Hi everyone and thanks passing by I know it's a long shot but I'd really like to know if adding the item maker skill has ever been considered in this server? With that upgrade alone, I'm pretty sure there would be many more options added to the game for both "noobs" and "veterans" players. I also feel that the various ores in the game would finally have purpose and a decent value. The idea here is also to add more end-game contents without adding a MAJOR update such as pink bean (which is not going to be released anytime soon 'cause of the hackers?). To me that'd make complete sense to incorporate this skill into the server. *NOTES: I may be completely wrong about it and maybe this update would be too broken for the server. It may also alter the economy in a wrong way. I'm not close to be a maple geek so lots of you guys may have an opinion that differ from mine with better arguments so it's completely fine. Anyway let me know how you guys feel about this suggestion Happy mapling!
Its totally unnecessary and just adds a ton of junk items into the etc tab. You can just prompt an npc to make the reverse/timeless gear. Personally I don't think we need it It would also have to work in harmony or disharmony with the godly system, meaning that perf items either would be easier to make, or perf maker items could be stronger because of godly + diamonds, so that would have to be cornered. It would be nice for ironmen/new players though, and could be a resource sink that could refresh the economy
ty for the reply cooler. Makes sense. I also thought the skill may need some adjustments cause of the godly system + diamonds. ofc a 75atk clean claw would be too op haha! As you mentioned, that would be a nice resource for new players to get some funds by their own. I wouldn't mind but the junk added in the ect tab, tho. Not worst than all those monster's ect
If maker items went to the set-up tab, not etc., that would be great (along with other key items like EoF, krex mallet, ht squad badge. Marker of Heroism is a good example of key items that should be in the set-up tab and not the etc such as EoF)
Maker skill was really cool though. Maybe the last good thing Nexon did prior to BB mess. It can be simplified much better for this server though. No reason it should even have equips below level 80 since those are so easily obtained. The number of different crystals can be adjusted, instead of (basic/intermediate/advanced) it should only just be "Monster Crystal" and the amount you need to produce an item be greater for the rarity of the item. Then allow them to 1000-2000 stack. Then instead of Magic powder colors, just leave it at ores/leathers/monster Etc. Magic powders really clogged inventory and can easily just be replaced by regular monster ETC drops or ores/jewels/leather.
Although I agree there's no actual need to add crafting equips below level 80, I still feel that the skill is good as it is now. Same goes for the powders. Of course removing the all the different powders would make more place in the inv tab but not a must as it would take even more tweeks for the developpers. and LOL about the chair tabs
Hey there. Can you guys enable at least these quests for the purpose of making Quest Virtuoso Medal less painful? Removing content of the game, such as quests like these really makes the Quest Virtuoso Medal harder than it needs to be.
Quest virtuoso is not that hard tho, i gained it pretty quickly after the update hit, and i still have a few quests lying around
I like the idea of adding the item maker skill. It gives use cases for several ores that are not really used. It also opens up more end game gear and options to obtain the gear. I feel like the godly system can still be applied in the same manner of requiring a stimulator with a % chance of success or failure same as crafting dragon weapons in leafre. Could also add additional craftables such as healing potions, attack/magic attack potions, scrolls, etc. I like that this gives alternatives to those that would rather do some farming.
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