Yeah, I play it. Kinda lost interest after stage 39 since it's rather monotone though. Still, I do really love the app and the idea behind it, as well as the many players that play and have played it.
I quit playing once pendulum summoning came out. That ruined it for me. But I still play with my friends in previous year formats, when the game was still good
The way I believe is best too Just grab oldschool rules and use them to play by. You can use a ban list if you want to too, just as long as both you and your opponent follow the same rules it's all good. Another hobby of mine was to build several original decks (e.g. Joey's, Yugi's and Pegasus's), then duel accordingly. It'd be Yugi vs Pegasus for instance, or Kaiba vs Joey. Good fun too
Psychics are my jam, I love how they evolved from Life Point manipulation to banish manipulation, right now working on a way to make them more link summon accessible, Serene Psychic Witch is my bae for lyfe.