Hi everyone, sorry to bother you. I promised the Staff there will be no more stupid threads, and I promised a good behavior. That's what will happen, and this isnt another one of the stupid threads in the past. I hope we can all avoid drama and enjoy a good discussion. There's actually something important I'd like to talk to you about, if you're okay with that. I only got unbanned recently, so I'd like to avoid drama as much as possible. Well, the thing is like this. I played on various servers in the past, and to be honest with you, this one actually blew up my mind. In a good way, not bad one. Really, it's amazing. Because, when I played on other servers in the past, atleast the ones I played on, there were barely any players online. I mean, there were players online, but not enough for a simple party and stuff like that. I guess you can say the most important thing about a server, is the players. Yes, the community really means a lot. And because this community is big, it's a great thing. I remember playing on this server, which I wont mention the name, and there were like 50 or 100 players online at the most. I couldn't even find enough players for a party, or barely people to talk to. A lot of these out of the players online were also AFK, and unable to talk. I was wondering if you feel the same? To be honest, I think you do, but just curious to find out. I would say any one of us would agree that, you can't play on a server when there aren't enough players online. This server really is the best server right now. Royals rules, for sure. I don't mean to say "fuck all other servers" but it's amazing how you can see 4 digits easily at peak times. I dont think there is any other server which had hit 1000 online yet.
In this thread Spoiler https://royals.ms/forum/threads/who-is-the-real-god.131153/#post-752696 the majority have voted that you’re their God, including Matt and Tim.
That's good to know. To be honest with you, I always kinda wanted to feel special like that, even if not a real God, etc. If that's the treatment I'm getting, I won't stop with the current forum attitude. But, I can't disappoint Staff and start stupid threads again. So forgive me if I'm a little bit more careful than before, I learned a lot of lessons during the forum ban.
The first thing I asked my friend when he told me to join this server was “How many players are on?” So I’d say it’s the most important thing, haha. I think I joined this server not because I wanted to experience mindlessly grinding for hours again, but more to chase the experience of making friends and just messing around with Maple as the backdrop.
It is absolutely fundamental for a server to have a good amount of players. I personally never stick around for long if the server is unpopulated. Things get very boring in the end. A server can't develop if there's little feedback from people and lack of staff members. In someones eyes it could have a great community regardless how small, but everyone's different. Let's be honest, most of the time you also need a big community to find ''your people'' so to speak. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I personally think this server has the best community, never have I found as many friends in a private server as I have in this one. And I think the reason for that is because most of the people here come from a nostalgic place of MapleStory, and there's a lot of them.
Since we're all in agreement about online player count, I think a more interesting question would be how do we make sure that player count stays high/continue to grow? Should active community members (forum posters, player-event runners, new player recruiters) be rewarded, and more emphasis be put on the community? Or should more emphasis be put on improving the state of the game to keep it engaging and fun?
New game mechanics and community focused rewards confirmed?? @Zofran will become an in-game god, haha.