A few years ago (?) or last year, an update was released to significantly increase potion price in NLC and throwing-star recharge price to deal with the increasing sum of mesos within the market. Well, to be honest, anyone with a big brain would know that is not going to help much, at all. Maybe a lil' bit, to nerf NLs as they are a lil more stronk than other jobs. The biggest problem here is that those who are rich up there ain't gonna be affected by this lil tiny change. If yall wanna do a real mesos dump, start from those on the top. Therefore I propose a new method: Donating mesos to Dailair NPC. Those who donate the most mesos per month to Dailair NPC will receive a 30-day medal with OP stats: +10 Weapon ATT (or even stronger) / + 25 MATT (maybe make it even stronger to allow competiting donation) This is going to straight up dissolve a huge sum of mesos, as you have wished @staffteam.
It will basically be a game hosted bidding on a monthly medal, which sounds pretty fun. Only thing i worry about is last minute bidding. If the donation leaderboard is up for everyone to see, then people would simply wait for last minute to dump their meso and outbid first place. My suggestion as solution to this meta is adding a daily donation limit, so that no one will be able to sweep a win at the last minute. This also effectively gives the medal an AW of (max daily donation) X (days in that month) Also, if i remember correctly, there were seperate donation sites for each city that had the npc, each with it own different medal with different stats. So you can also make weaker medals that have a lower max daily donation, so that even lower lvl income players can have fun
Well its a temp medal, so in the damage thread it won't be used. But you can 100% flex with it in bossing lol
Not sure how well it can be implemented, if at all, but another way to prevent last minute donating to snatch the 1st place would be to have the timer automatically extend by a certain amount of time if the current 1st place is taken by someone else in, say, the last remaining hour for example. A daily donating limit might mitigate that to some degree but, unless said limit is really high, there is the possibility that more than 1 person will purposefully reach it every day (unless it's really high, in which case it's not really a limit? If that makes sense?) and lead to a tie between 2 people or more? That being said it could contribute to the meso sink purpose a great deal in such a scenario so maybe I'm slightly overthinking this. Staff might need to consider having some sort of rotation for the ending times from month to month to take different time zones into account too. Say hypothetically it's set at server reset time by default and never moved around, that could lead to frustration for players for whom the reset time is at, like, 4 AM or something.
maplestory (even royals has it ) this future but am not sure why is disabled here there is town medal donation box (donation king medal) next to each medal guy (Dalair) each town gave diff medal and was presnted as king of that town ( the stats were meaningless tho) the donation was on monthly base and private (anonymous) only showed at end who and how much donatated and you could only bid on 1 town at time
I believe in GMS you could never see the current top bid, and the moment you became the top bidder you received the medal, and when you were outbid you immediately lost it as it was given to the new top bidder. We could probably improve on that system as it’d be awkward to lose the medal in the middle of a boss fight, or similar.
the medal stats were 30days and the bide was ending/starting on 1st day of the month medal was given on that day only and presented as winner in the previous month listing right with the amount donated while donation was going on you could only see the 2nd best bid
It's not an idea I love but I just wanna suggest one thing if possible: if this medal will be time limited (which is what kitteh suggested), can it also be made in a way that you can get it only once per account/char? Because some people on the server are extremely rich and would love a +10 att upgrade (or whatever that will be), leaving others no chance. EDIT: I know that OP's goal was to have a way to make the richer people waste meso, but it's giving them a way to get a ton of WA for relatively low price.
There is a sweet spot here. After all, there are 30 days of donating. If someone consistently invested meso into this, then even if he didn't hit cap, someone that joined midway thinking he got this won't be able to surpass him in a few days/last day dump. For example: Lets say there's a limit of 100m Meso donation per day. I decided to donate 50m per day to see where this gets me at day 25, a rich player noticed that the current top bidder only donated 1.25 bil. Even if he wanted to snatch that win now, he won't be able to overcome my donations in 5 days of max donation. But yea, the limit should be at around 1/30th of the highest price people would be willing to throw on this temp medal, heck, even slightly higher than that. This way, only madmen and super rich people would actually push for the "AW" medal of paying max every day. And in the case of two players paying max meso every day, on the last day, the first one to donate would be the one who gets the medal. Or we can be cooler about it, and just give both of them the medal for hitting a tie, cause they deserve it.
Can you really pull off such a conspiracy? gl getting EVERYONE to cooperate on that lol. Even getting a group and all agreeing to donate the same will be thrown to the gutter as soon as someone outside that group donates more than them. And to avoid group donation stratagies all together, this system can be reserved for exactly full donation ties. The best way to set it up is if someone donates full meso every day for the entire month's duration, it gets the medal imidiately on his turn in, regardless if someone hit that max price before him. This will need to get implimented only when the devs figure out the sweetspot for each medal, cause if the AW is too low, then too many people will get the medal in the same month and it won't be unique. and if its too high, well, then the daily limit donation will be worthless. This is a tough balancing act, and without knowing how players will react to temp medals with good stats, I can't even make a guess as to what kind of daily limit would be good. But I'm sure its more healthy than being able to donate all at once on the last day of the month >.>
Sounds like this is banking on the idea that the current top bid is visible. Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary for such a donation system to be democratic in the sense that it is inclusive. Even if only the top players compete for the rewards, it is a meso sink for the richest of the rich (albeit a self-regulating one, since the value of the item will likely create an upper limit for what people are willing to spend). However, not knowing what the top bid is means that if you invest, and lose the item, you may feel more inclined to keep investing so as not to lose your initial investment. Well, any bidding system is a bit chaotic, but I can see it being more fun than a predictable system that allows for ”sniping”. This is just my opinion of course.
Hm good point, if you guys decide to eliminate the ability to see the top bidders, then this is definitely not a necssary system. The only reason I assumed it to be the case, is due to this still being a text option in the game: But yes, If we won't be able to see how much others donated in the active month of the medal, then it might as well be a free-for-all where you can donate as much as you want. Its kinda scary to throw meso at the void and hope you were the highest bidder tho, but that's just my personal cowardly prefrence, maybe others will enjoy this kind of blind donation gameplay more idk.