this thread reminds me of this hacker @yarden21212 who said I am not hacker even though I hacked: Most of these hackers have this stubborn personality. They will keep trying to find some other way to hack and come back. I don't think we can nerf some skill to the extent that won't affect other innocent players. The possible solution I can think of is to bring auto ban/detect back into our system. Also, I think we need to recruit more active and dedicated GM's who act right away when players report these hackers.
As much as we love to be active, life just doesn't permit it at times. Remember that we are players volunteering our time for it, as well as us being working adults or students who have assignments to catch up with. But we do our best in being active. Back on topic: hackers dont really just use slash blast. You pretty much have hackers across all 5 jobs.
I am NOT blaming you current staffs. I actually appreciate you staffs doing this volunteering work without any reward. When I said "we need more active and dedicated GM's", I meant we need more legit staffs IN NUMBERS. I still think we need to recruit more staff. P.S. typo: I am NOT blaming you current staffs.
Suggesting to recruit more gms doesn't mean that you think the current gms are not doing their job. With your statement you should be for adding more staff members it could even ease the workload for everyone involved. I'm not saying i think that we need more staff or that the current staff isnt working enough, I just don't think its good to bring up how much time there is in a day, how much you don't get paid and what other activities you are doing every time someone critique or suggest something regarding staff.
The staff seem really inactive the last months I think Like I remember in old source you almost always had like 2 or more GMs on and if you dced you got warped quickly, now usually there are no GMs on at all so if the server dc there is nobody to warp you and the ~gm command doesn't work either
OMG please stop! from "warrior hackers" to criticizing GMs. you guys are unbelievable! as kai said: and imo the server is relatively hacker free thanks to GMs effort, i've been playing for about 2 years and i only manage to find around 4-5 hackers since i started playing, and GMs reply right away when i post reports. so i don't know what you mean by "inactive". note: topic is about hackers not DC and request from GMs to warp you.
It all depends on what areas are you traveling at, I think i saw like 15+ hackers in the less than a year of me playing on the server. They tend to show up in uncommon maps, so back when I was questing for fun, I ran into random hackers (but didn't know how to report at the time). And in the past week i ran into 4 again because i started training an SI mule and went back to low lvl areas. While I'll agree with you that GMs are doing an amazing job (any reports that i sent were usually up with a response that they took action in an hour). I won't call this server relatively hacker free.
What is different now compared to back during old source is that the rewarp policy has been heavily adjusted since then, every time people claim there's been a disconnect we have to verify that indeed the issue was on our end and not from the ISP/internet of affected people, this is to stop 'fake' disconnecting to get a rewarp, which is something we are cracking down on. Regarding hackers, we really do appreciate all the reports you guys send in!
That has been a thing for a long time though. Surprised you don't have a ~gm command still. No wonder people think staff is less active than before.
Back in 2007~2008, when I played my first Maplestory character (a swordsman) I remember a day I was exploring Aqua Road. I though the Mask Fish were funny cuz they were the first "flying" mobs I encountered. I hit every single one on the map with normal attack just to enjoy Slash Blasting them in the end, while grouped. It was a lot of fun until a fellow mapler came across shouting "hacker! I will report you" Well I didn't get banned... You forgot Somersault Kick. (also 6 mobs, 190% damage instead of 130%) Let's nerf Slash Blast to see some more Pirate hackers.
Lol the entire thread was about "nerfing" the attack to only hit 6 targets, but someone pointed out that is already the case and i just misunderstood how the skill worked, therefore this entire thread is pretty much void.