As the title suggests: Please change the Reward "Marble of Chaos" of the quest "Road to Oblivion" to a permanent one-time-only quest just like obtaining the Krexel "Mallet", in order to fight Krexel, the "Ludibrium Medal" to fight Papulatus or getting the "Crimsonwood Keystone" to do CWKPQ only requires to do the quest a single time. I've spent 4 1/2 hours farming Neutral Masks and haven't gotten a single one. You need 10 of each mask type and additionally 1 of each of the Boss ETCs to finish this quest. Edit: Or make it that the Marble of Chaos is given out daily, just like the Papulatus Crack, for free each time there is none in your Inventory.
Wait- I thought by finishing the quest and needing to reobtaim the crystal is like, as simple as getting the crack to Papulatus? Or they just fixed that in current Maple-
From what i understood is that the quest is repeatable every time there is no Marble of Chaos in your inventory. If the entire Quest is repeatable, to me that means you have to re-do the entire Quest Maybe i misunderstood something? This is the quest to obtaining the Marble of Chaos for the first time: This is the quest to obtaining the Marble of Chaos any subsequent time: If that's the case, you have to farm another 10 frowny, neutral and smiley masks each plus each of the respective areas boss ETCs , every time you want to obtain a new Marble of Chaos. Can anybody who has finished the questline, and maybe, eventually dropped the Marble of Chaos by accident give clarification on what is the case? Is it neccessary to do the quest basically a 2nd time, or will there, by talking to the timekeeper be given a new Marble of Chaos, just like with the Papulatus crack? Edit: GM @Shane confirmed in the Shoutbox, that you need to redo the entire Quest each time there is no Marble of Chaos in your Inventory.
I agree. I mean i understand that Corsairs killing speed for multi target isn't the best of all classes, however i wasn't level 130 or even 140 but lvl 153 and spent there quite some time, almost 5 hours... i love grinding several hours in a row, but that is too much , i feel...for no reward other than some equipment pieces dropped and mediocre EXP
I'm a lvl 184 bucc, and i find farming these mask an absolute CHORE. I love questing, but this is one of the few quests i haven't finished just because of the mask droprate
In all honesty, i didn't think of that. That would work too, but the current droprate is frustrating and unrewarding to say the least. If this topic is going to be tackled in any of the future updates that'd be great
i think its fine the way it is. since its going to be the final boss of the game. pink bean shouldn't be the typical boss for people to run daily without effort.
The droprate for masks and boss ETC was much better in old source, I didn't have to farm much to make my marble of chaos thanks to that.
Drop rate of masks should definitely be increased. I've got a total of like 5 masks (of all kinds) after I've finished the ToT questline, in which I've killed 999*6 = 5994 Monsk, so the drop rate is about 0.08% ...
i know that may not be the answer you're looking for but, how about buying them instead? I myself bought them to get the quest done. They are pricey but I prefer buying them 30m each then spending 5hrs just to farm one Just smega few times per day saying that you're looking for mask. Quest will be done in a day or two Goodluck
When PB will come out, their price will skyrocket if the droprate will remain the same. And the saved up stocks of sellers will quickly get depleted. The current droprate won't be able to sustain all the endgame players that would want to run PB in the future.
Thanks. I've been reading a few of your replies in all kinds of threads lately, and you always seem to put so much logical sense into your thought process and explain that to others in a way that everybody understands.
No matter how well staff adjusts the difficulty of PB, power creep will eventually turn it into a repeatable boss once successive analyses are done by the pioneers. Pink Bean should be the final, mission-impossible boss for a reputable pre-bb server like royals. If anything, I wish we can delay that stage as much as possible. This server will have very little to offer as the future content once we reach that point. Prequest(s) contribute a fair amount of difficulty to a raid boss. If 30 men can complete the prequest quickly with reduced difficulty (increased drop rate), they'll most likely make daily reattempts at PB or frequently, once every few days. Increasing the reattempt interval can be a good measure to preserve the nostalgic, challenging aspects of PB. I think keeping it as challenging as it is may yield an overall positive result. Once pink bean is out, because of the masks' low drop rate, ToT will become populated by both veterans (who farm for the actual raid prep) as well as opportunistic farmers (who farm for sales profit). Similar to potential time-piece farming for Reverse/Timeless weapons, this can open the door to the new farming meta, which can deviate our attention from the forever repeating leech scene. If the drop rates are increased to suit the veteran runners, ToT will remain deserted and PB will be conquered at a much earlier date.
I personally believe that there's room for further balancing, while still maintaining the lucrativity of running PB. Yes, PB should, and hopefully will be hard to reattempt, and hopefully they can make it a weekly boss to control the pace in which people fight it. But farming mobs, which some are only lvl 9x, for like 30+ hours for PB entry is still extreme in my eyes. If the higher lvl players would see it as a waste of time, they will 100% pay others to farm it for them (depending on the price of a mask). I like the idea of it opening up grinding for money, but I feel like this is a bit optimistic as we'd probably see some double and triple mage action for these masks instead of grind parties due to how random it is to actually get one mask. If the entry price for PB ends up being higher than people will be willing to pay for the rewards of the boss, then PB might end up being a richman's toy, instead of a profitable boss fight that is worth the investment and risk. We are talking about potential 30 men split man LOL... I have no idea how much MW30 would sell for after the market adjusts, or how often it will drop, nor do i know how would the reverse/timeless weapons look like, but I feel like if PB will not be an easy fight, and winning it would require many runs, then at least making the entry fee not cost a fortune would be a wise choice (with the caviat of what i said earlier, weekly attempts only)
Another idea could be to leave the initial quest as it is and reduce the number of masks needed for the subsequent quest (to reobtain the Marble of Chaos). Maybe like 3-5 of each mask
Keep in mind that the mask drop rate here is astronomically lower than it was in gms. I know because I used to fight Pink Bean back in gms and i farmed my own masks. On Royals I completed the entire ToT quest chain on 3 characters and i very often help people with the chain itself and i still don't have even half the masks to complete the quest once.
If it's too much of a chore for players to enjoy ToT quests then something must be done to improve this.