Zancks‘ How to play "unwashed" guide - Is HP washing optional in 2024?

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Zancks, Dec 29, 2023.

  1. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    This guide will present the HP Washing Alternatives MapleRoyals has to offer. The HP gain for the 3rd and 4th Job Advancement have been increased here. That is also factored in for any calculations below.
    The sections of this guide are HP Quests, HP Items, Common HP Goals, How to play „unwashed“, Conclusion and Dictionary. Keep in mind that this is just a presentation of what’s possible without traditional HP washing aka leveling up with Base INT on an attacker class. You will have to do a lot of tasks to follow everything mentioned here. Some of the task are extremely time consuming. You can always skip those you don’t wanna do and adjust the calculations yourself. You also won’t be wearing some best in slot items in terms of damage but I do not advice any pure HP items here!

    1. HP Quests
    MapleRoyals currently offers 4 great questlines to obtain additional HP.

    1.1 [​IMG] An Adventurer’s Assignment (3.000 HP)
    An Adventurer’s Assignment is sort of a campaign with 10 tiers. Its origin is found at Olaf in Lith Harbor for those above level 20. For that reason many players simply refer to it with Olaf. Every 20 levels you can unlock a new tier, if you have finished the previous one. Each tier includes a mandatory part of card hunting and questing and a number of optional tasks like defeating bosses, finishing Party Quests or unlocking skills to choose from. Tier 1-9 do give you increasingly more HP per completion (200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350, 400, 450, 550) totaling to 3.000 HP. Mages get MP instead. On top of the HP/MP you also get some other nice rewards. Tier 10 doesn’t reward HP/MP.
    For more information about this questline take a look at this guide.

    1.2[​IMG]Water from the Spring of Youth (250/500/1.000 HP class dependent)
    The Water from the Spring of Youth questline has 5 parts and is available at level 70 and onwards at Mar the Fairy in Ellinia: Mar's Forest. Each part requires you to collect an increasing amount of certain items. The reward of 50 HP for Mages, 100 HP for non-warrior attackers and 200 HP for warriors is always the same leading up to a total HP gain of 250 for Mages, 500 for non-warrior attackers and 1000 for warriors. For more information about this questline take a look at this guide.

    1.3[​IMG]Search for the Elixir of Life (avg. 35 HP per quest)
    The Search for the Elixir of Life questline is very different from those above, because it’s repeatable. Its origin is at Reuel in Magatia: Zenumist Research Instritute 2nd Floor Hallway for those who are level 120 and above and made their 4th job advancement. He has 30 different, rotating quests for you. All of them require you to collect specific quest items from different monsters around the maple world. You will be rewarded with either 1-2 Chaos Elixirs that give +20 HP each or 3-5 Tonics of Creation that give +10 HP each. Therefore the average HP gain per Quest is +35. The quest being repeatable is only half the truth to be honest. It has a threshold of a certain amount of „potential HP by level 175“ per class. This threshold includes one’s current HP, one’s average HP gain from level ups until level 175, one’s excessive MP that can be washed into HP and one’s HP to be gained by Chaos Elixirs and Tonics of Creation in one’s inventory. It does not take the HP one got from doing the other two quests above into account. So if one did these, they can add those HP to the threshold. Once the threshold would be surpassed by leveling to 175 the quest changes from being unlimited to once a day. This means that you can still accept the quest but only once a day.
    The thresholds are
    9.500 for Thieves and Archers
    9.995 for Corsairs
    14.945 for Buccaneers
    17.658 for Dark Knights & Paladins and
    17.983 for Heroes.

    This quest is currently not available for Mages.
    For more information about this questline take a look at this guide.

    1.4 hp.png mp.png Rose Garden (up to 20 HP/MP per run)
    Rose Garden‘s reward system let you exchange 1 Shiny Flower Powder for 1 Vital Potion of Health for 1 HP or for 1 Vital Potion of Mana for 1 MP. You can enter Rose Garden once a day and obtain up to 20 Shiny Flower Powder by catching Golden Bees in the bonus maps.

    2. Items with HP (3.365 HP)
    [​IMG] 1.000 HP from Legendary Collector Medal (untradeable, 400 sets of monstercards)
    [​IMG] 150 HP from Acceptable Lord Pirate Hat (Lord Pirate PQ)
    [​IMG] 120 HP from Blackfist Cloack (CWKPQ)
    [​IMG] 150 HP from Goddess Wristband (if scrolled, Orbis PQ)
    [​IMG] 500 HP from Black Belt 500 HP (untradeable, 14k Dojo points)
    [​IMG] 300 HP from Mark of Naricain (untradeable, CWKPQ)
    [​IMG] 145 HP from Broken Glasses (fully scrolled, untradeable, Ludibrium PQ)
    [​IMG] 150 HP from Glittering Earring (untradeable, EPQ)
    [​IMG] 150 HP from 2 Carat Love Ring (untradeable, one-of-a-kind, Valentines Event)
    [​IMG] 150 HP from Ephenia‘s Ring (untradeable, unique-equipped, EPQ)
    [​IMG] 100 HP from Ifia‘s Ring (untradeable, unique equipped, Rose Garden/King Castle Golem)
    [​IMG] 100 HP from Zombie Army Ring (untradeable, one-of-a-Kind, Halloween Event)
    [​IMG] 50 HP from Shiny Rudolph Nose (Christmas Event)
    [​IMG] 300 HP from Pet Equips (3x passed 5 of 7 60/70% Pet Equip for HP scrolls)

    Alternatives on the way
    [​IMG] 200 HP from Master Adventurer (untradeable)
    [​IMG] 300 HP from Quest Virtuoso (untradeable, 1000 Quests)
    [​IMG]500 HP from Ergoth's Bane (untradeable, Guild PQ)
    [​IMG] 500 HP from Master Collector (untradeable, 250 sets of monstercards)
    [​IMG] 150 HP from Eye of Horus (fully scrolled Romeo and Juliet PQ)
    [​IMG] 100 HP from Silver Deputy Star
    [​IMG] 100 HP Christmas Snow Fur Lump (untradeable, Christmas Event)
    [​IMG] 45 HP from Anniversary Earrings (untradeable, Anniversary Event)
    [​IMG] 100 HP from Altair Earrings (untradeable, Ellin PQ)
    [​IMG] 400 HP from Red Belt (untradeable, 8k Dojo points)
    [​IMG] 300 HP from Blue Belt (untradeable, 4k Dojo points)
    [​IMG] 200 HP from Yellow Belt (untradeable, 2k Dojo points)
    [​IMG] 100 HP from White Belt (untradeable, 200 Dojo points)

    Many of the Party Quest reward items have been buffed in MapleRoyals or have specific scrolls for them in here that were not available back in the days.
    Check out Update 87‘s patch notes for further details here.

    More information about the listed Medals can be found here for a general overview, here specifically for the monster card collecting medals and here for the quest related medals! For some jobs the Quest Medals might be more beneficial due to their STR/DEX/INT/LUK stats, however since this guide is about HP I do advice the Legendary Collector Medal as it has 700 more HP than the Quest Virtuoso Medal. Keep that in mind if you prefer to go for any other Medal!

    3. Common HP Goals
    Note that these goals might be slightly higher than what I recommend in my bossing guide per boss just for that extra safety and that they don’t factor in damage reducing skills. You can also clear many of these bosses with less HP when knowing the boss mechanics or how to avoid certain attacks! If you just need to defeat them once for your Adventurer Assignment Questline progress Hyper Body can be an option until you reach their respective HP goal.
    10.000 HP: Horntail
    11.000 HP: Nibergen
    12.000 HP: Shaolin/Dunas v2/Bigfoot/Kucha Mucha/Vergamot
    15.000 HP: Dunas (for damage reflect)
    16.000 HP: Toad / Auf Haven
    18.000 HP: Von Leon
    18.750 HP: Royal Guard & 30k with HB
    28.000 HP: Bodyguard A (safe)
    30.000 HP: Flex

    4. How to play „unwashed“
    Keep in mind that this is just a guideline and actual HP values for your character can be different as there is RNG involved.

    4.1 Level 1-70
    Simply play the game. Don’t add AP into INT. Do the Adventurer‘s Assignment Quest 1-3 to be guided through the game and receive some extra HP and other rewards from it. Switch grinding spots from time to time to work on your monster card collection. You won’t regret progressing on this one as soon as possible. Remember to check if there are any events running that give you one of the untradeable event items mentioned above. In case there are prioritize getting your hands on them. Getting the Broken Glasses from Ludibrium PQ and Goddess Wristband from Orbis PQ should also be on your to-do list.

    Sources of Extra HP
    675 HP from Adventurer's Assignment 1-3
    150 HP from Goddess Wristband
    145 HP from Broken Glasses

    Results at Lv. 70
    Class HP by Lv. 70 Extra HP Total HP by Lv. 70
    Thieves & Archers 1.983 970 2.953
    Corsairs 2.163 970 3.133
    Buccaneers 3.963 970 4.933
    Dark Knights & Paladins 4.221 970 5.191
    Heroes 4.546 970 5.516
    Mages 892 295 1.187
    4.2 Level 70-120
    Well done, you’ve reached third job and unlocked the Water from the Spring of Youth questline. Do that for those extra HP! Also don’t forget the tips above! At Level 70 you will unlock Pirate PQ which is decent exp and offers the Acceptable Lord Pirate Hat. From level 110 onwards do your Ellin PQ prequest and get yourself an Ephenia‘s Ring and Glittering Altair Earing. Good luck on the scrolling! I expect you to have finished the Adventurer‘s Assignment questline 5 at this point.

    Sources of Extra HP
    575 HP from Adventurer's Assignment 4-5
    250/500/1000/ HP from Water from the Spring of Youth (class dependent)
    150 HP from Pirate PQ Hat
    150 HP from Ephenia's Ring
    150 HP from Glittering Earring

    Results at Lv. 120
    Class HP by Lv. 120 Extra HP Total HP by Lv. 120
    Thieves & Archers 4.678 1.525 6.203
    Corsairs 5.008 1.525 6.533
    Buccaneers 8.308 1.525 9.833
    Dark Knights & Paladins 9.516 2.025 11.541
    Heroes 9.841 2.025 11.866
    Mages 1.787 700 2.487
    4.3 Level 120-155
    Congratulations, you‘ve reached fourth job! Time to claim your Master Adventurer Medal. It’s a good one to use until you unlock the better ones. On top you’ve finally unlocked the repeatable Search for the Elixir of Life quest. It’s time to spam that one! It might be beneficial to get some levels in and upgrade your new skills to make your life easier. For the sake of calculations I’ll expect you to finish the quest 30 times during these levels. Warrior’s HP washing is so efficient that one will be hitting the threshold just from your excessive MP one accumulates by leveling to 155 so they will be held back by the daily restriction a bit. Apart from that quest progress, do Adventurers Assignment 6 and 7, try to get yourself a Mark of Naricain from CWKPQ, join Dojo runs here and there and keep collecting monster cards! It’s a good medal to use until you get your hands on a better one. Getting your hands on a cheap Blackfist Cloak with some attack should also be fairly doable. Mages can use any cape with INT and Magic Attack for now. A Mark of Nariciain is also not really ideal for Mages so despite it not giving any HP i advice you to get a Hontnail Pendant instead.

    Sources of Extra HP
    750 HP from Adventurer's Assignment 6-7
    1.050 HP from 30x Elixir of Life
    200 HP from Master Adventurer Medal
    300 HP from Mark of Naricain (0 HP for Mages)
    120 HP from Blackfist Cloak (0 HP for Mages)

    Results at Lv. 155
    Class HP by Lv. 155 Extra HP Total HP by Lv. 155
    Thieves & Archers 7.898 2.420 10.318
    Corsairs 8.333 2.420 10.753
    Buccaneers 12.683 2.420 15.103
    Dark Knights & Paladins 15.676 2.420 18.096
    Heroes 16.001 2.420 18.421
    Mages 2.907 200 3.107
    4.4 Level 155-175
    Time to defeat one of the most iconic Pre-Big-Bang Bosses - Horntail. Luckily you’ve been following this guide so you will be able to survive all of his attacks. So as long as you learn his other mechanics you should be fine! Hopefully you are lucky enough to get your hands on a nice Ifia‘s Ring at level 170+. Else any clean one should be good enough for now. Since by the end of this you are 175 and from there on heavy hitting bosses await you it’s also time to finish your Dojo sessions to get your Black Belt, scroll your pet equips with further HP and reach the Search for Elixir of Life quest threshold if you haven’t already! Those of you who carefully read everything up to this point should've noticed that washing out the excessive MP is the only way to get everything out of the Search for Elixir of Life quest. That being said this guide might not be 100% unwashed but at least I didn’t make you add any base int and you could progress normally, right? Anyways wash out your extra MP to be able to truely reach the HP thresholds from the Elixir of Life Quests if you are an Attacker. Furthermore do the Adventurer's Assignement Quests 8. By now you hopefully were able to obtain the event items 2 Carat Love Ring, Zombie Army Ring and Shiny Rudolph Nose. Mages should get a Christmas Snow Fur Lump from Christmas event too. While Attackers can get these too and even scroll them for Attack Black Fist Cloaks are more common and therefore used in this guide.

    Sources of Extra HP
    450 HP from Adventurer's Assignment 8
    3.657 HP from Elixir of Life threshold (including the completions you did before)
    500 HP from Blackbelt
    300 HP from Pet Equips
    150 HP from 2 Carat Love Ring
    100 HP from Zombie Army Ring
    100 Hp from Ifia's Ring
    50 HP from Shiny Rudolph Nose
    100 HP Christmas Snow Fur Lump (Mage only)

    Results at Lv. 175
    Class HP by Lv. 175 Extra HP Total HP by Lv. 175
    Thieves & Archers 10.758 5.307 16.065
    Corsairs 11.253 5.307 16.560
    Buccaneers 16.203 5.307 21.510
    Dark Knights & Paladins 19.416 5.307 24.723
    Heroes 19.741 5.307 25.048
    Mages 3.447 1.300 4.647
    4.5 Level 175-200
    Over the course to 200 you also got some more excessive MP to wash out and finish Adventurer's Assignment Quest 9. If you want to get the final HP reward i will mention you should finish hunting monster cards to get your Legendary Collector Medal and swap it with your Master Adventurer Medal for a plus of 800 HP in comparison.

    Sources of Extra HP

    550 HP from Adventurer's Assignment 9
    450/500/1.000/1.300/0 HP from Washing out excessive MP (class dependent)
    1.000 HP from Legendary Collector Medal
    -200 HP from Master Adventurer Medal

    Results at Lv. 200

    Class HP by Lv. 200 Extra HP Total HP by Lv. 200
    Thieves & Archers 16.615 1.800 18.415
    Corsairs 16.760 1.850 19.035
    Buccaneers 22.885 2.350 25.235
    Dark Knights & Paladins 26.373 2.650 29.023
    Heroes 26.698 2.650 29.348
    Mages 4.947 800 5.747
    5. Conclusion
    All in all nowadays HP washing is indeed optional in MapleRoyals if you focus on the alternatives to gain more HP. If you have done everything I mentioned and still need that last bit of HP for Von Leon you can keep doing the Elixir of Life quest on a daily basis, top it of with some Rpse Garden trade-ins and eventually even reach 30k HP. It will also allow you to maximize your damage as some of the items in the guide aren’t the best in slot option when it only comes to damage. So swapping them out if you got more HP is always an option. If you absolutely do not want to go all in for the Legendary Collector it will also allow you to get away with one of the Medal alternatives. In the end it is your decission to follow this or do the traditional HP washing. Good luck and have fun! ~

    6. Dictionary
    HP - Health Points
    MP - Mana Points
    AP - The Ability Points for STR/DEX/INT/LUK/HP/MP.
    Fresh AP - The Ability Points for STR/DEX/INT/LUK/HP/MP one gets from leveling up.
    APR - An Ability Point Reset is a NX item you can buy in the Cash Shop for 3.100 NX to reset an AP and reassign it elsewhere.
    Minimum MP - You can no longer subtract MP via an APR if you would fall under this threshold using it. Each class has a formula to calculate their minimum MP.
    Excessive MP - The amount of MP you have excluding your current minimum MP.
    Base INT - The amount of AP you have assigned into INT excluding the INT from your equips.
    HP Washing - Turning excessive MP into HP by applying one AP into HP and removing it from MP by using an APR.
    MP Washing - Generating 1 MP per 10 Base INT by putting fresh AP into MP. This is used to generate a lot of excessive MP while having high base INT of usually above 200 or even 300. Some may call this Double Washing too.

    Special thanks to @Damien. for his input and proofreading.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
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  2. Brianis

    Brianis Donator

    Dec 22, 2022
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    Welldone ~mon
  3. Javier

    Javier Donator

    Nov 6, 2014
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    wonderful guide!!!!!!
  4. Patze507

    Patze507 Donator

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Nice one - helps a lot for ironman! :) <3
    Damien. likes this.
  5. Jesseh

    Jesseh Donator

    Dec 23, 2015
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    So Progressive
    Lov it
  6. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Although the guide show a great information about the hp at specific lvl, still i recommend adding a min lvl and recommended lvl to join a boss to guide players.

    Ie for HT, depends on ur goal and how u start the game (totally new, alr has some fund, alr has friends to help) u need 10k+ hp at the point:
    1.min lvl 80 (but normally ppl get in at 120 for HTP)
    2. Min lvl 155 for full exp (even though the damage calculate system is gone not many player join htp as atker at lvl 155 unless they are carried by friends)
    3. Recommend lvl to join 175-180+ : many can join sooner but i believe these lvl is needed for a player to get the max damage out put to the boss and being comfortable among pt

    In conclusions, a chart shows a lvl for a boss will help guide alot (specially those dont read wall of text) and some brief explanation about bosses (who/where are they? Should u able/considered strong enough to join?)
  7. Yaro

    Yaro Donator

    Jan 6, 2017
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    During the section about the repeatable Reuel quest you claim that:
    Is this actually 100% true? I've been withholding from completing the Olaf/Ellinia HP quests because I thought those would "eat into" that threshold, leaving me with much less HP when it becomes daily.
    I always grinded the Reuel until it became daily and then "top off" with said quest chains, but if what you claim is true it could save me a lot of headache.
    The description for the thresholds on the post you linked doesn't mention anything about that, and I always thought those would be included into the "current HP".

    Another note - you don't have to level to 175 for Reuel to become daily, just reach HP of (threshold - LVL x HP Gain).
    Funny bug/feature is that the HP gain per level doesn't take into account the extra 30/40 HP buccaneer/warriors get from their skills, so they could potentially reach much higher HP - though that would require some extreme grinding. Did it with a buccaneer, had to do like 40 extra quests drove me insane because I couldn't figure out why...
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
  8. ImVeryJelly

    ImVeryJelly Donator

    Jun 20, 2016
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    Such a beautiful guide!
    Sylafia likes this.
  9. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Yes it was designed so that you dont have to withhold doing the Adventurers Assignment Questline (Olaf) and the Spring of the Youth Questline (Ellinia HP Quests). You can refer this this statement for it.

    For this one im not sure what you are trying to say.
    I do not claim the Elixir of Life quest turns daily at level 175 and it is not only (threshold - LVL x HP Gain) like you say. Please double check that section. If you have a question let me know.

    This shouldn't allow them to reach higher HP, because the threshold remains the same. It should allow them to do more quests until it turns daily, because the calculated "average HP gain from level ups" is lower than it actually is.
    Yaro likes this.
  10. Yaro

    Yaro Donator

    Jan 6, 2017
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    This very good to hear, but is it actually implemented in game? I've seen some posts of players in the thread dedicated to this quest that claim that they lost HP doing this because it's not implement correctly.

    Maybe I misunderstood you. You are correct though that the formula is wrong. It's actually (Threshold - LVL difference to 175 X HP Gain). At levels 175 and above it's just the threshold. I've used this one to estimate how many quests I have left before daily and it worked accurately except for Buccaneer due to the HP skill thing.

    It will allow them to reach higher HP if they grind to threshold in earlier levels because the HP gain from the skill "eats into" the threshold. However, after they finish the grind and it becomes daily, the HP gain from skill won't affect the threshold anymore.
    Here is an example of finish grinding to threshold (excluding the HP from olaf/ellinia) on a bucc in either lvl 130 or 170. HP gain on level up is 24-26 without skill.
    I want to calculate how much HP they would have when it becomes daily, using the formula I stated earlier.
    LVL 130 - 14945 - 45x25 = 13820
    LVL 170 - 14945 - 5x25 = 14820
    Now if the lvl 130 bucc levels to 170 naturally, he will gain 55 HP per level and at will end up with:
    13820 + 55x40 = 16020
    Nice! 1200 extra HP gained at level 170 by grinding the HP quest 40 levels earlier instead of postponing it. This can also be done for warriors which benefit even more!

    So in other words, it's ideal to grind the Reuel quest until it becomes daily as early as possible on warrior/buccaneer because you can potentially get 40/30 extra HP per level up to 175. This is even more effective if you HP wash with extra MP that you got after reaching threshold, especially for warrior.
    The obvious downside here is the grind itself - you have to do around 1 extra quest for each level up to 175 (35HP vs 30/40) and at a much lower level, when you're weak.
    I am not sure if this is intentional or a glitch, and whether it should be changed. However, I do feel that if a bucc and especially a warrior (since their wash is super easy) did this "cheat" to get extra HP, they deserve it. Grinding those HP quests just as you reach 4th job is painful! I would know, I did that (multiple times).
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  11. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    As far as i know those players didn't realize that the threshold also includes the HP you can get from washing out all excessive MP. Please take a look at the patch notes of Update 72, which contain this statement:
    If anyone here had problems with Elixir of Life thresholds after doing the Spring of the Youth or Adventurers Assignment questline please make a bug report with the relevant information (IGN, Job, clean HP & MP, level, quest status for Spring of the Youth and Adventurers Assignment.

    Could it be that you washed out all excessive MP on your characters and didnt hold any HP elixirs in your inventory?

    Yea grinding out the limitless quest earlier has the benefit of being able to get a bit more HP in the end, because excessive MP from level ups until level 175 is not part of the calculation. Im not sure about HP from level ups for Buccaneers and Warriors, but it shouldn't be a problem since the downsight is obviously you being weaker and thus slower in completing the quests and kind of handicapping yourself if you purposely stay low level for that.

    Again i dont think the formular is only that but if you are right there is a bug that somehow excludes excessive MP and HP elixirs in your inventory.
    Apart from that it looks correct if the formular indeed takes the base level up HP not the total level up HP with the boost by skills into account, which kinda makes sense because for what ever reason people might not skill it first or at all.
  12. Yaro

    Yaro Donator

    Jan 6, 2017
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    That may be so. I saw that one of the players definitely had excess MP but didn't dig deep into how much he could gain.
    I will test it out my self on a new buccaneer I started leveling recently and report in a few months. Even if it doesn't work correctly, I will stomach it until it's fixed as bucc has good HP even without those bonuses.

    I always wash out my excess MP while leveling and always use the HP potions in my inventory. I also never explicitly wear INT gear to get more MP. The extra 40(!) Quests are 100% related to the HP skill.

    I wouldn't really say it's handicapping if you do the quests earlier. Yeah, it's gonna be slower, but the EXP you get on those levels while farming the monsters is actually significant. I leveled to around 130 when I finished grinding Reuel on my old bucc that I talked about. I think I reached around 17k HP with the legendary collector medal by lvl 140.
    The biggest benefit for melee is obviously the extra HP, and all classes can enjoy a bit of extra HP from HP wash.
    I think the biggest issue here is people who didn't know about this and finished grinding Reuel very late levels and thus not in their fault "missed out" on a fair chunk of HP. Mind you, the 4 classes that are affected by this phenomenon don't struggle with HP, so I don't see it as a huge issue my self.

    The formula is missing the excess MP and potions in inventory part, but I assumed that all of it is washed out/used.
    I think the skill ignoring behavior is correct - maybe some weird bucc/warrior might not have it.
    I don't think there is any bug relating to the excess MP to wash or potions in inventory, just the skill HP on level up is in question here.

    To conclucde my findings as a no-washer for life - It seems like I will still have to grind Reuel when I reach 120 to get those sweet "free" 1200+ HP (on bucc), but at least I can turn in the Olaf/Ellinia quests early so I can complete the tasks naturally and unclog my ETC inventory.

    As a final note - It think having Reuel tell you explicitly how much HP you have left until the quest becomes daily will be a cool QoL.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
    Sylafia and Zancks like this.
  13. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Alright so there should not be any but in the script which is good ^_^'
    You can do the HP quest as early as possible for said reasons but I won’t advice it for everyone on my guide.
    Having a way to check the amount of completions of Elixir of Life until it turns daily would indeed be a nice QoL feature. I think there was a calculator somewhere on the forums, but I can’t find it right now.
  14. Lann

    Lann Donator

    Feb 11, 2020
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    Awesome guide! this is some quality content
    Exact information I needed after taking break for 3 years

    now I just need to figure out what to do with my half ass washed 200 int Ranger ~f18
  15. Gellyroll

    Gellyroll Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    xCintare ღ
    Savior ღ
    Nice guide! I was also actually thinking of making a guide similar to this one :love: Though I wish it would be on sticky threads so new players can see this guide firsthand? I didn’t saw this guide until I saw someone commented on it, this guide should be prioritized imo :D
    Damien. and Zancks like this.
  16. Yaro

    Yaro Donator

    Jan 6, 2017
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    This is a follow up to my discussion with @Zancks regarding the HP threshold acting weird for warriors and buccaneer and whether it's affected by other HP quests. As promised, I leveled a character and grinded the HP quest ASAP until it became daily, but it was a Dark Knight instead of a Buccaneer.
    Up to LVL 120 I played "naturally":
    • Completing the Adventurer's Assignment (Olaf) 1-4 and the Water from the Springs of Youth - Total of 1450 HP gained from those.
    • HP washed excess MP received naturally through leveling and extra INT mostly from Zak + Shiny Nose. I got the Zakum helm "late" (level 100).
    • Never explicitly used any INT gear or added to base INT EXCEPT for one 1 INT point to round the total to 30.
    Once I got to 120 and did my job advancement and relevant skill quests, I started grinding the daily HP quest. To my surprise, I had to do only 3 quests before it came daily - already "done" at level 120! This can probably be explained by the fair about of washing I did and some excess MP that I either gained from job advancement or didn't have enough AP reset to wash.

    Now for the interesting part - Did the HP quests "eat" into my threshold? My threshold will be 19108 if they don't, but only 17658 if they do.
    Here is my base HP and MP as seen with the AP reset:
    According to the minimum MP formula for my class (4xLVL + 156) I still have 39 excess MP - meaning can wash 9 more times and gain 9 x 52 = 486 extra HP.
    If you add that to my base - I get 15526 HP. Lets call this my base HP. If I add the HP gain per level up to 175 (total 55 levels), I should receive the "actual" threshold.
    There are two scenarios regarding whether the threshold takes into account the extra HP gain on level I get from my 1st job skill - 66 vs 26 average per level.
    If it doesn't - my threshold is 15526 + 55 * 26 = 16956. This is lower than even smaller of the two threshold, so this scenario is not correct.
    If it does - my threshold is 15526 + 55 * 66 = 19156. If you take off the 40HP I got from the last HP quest I did (since it was daily), it's almost exactly the "quested boosted" threshold (19108 vs 19116). Match!

    As such, my conclusions from this "experiment" are:
    • The HP threshold for "Comprehensive Search for the Elixir of Life"/ "Reuel HP Quest" DOES increase with the other HP quests - meaning you can comfortably do them anytime you want and not miss out on any "potential extra HP" that you could have gotten if you grinded the repeatable quest.
    • The HP threshold DOES take into account the 40 extra HP warriors get from their 1st job skill.
    • Based on my previous experience, it seems like the threshold DOES NOT take into account the 30 HP per level-up Buccaneers get from their 2nd job skill. Since I did that experiment more than a year ago, this may have already been "fixed" - @Zancks can you please confirm whether this is true?
    • Dragon/Dark Knight is a strong and fun class. Definitely my new main (until I die while zerking).
    Casaba, nomade, Zancks and 4 others like this.
  17. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Thanks for coming back to me about this. I’m relieved that for Dark Knight everything plays out as expected! I will double check with our devs if Buccaneer‘s HP gain skill is also included in the calculation.
    Sylafia likes this.
  18. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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