I am guilty of this ... ._. Feedback acknowledged Spoiler: My crime I did this to a guy who just joined the server 10 days ago. ... I am the meme
The more I look at the photo, the more I realize it's true. Not sure if you just randomly put the Admins on the stones arbitrarily, but they sure do match! Karven as the Time stone. Alright, Karven can't control time, but he basically can control when Update 54 is coming out. Joong as the Mind Stone. To be a great visual artist, you must first have a very creative mind. Sof as the Soul Stone. A Soul for a Soul, but in this case, it's a GM for a GM. Other GM's had to step down for Sof to get chosen. I also hope that he gets promoted to a fully qualified GM. He's a very nice guy. Andreas as the Reality Stone. In the comics, it's more about wish fulfillment. I have a wish that this issue will get fixed during Update 54. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/not-getting-the-3-2x-exp.114663/ Kai as the Space Stone. The Space Stone grants it's user to teleport anywhere. This man is hella dope. He teleported to Maple Island to give me and other fellow islanders GM buffs. #KaiTheRealMVP Tim as the Power Stone. Self explanatory, but the Power Stone grants you overwhelming strength. So which other GM to give then this guy? Just look at his signature: 30K or Bust, 4 level 200's, and 5 level 120+. This man doesn't even need other people to Horntail and Chill, just sextuple client and bang bang.
[Opens the Update #54 Teaser Trailer] [looks at view count] I know who you are, sitting at home all weekend, spamming F5, I'm on to you...