Day 10, Griding, grinding, grinding! After the long grinding in deep Ludi, I have finally comprehend the true essence as a FP Mage. Witness the "LegoRinn Combat Mode"! Come with variety selection to fight all the scary Ludi monster! Spoiler: Reference Server lag and stupid dumb pet won't pot, Definitely not me nub, Don't ever doubt me
Nah, I think he's just mentally r****d. He never understand any of my command, all he know is only eating. I got myself a eating machine.
Day 11, Misty Day Daily exercising poison mist to mastering the skill, I believe one day I will become the best. *poke poke* Spoiler: Reference Oh my cute little froggie
Day 12, Independence Day I got a UFO as my new mount, it looks super cool so I decide to show to my friend Korin. Heard she's been suffer on something unknown and having awful day, what a poor girl. Hope she could cheer up a little bit after seeing this cute mount. BOOP Spoiler: Reference
Day 13, Ludibrium in Danger! Awhile ago, @patnais77 (stupid speedrunner!) reached very high level and gonna fight Papulatus. To witness this historic moment, I followed him and enroll myself as cheerleader in this fight. I'm also providing red ciders to ensure I don't get bored for the long fight with his nub damge, Be grateful for this! Nub! Annnnnnndddd... I died... Spoiler: Reference I'm joking for calling you nub, please don punch me uwu
this thread is lit, love the stuff Rinn @patnais77 haha frero, un ptit paladin secret legoman. elle ta expose comme sa lool. fait attention a toi
@Rinn Your artstyle inspired me lately, so excuse me as I shamelessly steal your artstyle LEGOman have been bullying teddies out of their sunshine lunch-money lately Poor teddies... Spoiler: Reference
This is why Soul Teddies keep spawning from deep Ludi but never drop you one Maple Skanda, you freaking bullies Edit: For those who looking for update, recently I just started to draw this diary again, I should keep it private instead teasing here, but there's some bumping in here recently so I'll take this chance to reply Anyway, it should be update within few days. Please be patient and thanks for all the love.
Hey, i started bullying them only AFTER they stopped dropping skandas and you know it! They deserve it. If i can't bully their ghost forms, I might as well make their lives before it a living hell
Day 14, Safe Driving Day I've been always wondering what's the feel when sitting on Papu's giant clock machine. So I beat and kick him out from the seat. The view are pretty nice here when I can see Papu's butt from high above. Pfft! What a pathetic blue radish monster. However I've no idea how to drive it. So I ask Papu to teach me. But it seems the machine lost control when I try to drive abit. It's definitely not my fault, right? Spoiler: Reference At least I saved Ludi now