I could be wrong, but im pretty sure you'll have a choice which resolution you want. Either a toggle in game, or a separate download between the two resolutions
Assuming you weren't using fullscreen when you played, the character size wont change, the size of the window will just grow. Even if you do play with full screen, i can tell you that from all the time i played on the small clients on a 1920x1080 desktop, i never had any trouble telling what emote people were using. So i dont think this change is that big a problem as you might think
@Matt, the game has a loading range, where it spawns other characters, mobs, etc to your client so you won't need to load the entire map. Can you guys increase that loading range together with the resolution? Cause if you don't, it would be possible that players will be able to see things load as they move quickly around the map (ex: flash jump, falling, etc.)
The limited loading range has its benefits for some people given the graphical glitches (mostly with Nvidia users) that are currently affecting the game. For example, I had a VIP Targa buyer recently who told us he's DC-ed in all the runs he tried buying from. What my duo and I did was to make him stand all the way to the left side, and rushing Targa all the way to the right of the map upon spawn and killed Targa there. This made it such that on his screen (and our mules' screen) Targa's range of animations weren't being loaded at all and he was able to successfully get his helms without disconnecting. I'm not sure how increasing or keeping current loading range with the new resolution will affect users like this, just thought I'd put it here that they're there.
They are planning to fix the GFX issue with the new client Edit: Source - https://royals.ms/forum/threads/way-to-fix-gfx-suggestion.118011/#post-665753 I apologize if the fix for GFX is not scheduled for this client yet, and is only meant for higher resolution
New client is ages away from being a reality, the increased resolution has nothing to do with a new client as far as i know. So i believe the gfx issue won't resolve itself after the resolution will increase.
That looks fantastic, a great improvement!! One thing, will it be able to better handle the painfully low floor in some maps, e.g. CWK? (I can grab a screenshot later to show what I mean if needed... not logging on right now though as supposed to be doing productive stuff). In some of them, you have to have the chatbox collapsed almost entirely or it's tough to see loot at the bottom and just looks awful in general. What is the "real" game using these days?
The actual game uses new map to fit the higher resolution Guessing the Staff have to re-draw the existing maps to fit the 1024 x 768
The new client should display these maps in the same way the current client does, since the UI at the bottom of the screen is neither vertically bigger nor smaller. Each such map would need to be manually fixed, and some are easier to do than others.
Would it be possible to slightly enlarge the buff icons on the top right? When the resolution will increase, these buffs would sit outside of the center vision, making it slightly harder to focus both on your buffs, and gameplay. This would be noticeable in bosses, where the gameplay becomes very chaotic. Increasing their size would make it far more easy on the eyes, and the added resolution would give a lot of extra space at the top bar
Oh! The black bars on the sides were annoying to see. It is splendid that this change is a possibility.
Just like an old movie, what we like is its story and plot, the touching it brings us, not its poor picture quality.