alcaster. [Next]
    Rolonay: It is best that you bring them over to him with minimal delay, I shall send you over immediately [Next] [Back]
    Rolonay: Are you ready to go? [Accept] [Decline]

    [Accept] Dialogue:
    Rolonay: Off you go!
    *Warps to Alcaster map (El Nath market)*
    [Decline] Dialogue:
    Rolonay: Speak to me when you're ready.
    Quest Turn in Dialogue:
    Alcaster: Young one, you have returned... [Next]
    Alcaster: I see you have brought back 6 stones [Next] [Back]
    Alcaster: they each represent Power, Space, Reality, Soul, Mind and Time. Now, balance in Maple world shall be restored. [Next] [Back]
    Alcaster: You should take this Gauntlet, it is the only gift I can give to you in return of saving the Maple world, hopefully it will aid you in your future battles. [Next] [Back]
    Reward Window Dialogue:
    Alcaster: It seems like the aspects of Maple world are resonating with your will to restore it's balance. It's safe to say that this restored balance will be nothing short of Infinity.

    1,000,000 EXP
    Level 110 Glove (depends on your class)
    2x Dark Scroll for Glove ATT 30%
    2x Dark Scroll for Glove Magic ATT 30%

    A keen observer will notice there's 2 second place winners; we had a tie!

    *Note* As we go through and put these into the game, we'll be working with the people who won to adjust the quests if there's a need (such as coded quest limitations, adjusting rewards to make them more appropriate, fix any spelling, etc) so stay tuned (and check your inbox!).

    I want to thank everyone who spent the time to submit and entry or two. It was a lot of fun to read all the entries, and there were a lot of runner ups that were narrowly edged out.. (and I hope once these 3 have been put into game, we can potentially "Pull from the pile" down the road and implement some of these runner ups!!)

    Once again, congratulations to all the winners! Happy Mapling!

    - The MapleRoyals Staff
  2. RazumDar

    RazumDar Donator

    Jan 13, 2015
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  3. Gert

    Gert GM

    Jan 5, 2016
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    I'm looking forward to trying these out :p
    darkjordanx and Evan like this.
  4. Defunctional

    Defunctional Donator

    Apr 28, 2016
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    Time to get back to working on my Quest Specialist medal
    Evan likes this.
  5. Muff

    Muff Donator

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Congratulations to the winners!
    Sorry Evan that your pants quest didn't win, I guess people like seeing Shammo in rags.
  6. Piffy

    Piffy Donator

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I feel bad for @Spaghetti , he definitely put in a lot of efforts and interests for this contest. Not sure how did the results come out but this guy could have earn better credits than one of the winners here. Just saying. No offense here. A shoutout for this guy, all the best and see you in other contests!
    ginwolf, yaqzan, Joong and 4 others like this.
  7. Rhynamin

    Rhynamin Donator

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Congratulations everyone! I really enjoyed participating in this event, and reading the entries was very entertaining. I can’t wait to see which quests get pulled from the pile and implemented. =)
  8. Enhanced

    Enhanced Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    loved this quests!
    excelent job and congrats to the winners :)
  9. Gert

    Gert GM

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Hey, quick concern/suggestion! I want to preface this by saying that I have never had an Islander and I know nothing about being an Islander. I also know that this is a bit late but I noticed that @deadppl 's quest took place in Maple Island. I know that people who choose to make an Islander do it to challenge themselves but I also think that it'd be nice to give them some more content later on in the game! Also, the rewards didn't seem very unfair or overpowered, just unique and fun (the shoes). I really enjoy the current winners of the event but I just wanted to take into consideration everyone and it seems fair to me if we were to also add a new quest (a higher level one) to Maple Island.
    deadppl likes this.
  10. Inusama

    Inusama Donator

    Mar 26, 2015
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    rip meta shumi dialogue :'(
    Congrats to the winners! Very entertaining quests, I look forward to completing them all.
    MSdrawman likes this.
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