The reason for this: CPQ2 is 80% dead and at times when it’s not: it feels like a damn cheat where you get huge amounts of exp for nothing. It doesn’t feel natural at all to progress your chatacter 51-71. ludibrium maze party quest was nostalgic as heck. It was fun, required you to use your brain in order to switch to certain maps, was fast and had good rewards that meant something back in the days. It’s dead nowadays, NOBODY does LMPQ anymore. Not to mention how truly boring CPQ2 is compared to CPQ1. if not LMPQ then buff orbis PQ or bring magatia PQ back!
Just because it's nostalgic doesn't mean its good. I distinctly remember people hating doing LMPQ but had to because it was the only way to get money and levels at the same time. People aren't going to magically go to LMPQ just because CPQ2 is gone. On the other big server, nobody LMPQs over there. They do OPQ (which is half the exp of regular grinding) or just grind.
They already buffed OPQ. The rewards is another thing and you'd have to make a new thread on that. To me, I'd rather CPQ2 than OPQ because if there isn't that many people, you can at least 2v2 (needing only 4 people vs OPQ's 6). OPQ is a slog to go through when your teammates are braindead and your completion time is slow. When the Staff had did the nerf to CPQ2 and players were trying to go to OPQ as a result, a lot of people were trying to buy leech lol
before i created the legoman challenge, I never really did lmpq, but after i got to experience this pq, i gotta vouche for it. Its fun, especially when you are starting to get the hang of your routes, and feels really good to do with the same party multiple times (people adapt to work together and do their role). The exp was really good as well, but without a bigger incentive to do it, it will forever be left unused. not to mention that at any given time, there are not many lvl 51-70 characters active in the server that are not washing or are not mules, so gl setting up a pq like that... My suggestion is limit the pq to 10 successful ones per day, but buff it by around 40~60% exp, and increase the droprate of red ciders
Good one. But i remember royals having active lmpq years ago, it has always been a thing ever since lmpq came out.
Another positive aspect of LMPQ was how players are hanging out in the middle of ludi, making that main ludi map feel more hub like. I'm for buffing LMPQ!
I remember when royals also had many players chill in ludi because of LMPQ and LPQ. I want these days back:
Personally I'd rather have both buffed because I like both, but ESPECIALLY for cpq2. Maybe like, a safe spot lines up with top area. Having to do cpq1 and 2 as a MM was miserable beyond belief and almost made me quit when I started.
This is why CPQ2 needs to be removed. It's already too damn easy to get tons of exp, especially when people abuse it in a certain way + afk the rest of the time. Losers and winners, all get tons of exp, which is ridiculous, even more ridiculous if you get a safe spot too T_T ...... You wanted to quit because of CPQ2 is already a bit funny, because i also had a MM and i had no problems levelling it in other places. Buffing LMPQ is a better choice for the exp / red ciders etc.
I hosted LMPQ together with my brother and friends over 2 years ago, and we did so quite often when we played. Back then red cider was not that bad, nowadays of course the minimal ATT pot is Stopper, so red cider is simply trash for most. My brother left because it is impossible to play on the server as a bishop main, and a lot of friends left from back then as well. As a result I could not find anyone anymore for LMPQ and stopped R> long time ago. People just leech in CPQ, they dont want to play actively in LMPQ, as a result everyone left.
Red cider is actually very useful, especially for new players. Stoppers cost a lot and require you to farm for hours. You would be surprised how many people actually use red att potions from NLC. CPQ is mostly leech, and GM’s don’t wanna do anything about it. I saw last night at least 6 level 50 who sell leech in CPQ1. CPQ2 is trash too.
yeah I noticed there is quite a lot of new players now compared to years ago. Hopefully there will be new dynamic, I am planning to make a little bishop and a shadower soon, I will R> again then and also R>OPQ etc. Probably will use the gold richie event for xp eggs as well so I hope we can do some LMPQ then. The only PQ that is still done is PPQ, which is nice and surprising to see. However I am not sure if you will accomplish anything productive by taking away CPQ from people. They will probably just not make any next character, quit or just go back to buy leech. I am quite sceptical that taking away content will people make playing the game. Most leechers, that are not cheaters in any way, are old players making a new character I assume? To be honest It would be really helpful to have some statistic here, to be able to judge this before anything. Because now it is only assumption who plays what and for what reason. Also forcing players to play in a certain way is not really working and also bad good game design if you ask me. One has to accept that people do their things
First about, there are always new players coming to play royals. And you wont accomplish anything by recruiting players to play LMpQ, because it’s nerfed. CPQ2 was never part of v62 anyways. Players used to LMPQ, OPQ or grind / leech before cpq2 came out.
So like... are you trying to imply that people won't leech LMPQ if it gets buffed? Because they absolutely, 100% would. Leech always had and always will be king in pre-LV 140 MS.
It's technically impossible to leech in LMPQ, it has never been done before. LMPQ has a low time limit, which can be a result, where you wont have the time to do the full PQ. If you manage to get you all 5 mules to pietri the clown, you will realize that it's actually very boring and slow to do full LMPQ on your own. You can sell leech in CPQ1 fairly and super easily. Nobody leeches in CPQ2 though, because it's practically impossible, because CPQ2 requires team work. Also the reason why CPQ2 leech is impossible, because there are not enough players in CPQ2. This is why 51-71 PQ's need to be restructured, such as OPQ and LMPQ. Also i have never met anyone in Royals who use 6 different screens to farm party quests..? Why aren't people doing it now tell me? You could easily farm ludi PQ glasses + other rewards or other party quests? Why aren't people farming red ciders at the moment from LMPQ? Also LMPQ doesn't need a major buff, but why leave a good classic PQ dead? That was one of the few low level PQ's that was fun and required team work. GM's nerfed that PQ and now nobody plays it. Maybe buff the exp / rewards system so people would actually enjoy 51-71 more than it is now.