HP Washing

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Mimsy, Jan 6, 2017.


Is HP washing a bad game mechanic?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Lol good luck asking for hb for every single run and being completely dependant on another player who can dc/die or simply not hb fast enough after dispel
    And even if you did find one, there are plenty of washed people and the party would rather bring one of them instead to avoid the trouble.

    Especially if you are an archer and if you die you will slow down the whole run significantly.
    I see everyone talking about nls but nobody talk about archers who have weak HP, low avoid and below average dps (especially MMs) and se is pretty much their only advantage. They should at least get some decent HP

    Not to mention stuff like shaolin, toad or neo tokyo where you will die even with hb lol
  2. LichWiz

    LichWiz Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    Just throwing it out there, but through items like gpq medal/best collector medal, you gain 500 more hp. Black belt is another 300hp, and because stuff like zhelm have int, and natural mp is higher than the min mp, you can wash it without ever even thinking about how to put int in your build, and get a good amount of hp as well.
    Warriors on lvl 175 have 929 mp on avarage (no int included), and the min is 756. That leads to 173 mp free for washing. With the 4:52 ratio, thats 2236 hp.
    So the real hp that is achievable at lvl 175 is 18037hp
    And if you want that 18750 hp, all you need to do is wash 15 more times, and the mp can be gained simply from starting to equip a zhelm at lvl 114 or lower (people tend to buy zhelm at lvl 50 on this server so that will usually come naturally as well).
    So, for DKs, right now it is 100% possible to get max hp without ever dealing with int equips very early on
    Phibs likes this.
  3. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Ok so at the bare minimum, all warriors need to be 175 or higher, and if they die, DC, or lose the pin, everyone else has to be washed or it's hopeless? You're still saying washing is mandatory unless you're at least 175 warrior who will never die or DC or miss pin which happens all the time, and it's so imperative you have to bring back up warriors.

    So in the case of this fairly flimsy hinge everyone is at ther mercy of, everyone else has to hp wash extremely high to get that minimum hp even with hb if they want to fight a boss where the warrior cant die (who die the most out of all the boss runs I've been on), and you can only do it once a day.

    All I'm hearing is hp washing is mandatory because the risk is so high that nobody would try it any other way, because it's not worth it or possible

    And I'm not going to do someone elses job for free on a forum, it's not up to me to calculate some perfect solution to this, the polls still reflect the consensus, it's a bogus and broken way to play the game (play and invest in a bunch if alts that require billions and billions and billions to fund, wash, and gear to then be able to play your char) and it's not being fixed because someone is benefiting from it
    JeffMezos likes this.
  4. MoriForest

    MoriForest Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    If you tell me you have 7k hp I will my party leader EZFebreezy will kick you out of my HT party.
    lozy, JeffMezos, Hamburg and 9 others like this.
  5. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    When you speak of "most people", are you only counting the group of friends you have in the server or on the forum who are dedicated enough to go for an extreme goal like this, or are you including all the newbies as well? I spent a good time iterating how only a small fraction actually manages to achieve that goal because they don't input as much effort and are struck by a reality check while they are still on their way. The numbers or % I use are strictly based on my experience and observation over the span of many years I spent in this game while running a newbie-supportive guild. For 3 years, I watched hundreds of newbies come and go with fixed patterns. Are you sure you are addressing the whole population? There is a continuous influx of newbies and a wave of quitting older players. Surely everyone wants 20k HP to relax at HT but please count those who actually achieve that goal and compare the ratio with those who don't.

    RWTers aren't the only cheaters I speak of.
    Cheaters = RWTers, vote abuers, people who hack on spoofed alts and drop transfer assets to their main, macro botters. Everyone who use illegal ways to accel above others.

    You also seem to severely underestimate the number of cheaters in the end game scene. You'll be knocked off your chair when you find out how many friendly faces are not as innocent as they seem.

    Truly, this is the realistic view in the end game scene but this is all due to people searching for extra convenience. The server (or Matt) didn't force them to become what they are? It's human nature to seek what's more convenient and comfortable and there's no end to it. Why should the server adapt to those players tho? When will they stop seeking for more comfort? Right now it's only the HP wash that's discussed on the table but what's next? Remove damage cap so people can spend less time hitting something? Wheel of destiny for more comfortable and safe boss runs? SOK for the convenient search of rare equips? Do you see where we are going? People will always act in a way that benefits them the most (in this case, minimizing the bossing parties and preferring solo plays) but changing the game to suit their wants is a no-no.

    Bosses are meant to be challenging and pose risks when raiding them. If you make a mistake during the run and die as a core buff class, there's nothing wrong with the run getting slowed down. That's exactly what the developers intended.

    @Jooon hope you can explain if this is true or not.

    Duh..? Auf Haven is lvl 180 o_O. You expect lvl 135s to attempt lvl 180 boss?

    What's the point of implementing an end game boss if it can be killed 100% of the time with ease and without risk? You don't want the "end game boss" to be challenging?

    People who share the same sentiment as you say it's not worth it because they are used to the comfortable, risk-free life. Old school maple designed HB as a useful party buff that is essential in end game content which brought teamwork and coordination among players, instead of solo plays which you can easily find in the latest MS version.

    I can tell at this point, a lot of you are so used to this convenience, which I refer to as the lazy life, that you neglect the original design of this game and want to distort it to suit your convenience.
    Developers of old school maple designed it in such a way there is an intimate balance between melee and ranged classes with conflicting pros and cons, such that HP washing doesn't become mandatory unless one gets greedy. When you guys say "GL finding parties", I know it's a realistic statement but it contains condescending tone toward the non-washed players. That's assuming this server is only filled with veterans who will prioritize their benefit over others. On the other hand, we saw Blackcat HT squad doing community runs for newbies. There were friendly guilds who offered free boss runs to newbies like Hogwart guild. We still have good guilds or community groups who are supportive of non-washed players. Just because the famous or infamous end gamers take an inferior look on the non-washed community (sup Mori), it doesn't mean the server should adapt to that standard.
    Kenny, Hamburg, Egoiste and 2 others like this.
  6. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    This whole thing is just a bad game design. I've never seen a game that locks you from content just because you play a certain class.

    You can make it more difficult or have you dodging attacks, sure. But here there are pretty much undodgeable attacks that can instantly kill you.

    In fact, Nexon didn't care about balance but just wanted to maximize profits.
    Look at pink bean for example, as an unwashed ranged char it's literally impossible to fight it without dying constantly.
    Nexon exploited this by releasing fortune wheels that let you revive in the same map, forcing you to buy them with money to increase their profits.
    lozy, ginwolf, MaiAh and 10 others like this.
  7. NTR

    NTR Donator

    Oct 14, 2016
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    My 'most' people comes from my own experience and observation too esp the overall forum activity (do we have to mention how many people ask about HP Washing help) and it comes with its own sample biases I must admit.

    I'm not sure what you mean with the "extreme" goals, we are not suggesting that every new player have to wash to 30k here. Not even I have a 30k character. The amount they want to aim to wash to is up to them, they can wash just 2k-4k more to tank Bigfoot, survive Toad with HB, etc. However let's be realistic and admit that some form of washing is necessary if their goal is to tackle all if not most of the endgame content available.

    Cheaters, RWTers, vote abusers, my original point stands that it is not the main reason why HP washing is so prevalent. I presented my points that players, new or old, wash to meet certain criteria, and for convenience as well. I hope you can acknowledge that these factors do exist as well.

    One thing to clear up, is that this thread is all over the place after being necro-ed, but from what I see (and I myself think), the more experienced players agreeing here is not to remove HP washing requirement, it's simply to shift the consequences of washing to the later stage of the game, perhaps another HP Quest that is costly so that low level content is a thing. To reiterate, there is still a consequence, and no one is suggesting to gain HP at zero cost. I'm not sure what you are so against about having players finally getting to grind at low level content and not be a liability in PQs?

    The original design of the game... is not as great as we think to treat it like Gospel. As ayane have pointed out we can see where Nexon was going with not fixing Hp washing exploit, and releasing fortune wheels. Not to mention the "intimate balance" between range and melee is destroyed here since we do have HP washing.

    Lastly, I think those guilds are awesome for accommodating new players and also you too for using your experience to snuff out all the cheaters among us. HP Washing or not, one thing we can all agree on is that cheaters need to go.
    Mimsy, ginwolf, xDarkomantis and 3 others like this.
  8. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Being totally unwashed is. ^_^'

    The harsh truth imo in current day royals.
    Washing indeed became a basic necessity.
    Instead of using Neo Tokyo and HT as an example.
    Its only possible for you to tackle toad as an ranged attacker with 10k HP. And look for a HB buddy / Mule.

    But many, questions over and over again. Do you need to wash your character to 30k potential? I can only wash to 14k, can i survive in neo tokyo?
    Thats an absolute yes.

    Even when we first targeted auf haven. Basically everyone in the team is washed to an quality amount. But entering without knowing the mechanics is like an fish trying to walk on land. Teamwiped.

    But once you understand how mechanics works around, getting to practice coordinations and teamplay. U can do it easily with a 12~14kHP character.

    Meanwhile we redirect ourselves to the other attraction of Royals, Horntail.
    Back then its a staple need of 9.8k HP to even dream about entering this boss. Nowadays i’ve seen players with 8.5k HP doing HT daily without HB.

    How many of the players might ask. Just simply go to the top left platform and hit head first while other players hit legs. Easy.

    TLDR : as long as you put in effort into understanding the mechanics of the particular Content, even being unwashed or entry level washed is totally possible.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
    Charu, Jesseh, Kenny and 3 others like this.
  9. Tect

    Tect Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2017
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    unwashed only can get to 12k hp with hb tho. unless u mean 12k clean then add on hp then rip i guess :'(
    pinkmachette, ginwolf and Jooon like this.
  10. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    I had an extensive discussion with my guildies about this notion with most agreeing on it. Assuming this suggestion is to help those who already reached the end game with no prior knowledge of HP washing and those who wish not to abandon their 1st character, I believe it will be helpful. We still found few issues tho. Once the door to lategame-HP-increase methods open, it may shift the whole paradigm of class balance.

    For e.g, the population of melee classes was on par with ranged because the burden of HP wash was lower but once people find out that they can even attain high HP at late game, the melee classes may go through a serious reduction in popularity and population.

    Right now, HP of characters is an effective way to differentiate normal players from cheaters. I often watch out for characters getting hit by 1/1 skill in bosses or PQs and start filing reports when I see 29999 number. Ofc I check their duration of play etc. etc. but it's a prominent sign to begin with.

    That new method to gain extra HP at the late game will require serious balance and difficulty to prevent possible abuse. If the original HP quest becomes repeatable with only (n) multiples of necessary materials, hackers will farm them in no time to acquire 30k HP easier and quicker than they'd have to wash using the conventional method.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
    ginwolf, Exenet and NTR like this.
  11. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Most people die at zakum from touch damage, most people cant tank the hit. He's still a threat and it still can be challenging if things go south and you lose party members.

    The challenge you're talking about would be just fine as well if it didnt involve the obscenely convoluted and ridiculous amount of time and gameplay entirely lost to maximize and exploit (hp washing is an exploit, there is no argument against this. If it wasnt you could just boost hp with stats and reverse it. The way its arranged and ends up working definitely points to it being an unintended exploit).

    The issue is an exploit continues to be exploitable instead of an actual user friendly method for the same effect. There is nothing up front about this in the game either. And it's not something you're instructed on or encouraged to do, because it's an exploit and remains to be an exploit. Its cheating as far as I'm concerned, the only reason its allowed is because how much it controls the economy and it keeps the server at #1 which will naturally draw more players without trying
    ginwolf and Mimsy like this.
  12. Tsue

    Tsue Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    This is a good point. The most simple solution to this is to not continuously and significantly increase the quantities needed for the hp quest, but rather add a meso cost to additional turn ins of the hp quest -- meaning that hackers would have to farm or sell items for liquid mesos anyways, at which point the damage is already done.

    One thing to consider is that this is an additional meso sink, and could lead to deflation. However, if it is priced above the cost of standard washing with aprs + int (which imo it should be), the effects should be minimized and distributed over time. This is a further self stabilizing problem when you consider that deflation means a fixed meso cost (in this case, the proposed meso cost of the hp quest) increases in relative cost, such that sharp deflation further disincentives this method as suddenly your mesos have increased purchasing power for other aspects of the game such as buying gear.

    If deflation is an extremely large concern, a cooldown on how often the quest could be turned in could be implemented (for example, once every 24 hours). This would significantly reduce concerns of deflation, though care should be taken that it does not take an unreasonable amount of time to wash.
  13. Aprils

    Aprils Donator

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I've read most of everyone's comments, I've decided to vote no. it's not a bad mechanic because in my opinion, I like challenge and time spent on games, if hp washing was removed overall, then the game would be a lot more fast paced and everyone would just be concentrating on buying att gear, it'll be less rewarding when bossing and achieving goals. So in a couple years time, I feel like everyone would just be playing Attack Classes and less of the support roles.

    One other thing is, AP Resets are a early meso maker for people who just joined the game, and the way MapleRoyals is now, the Market and Game play is perfect the way it is, and there is community posts of how to make mesos.
    I feel most strongly that Old School Maplestory is not a fast pace game. This server is for the people who want to take time and grind hard to achieve satisfaction through their time and effort on achieving what they pursue when they've decided to download MapleRoyals. (when they saw the rates also).

    I can't really say that my opinion is the right opinion since I haven't played much HP Washing and old school maplestory private servers, but this server has been the hard grind, time-worth-it and friendly players and staff Private Server I've ever played on.

    I can't wait for the years to come with friends and more new players to come !

    Aprils ~
    & also, thanks for all the people who supported my Youtube <3
    Powz, Kaeru, Egoiste and 2 others like this.
  14. Mimsy

    Mimsy Donator

    Dec 27, 2016
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    In your comments you automatically assumed my suggestion is making everyone get 30k HP easily.
    Well I never stated that, I'd love you to check out previous comments even if it's against your opinion, just as I read everything you've written.

    In these changes we're suggesting, all I want to achieve is reducing the tediousness alone, nothing more, of HP washing. It is discouraging many many new players, denying this server growth (and we all want this server to grow, everyone will benefit from more players).
    All I want to eliminate is the kick in the balls you get after realizing you have to recreate your character, because only later you realized you have to wash.
    Face it, most of us returning to play MapleStory after more than a decade never got to the really high levels, and never heard of HP washing (aka casuals).

    Imagine a HP quest line (as suggested in the comments before) which you can start whenever, will be equally hard (aka pricey, grindy, or whatever) to the current method of gaining HP,
    and will eliminate the main cause of casual players leaving this server.
    Casuals makes the majority of the players here, even after the huge turn off most of them get after the problem described above, imagine what could happen to the server's popularity after these suggested changes?

    This kind of approach will make things so much better. Imagine a world with our suggested changes going live:
    A lot of new bossing-levels-players will emerge at first unwashed (after enjoying the shit out the early-mid game), tackling the many challenges of bossing with clean HP, realizing that now they need to earn a lot of money, or grind a lot, to be able to boss with more ease.
    This solution might still preserve the current meta of tons of mages grinding and maybe even selling leech, because now they realized they need to work hard to gain HP. But It will be their choice. A large chunk of anti washers just doesn't wanna be forced into this game plan.
    They will still be able to play with their main protagonist, little by little getting healthier, reaching more and more HP checkpoints, slowly getting to the perfect endgame (of course the quest line has to be specialized for each class, in terms of HP gains or even costs to make it balanced). The only difference here is that they didn't have to recreate a character, or deal with AP resets and INT from level 10.

    I will never approve of a solution which will devalue all the effort washed players already put in the game.
    I'm not even close to the amount of time you and many hard core old timers put into this game, and it's not in my interest discourage you.
    You guys are the pillars of this server teaching us newbies what the fuck are we suppose to do, without you we are probably doomed.
    All I want us to do is find a common ground which we can all agree upon.

    In addition, most of our lifestyles changed.
    Many of us here are here only because we played this game as kids.
    Well, we are not kids anymore. Most of us today are either students or 9-5 employees trying to get by.
    We don't have that kind of time anymore, and recreating a character after you've given in so many nights and weekends to level it up, will make every average Joe flip.

    One more thing,
    There's that returning argument which says HP washing is not mandatory.
    Well, as stated in many comments before me, this is not true, so no explanation needed there.

    And even if it is true, the norm in this server suggests otherwise. No unwashed player will be accepted to a boss, no one want to waste their time (and there is not nearly enough people in this server to have many community guilds taking newbies to bosses) .
    Your answer to that was that there are a lot of cheaters in this server, which changes the norm, making everyone think that indeed HP washing is mandatory.

    Well, personally I have no idea if that's true, but even if it is, you're suggesting that instead of adding an additional way of gaining HP we should combat cheaters.
    Well let me tell you as a developer, combating cheaters is pretty tough, auto banning will have so many edge cases and problems and probably bugs that this server staff is not ready to combat.
    To combat cheaters, you will need a highly sophisticated system that will identify specific patterns of cheats (which is extremely hard to narrow down, and there are tons of types of cheats, workarounds, etc.).
    If you remember Nexon used that anti cheat system that I forgot the name of (that small popup that seemed unrelated to the game when you lauched it, someone must remember) and even that wasn't perfect.

    Anyway, In conclusion:
    - In the suggested solution we never wanted to make gaining 30k HP easily. There will still be many half washed players still working on gaining more and more HP as they get a better grasp of the game, wealthier, etc.
    - The main reason this change is required is to eliminate the main cause of many casuals leaving the game (char recreation, dealing with end game stuff from level 10 and making your character useless till the end game), denying this server popularity.
    - We will all gain from this server getting filled up with casuals (Larger community -> More money for the server, more staff, more feedback, more innovation -> BETTER GAME)
    - I will NEVER approve of a change that will ruin the sense of achievement of all the already washed players, I don't want to discourage the old timers here, they are just as important as the casual masses.
    - We are not kids anymore, and we might want to tweak this buggy old game a little bit to fit out current lifestyles.
    - HP washing is mandatory. For whatever reason. Whether it's technical (boss damage) or something else (unwashed chars not being accepted to bosses, cheaters changing the norm, etc.) it is what it is.
    - Combating cheaters is WAY harder than you think.

    By the way, this is not in any way kind of a personal attack.
    You seem to have a lot of opinions in this matter, and it seems like many support you.
    I'm just trying to answer your arguments with my own, keeping it civil :)

    In the end my real goal is to further develop this discussion. Reaching it's conclusion will do this server only good.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
    lozy, NTR, Spart and 9 others like this.
  15. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Your suggestion may work if you find an ideal way to introduce this "new HP gain" method that cannot be abused by cheaters or normal players only for the sake of gaining near-maximum HP for the fabulous but boring end game. So far, I haven't seen a suggestion that can achieve it without disrupting the balance of the server.

    I accept the fact that anti-cheats are still a long way to come and I'm giving up on that idea for this discussion alone. Putting the cheater-elimination idea aside, assuming we are trying to tackle the HP wash issue IN the presence of cheaters, looking at @resum 's idea

    We already know hackers will abuse the hell out of this for any hacker can farm 50k+ etcs within days to weeks running multiple clients without effort. The current gold tooth market already predicts what's to come in the future if HP quests become infinitely repeatable. The supply of those HP quest materials will become more and more abundant and the price will deflate to a valueless point.

    Adding meso cost will change nothing because mesos are most easily RWTed or farmed by hackers :/. Too many will have abundant access to them.

    For this idea to work without potential abuse, you'll need to introduce something that's more difficult and time-consuming, like the alternative zakum pre-JQ. Once people find out that there is a way to increase their HP without using the conventional HP wash method, but it still takes more time and effort than remaking a new character with conventional wash plans, how many would actually take this route?

    If the new method is easier than the conventional method: It may further reduce the difficulty of the game which already is very low, thanks to the power creep and cheaters. The greed of man has no end. If a door for maximum-HP gain is opened, and if that method is easier than the conventional method, it won't take long before too many (although we already have too many with abnormally high HP but even more than that) characters sit with bulky HP that will result in the disruption of not just the game balance, but the economy as well. More "casual" high HP characters will mean more end game bosses getting slain on a daily basis. The time taken for people to level up will be shorter and result in the accumulation of lvl 200s before the previous generations leave the server. Supply of end game equips such as Zhelm, HTP, Auf circlet will be abundant in supply. This is the definition of power creep which accelerates the aging of any server. This server is aging pretty quickly anyway but this change will quicken the process by a few folds.

    If the new method is harder than the conventional method: Let's say in the scenario of repeated HP quest, the materials become untradeable, forcing everyone to farm their own materials. The typical classes that require substantial HP wash are ranged ones who are excellent in 1 vs 1 situation but pretty shit when farming for drops from the normal field. The good, old "Make a mage and grind/leech at ulu to help/fund your attacker HP" method won't be helpful here. One will have to spend many hundreds of hours before their beloved 1st character can reach an "acceptable-end-game-standard-HP" which will allow them to join end game boss parties without HP-related-rejections. At this point, these "newbies" will have to make a decision. 1. Remake the character with less effort and time consumption. 2. Make that extra effort to increase the HP pool using new, more difficult methods. Nowadays, even if you are a complete newbie, you are told about the HP wash menace at latest lvl ~135 thanks to abundant HP washers, as claimed by many in this thread. How long do people take to lvl their 1st char to 135 nowadays? I've seen some slow folks taking 4 years and some crazy managing in 7 days but the average would be a couple of weeks to 1 month based on my observation, which isn't too much of an investment when compared with other RPG games or older players. For the majority of these newbies, would they take the more time consuming and difficult route if they are actually interested in playing seriously with long term plans? It won't take long before they find out that making a mage + new attacker will be more "convenient" than spending tiresome hours, farming thousands of untradeable.

    To overcome the aforementioned issues, let's say the new HP gain method won't be allowed to repeat until one gains maximum-HP. Or as the OP originally suggested, increase the HP gain per every lvl up. Where do we draw the line to say it is adequate or enough? Block at 16k so ranged characters can survive till toad? Block at 24k so every ranged class can potentially survive auf haven touch dmg without HB? This part made me chuckle a bit because if one wants to argue under the base of convenience, one can also say the mandatory HP limit for HT is 25k+ because of the tail touch damage, or 18k+ for head B. Auf haven touch dmg is 23.5k for ranged but just as HT runners aren't meant to touch HT tail or heads, ranged attackers aren't supposed to touch auf's body and rely on teamwork. Just like how one can kill the HT without coming in contact, the same can be done with Auf, just more difficult and tedious. Yet, you guys argue for the HP-wash-mandatory concept based on the general consensus of convenience. I hope you do realize this norm of convenience will only get worse and worse as power creep swallows the server. The whole argument of HP wash being mandatory was supported by "It has now become a norm for convenience". It'll be impossible to set the HP allowance limit for there's a reason behind every higher HP limit with the corresponding excuse of convenience. When the time comes to make a choice between convenience and tediousness, will the people who agree on the "HP-wash-mandatory" consensus, based on convenience, still choose the latter?

    In conclusion
    The idea to allow late washers to gain HP is great but there hasn't been a realistic suggestion to back up the hypothesis. Whether the new method comes out easier or harder than the conventional method, issues will be found on both sides. If we were void of people trying to take selfish advantage and only use the new method for the sake of enjoying their own gameplay, the problem is non-existent. However, the reality is rather shit because we have to find ways that cannot be abused by anyone. If the purpose of this suggestion is to only cater the loyal 1 class-lovers who will not succumb to the loop of convenience, by all means, it's worth the try. But are there enough people like that to make this change? Based on my observation, the majority are inclined to anything that makes their journey easier and faster, not what makes their journey more enjoyable.

    I suggested a solution: getting rid of the dark force that makes the HP-wash seem mandatory. I say we can't make any new plans before we get rid of them but at this point, I've faced the reality and given up the campaign, especially when the community barely cares about their presence. You guys still want to push for changes regardless of their presence. If you can live with them, there's nothing I can do about it but warn you of the hindrance they may exert on your ideas.

    If you can find spectacular ways to overcome the aforementioned issues, I'll be in your support.
    Please convince me.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
    Mimsy and MoriForest like this.
  16. MoriForest

    MoriForest Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Did shiyui possess you guys? Stop writing so much wall of texts wtf I can't keep up.
    LotusLeaf, Eli, Tect and 7 others like this.
  17. FireHeart

    FireHeart Donator

    Aug 6, 2016
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    Not sure if it adds anything but here's my old feedback thread on HP washing.

    Here is a master list Evan made at a time where the community was particularly vocal about the HP washing issue.

    Not much I can say about washing that hasn't been said possibly multiple times lol. Only thing that's kind of sad is the 1-120 pq/grinding experience on the server is lonely and pointless because of HP washing. That's where most of my nostalgia is from in GMS, and imo was a better experience than current end game min/max meta.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
    Mimsy likes this.
  18. Kaeru

    Kaeru Donator

    Jul 11, 2015
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    It's kinda too late to do anything about HP washing but if I did, I would simply code an NPC to convert your HP/MP to possible HP/MP values for your level without washing (at random) and refund you with NX equal to the maximum amount of washes it would take to reach those values you were at. Then, add new ways to obtain HP.

    Some examples:
    - Buff HP scrolls or release a new set of HP scrolls into gachapon that provide substantially more HP (maybe Ellinia, since there's nothing good there).
    - Add many new quests that give permanent HP upgrades (up to max HP, but make it very difficult).
    - New gear with base HP / increase the base HP on certain gear.

    With these changes you could make it even more difficult to obtain max HP while still having it be completely possible to without any compromise. The improved HP scrolls could be great for players on a budget that want to do end game content without needing to spend lots of time and mesos doing the quests. These players could then simply replace their items with attack gears as they complete more of the HP quests.

    This way you have the best of both worlds: it's still very difficult to get additional HP which allows "pros" to feel good about their characters, but at the same time anyone can do it without having to do a crazy amount of math, leech to a high level and have their character be completely unplayable until they can afford to wash.

    And to anyone worried about hackers farming quest HP items and further ruining the economy, not all of these quests have to require tradeable items. Some examples of content that can award HP:

    - Collecting untradeable items from monsters
    - Complete a PQ a certain number of times
    - Complete a Jump Quest (or series of JQ)
    - An upgradeable ring that gives HP from completing challenges
    - Collecting cards

    There are many ways you could do it and still improve the quality of game and allow players to reach any HP they desire while completely eliminating HP washing.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
    Tivu, Mimsy and -Tommy- like this.
  19. Tsue

    Tsue Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    This is a little confusing to me. The reason that I don't like infinitely increasing the number of etc required is because it could cause a spike in the value of the etcs -- such that in terms of mesos/hr, the value of the etc is greater than any other money making method that hackers have access to right now. However, hackers are already farming mesos, and that already provides them with benefits such as attack gear. The mesos already have value -- people hacking for meso farming could just buy leech and ap resets, and as such already have the advantage you are trying to prevent. Let me know what you think, I think that an increasing meso cost is the most direct and easily balanced solution (as it is easy to calculate current washing costs in terms of mesos).

    A side note: I think that doing the quest like the zjq alternative would actually be worse. This would result in quest etc farmed in low traffic maps (with likely sparse spawn) which is the scenario which rewards vac hacking the most.
  20. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I don't really see what's wrong with just giving HP for mesos?
    HP washing is already pretty much buying your way towards high HP (with APRs, leech etc) so isn't that basically the same?

    Just making an NPC/item that costs like 25-30m for 20 HP is pretty fair, if you are a new char it's still cheaper to wash normally (since APR is like 15m)
    But if you are already high lvl and can't wash or just want to avoid all the tedious work with int and actually play your character normally as the game should be, then it can be a good alternative.

    As for cheaters, they can already cheat and just get huge int and 30k hp characters or just use their meso for endgame gear so it won't change much.
    It also won't hurt the economy that much, at the start APRs will go down a bit but once they are cheap people will wash normally again and buy a lot of APRs, causing their price to go up and stabilize.
    It's also a meso sink that can reduce the inflation and make WS/CS prices start falling a bit (they're starting to get very expensive recently, over 470m)
    Kaeru likes this.

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