Look at this poor soul, he got a confirmed 30-day ban, and is risking a permanent ban. Major account sharing, "major" itself is misnomer. As long as one kill a monster, be it a snail, they are already under major account sharing category. Majority account sharing offenders fall under this rather than the 30-days ban category. Suggestion: Changing major account sharing punishment to: 1 year ban and reset all characters of involved offenders to level one, wipe all inventory (meso, items and Nx) How to implement? They are firstly permanent banned to give chance to suspects to appeal for their ban. If suspects admit guilty, reset character level and wiping inventory and unban after 1year. 2nd offense: Permanent ban This can also be considered for retroactive. Help out our players who neglected to read the rules. Character reset and inventory wiping already removed all unfairly gained advantage, and give them a long ban like 1year.
How about just play your own account and don't break the ToS you agreed on? Lol idk might sound a little harsh and blunt from me but that's what come to my mind on this topic.
While staff are not obliged to lenient the punishment, it is undeniable that this is a very common mistake (not reading the rules) people make, especially for first timer.
When a new player registers, they agree that they've read the rules. If they haven't actually read the rules, and find themselves unexpectedly punished for breaking them, that's entirely their deficiency. Besides, if the staff allows leniency for ignorance of the rules, there's nothing stopping rule breakers from feigning ignorance.
Basically this. It's like people committing murder, but then saying they never actually read what the laws were and didn't know it was illegal. What are they going to do? Let the murderer have a lesser punishment cause he "didn't know it was wrong". No. Rules are there for a reason and are easily accessible, you agree to them when you make an account. Breaking them is no ones fault but your own.
The difference between Major and Minor account sharing is far too thin a line, when used with these terms. Instead I would just use it as "any form of account sharing warrants a perma ban", because at this point, thats basically what it is.
Anyone who claims to always read the terms and conditions of whatever he's doing is either a liar or a saint. People don't read lol. I'm not sure how or if it's possible to be more lenient in these cases but I trust the staff to get the better picture. I do support a strict stance on this - not for the reasons of preventing the sale of accounts - but rather so that there's some consistency in the application of rules. That being said, I also do think that the intent should be taken into account when handling these appeals.
Besides doing this: There's nothing you can do besides make it black and white. Again, people can CLAIM to have had no malicious intent, but it's pretty impossible to figure that out most of the time. And aside from that, look at how many "I didn't know I couldn't vote abuse" appeals there are. It's literally in their face every time they do it and they still either don't know or claim not to know it wasn't allowed. You can't make idiots read what they refuse to, and so there's no real, reasonable solution to this.
It's the same issue throughout. There's always ambiguity and I do think there's a reason why they have minor and major categories for some of the offences. You've quoted vote abuse which is really objective since there's no way around their fixed number of illegal NX gained which is clearly documented. But for account sharing cases it's not so clearly defined.
I don't know if you all really read the rules when you first joined, but I don't. I am lucky that I didn't break any rules, I only thoroughly study the rules maybe a week after I joined. The ban appeal section caught my attention, I read about how people are banned, then only I went to read the complete tnc. Do you actually read the tnc of each software you download? The reason some ban are not instant permanent ban, but have multiple tier ban, is to serve as warning and at the same time to give appropriate punishment. Account sharing is unlike hacking or rwt. People deserve a second chance. I understand that by trying to help those who accidentally account shared, those who maliciously account shared will also benefitted from this proposed suggestion. However I believe a one year ban plus reset inventory and character level is already harsh enough, and had already removed all unfair advantage gained. It serve as a warning and being a harsh punishment at the same time. Again, I am not saying staff are obliged to lenient the punishment, it is definitely players' fault for not reading the rules, this is more like a plead to show mercy to your player. Rules are made to help people, if changes is good, why not?
Or better : make each rule its own box, bold and huge fonts like 1. No account sharing 2. Vote abuse Etc. Then people would have to click on next and stuff
The real rules we need to be changed are the ones related to harassment, hate speech and KSing. Literally like walking on egg shells if you want to talk like a normal human being on here. Vote abuse, RWT and hacking are really the only rules we need, and a zero tolerance approach is definitely ideal for such offenses.
Failing to read the rules or not, I think the current account sharing rule is lame; never a fan of regulations founded on slippery slope logic. :v I'm sure it helps keep things simple for staff, and I'll vouch for that, but there's not much else integrity it has worth defending.
There is a due process when it comes to account sharing cases, and a clear distinction between minor and major account sharing. However, the problem lies with most players who choose to lie and change details in their appeals to fit their narrative which makes things a lot harder to verify, mainly because the truth is often shady and they already know which line they should not have cross. Also, this suggestion makes sense and i do like it: Changing major account sharing punishment to: 1 year ban and reset all characters of involved offenders to level one, wipe all inventory (meso, items and Nx)
I actually agree on the idea, that most players who fault this is new and totally oblivious cause. “OH LETS PLAY FUCK READING THIS” Mindset. A permernant IP Ban For BRAND NEW promising and budding players for mistakes as such is really alittle too punishing. Yes yes this may cause thousands of actual account sharing / vote abusers / hackers to try to loop around this problem, but if we can design it in a way to tackle thos problem as a much such a solution. A full wipe + long term Temporary Ban. Pls slam that nerf hammer to the ban system LOL
At this point i feel like people need it even more in their faces, boldly when they register, in bulletpoints: [after you register your account info, you reach a page that says the following] "Before you create your account to mapleroyals, please promise us that: [ ] I will never share my account [ ] I will only vote once every 24 hours per household [ ] I will never take part in real world trading (be it money or favor) [ ] I will never harrass other players [ ] Etc etc... only after checking all the boxes, will it allow you to create the account, sure, you can just check it all and ignore it. But I believe that any player who joins for the first time will take some of it to heart, and if he doesn't understand fully the implication of these rules, he can always check the T&C later for a more detailed explaination. Any player that feigns ignorance after going through that basically brought it on himself. Teach them like how they teach donald trump about complex topics: with bulletpoints, colorful text, and pictures. EDIT: oh, and for my opinion on making the rules more linient, I'm kinda against it. While the current rules aren't ideal to say the least, loosening the punishment for the edge cases of the innocent lawbreakers is a slippery slope that we don't want to go down. It's a shame that people ignore the rules even when they are confronted with them like 3 times in the process of entering the game for the first time, not to mention the yellow royal tips that mention the rules once in a while. But rules are rules. I can complain all day on the actual ban appeal process, but I think the rules themselves are just.
tbh i didnt read the ToS that well when i registered, but if u cant be bothered to even skim through the rules when you join then the only one at fault is you and your ignorance most pservers usually have the same rules anyways
Another case happened here Assuming he is not lying, then he isn't one of the malicious player which should be gotten rid of. Account sharing isn't as harmful as hacking, rwt and the others. Those ignorant players who forgot to read the rules, why not give them a second chance? Bumping this thread.
I don't think any rule breaker "forgot" to read the rules but they made a clear decision in the beginning "not to read" them because they didn't value the possible consequences for the sake of little convenience that spared few extra minutes of their gaming time.