Especially in Physical Fitness Test. The number of pets, NX costume/weapons, effects etc, coupled with the sheer number of people participating, makes it damn near impossible to see the platforms, let alone execute precision timed jumps. Avoiding the banana skins thrown by the lupins is still barely manageable because you can see their action sequence, but the jr neckis are basically invisible until the platform they're on is cleared of people. If possible, temporarily removing the display of everyone's equipment as well, will make it a much more even playing field.
Yes please. Looking at you people with 3 pets, pastel wings, 4 baba rings, nx weapons with huge jumping sprites.
Not to mention people using Shadow Style effects, those may look cool in normal maps but in Physical Fitness it's pure cancer.
I'm going to show a complete video of the latest Physical Fitness event. To be honest, back in those days when we had fewer players (about 1.5k players per day online at any time), it was still a bit difficult to see my character, but it was still OK, and I can still see where the edges of platforms are and navigate myself. I have plenty of jumpquest experience and is an expert at Zakum jumpquest. I have also completed multiple Physical fitness event back then. BUT, NOW, IT IS COMPLETE EYESORE. I failed twice of this event. Not because I can't jump, but the amount of crazy effects flickering around my characters, and nametags blocking the platforms, is just irritating! I can't see where I am. I am forced to turn on the Heart Effect to at least see my character, and have to wait longer time to see the edges of platform. This causes a lot of delay in moving and it just ultimately failed my run. This really sucked. Please, fix this. It really is not fun. I cannot enjoy this event. It's not difficult, it's completely annoying / irritating / intolerable because of the amount of distraction and obstruction on vision. Oh the video is still being processed by Youtube. Sorry. The video quality kinda sucked. Excuse that. Disable pets too, please
I support this! One Physical Fitness event, so many people couldnt event jump up the first step BEFORE the 1st level because SOOOO many people were in the event, making it impossible to see the step. Of course, later in the event, it was also difficult to see the steps, platforms, Jr. Neckis, and other obstacles.
Was also going to suggest this. Glad to see someone did this already. Will post some video eventually showing what a nightmare FPS wise. Maybe it could work similar to how the showa sauna covers up your NX clothes with bathrobe
Probably the most annoying thing is the New Year's or any screen pop message effect. It's already bad enough with the short amount of time needed to complete the JQ but they keep popping it time after time. It's aggravating.
I've been thinking for ages that we should all get basic b*tch apple outfits like in the tutorial stage. I used to enjoy jumpquests, but even when i finish physical fitness im still salty.
We thought of dressing everyone up using the Noob outfit, but that probably won't work considering how everyone will look the same. I'll check with staff on seeing if we can disable all pets and effects in certain maps.
make it like snowman boss where all pets are kept n theres an eternal map wide effect maybe? as for huge weapons perhaps make a new nx item just for gm events that is given out by the event npc and has to be equipped before going in similar to magical mitten
@Kai the problem is not the overall, i don't know a single overall that obscure the view of the map The big issue is these 4 nx items: Pets Cape Nx weapons Nx toggleable effects Getting rid of them will surely help lower the lag and make things look less chaotic. Maybe equipping people with a transparent cape, an NX weapon without effects that can go on all weapons. Idk if you can disable pets or effects though but if you can these will be a really big help as well! And while you guys are at it, you can also disable chairs, cause these can cause lag when people are in the waiting lobby for events, and people who use chairs in russian roulette are giving you problems anyways.
Ughh YES! PLEASE! This is such an awesome QoL update if it will happend! I always hesitate before joining events because of this! jump quests are impossible to do unless you wait few min's for everyone to pass the 1st stage so i could even see whats going on on the map. having no nx\regular outfit\bathrobe or w\e that will be simple and without all the HUGE sprites could be such an improvement to the events ! <3
in the halloween gauntlet event, they managed to make players in an event equip nx items without needing to actually make the players wear them, or even make those items sit in your equipment slots. I wonder if the same system can work for weapons so that they won't need to go solving it in such a roundabout fashion
The sauna in Showa replaces all clothing with a bath robe. NX or otherwise. This map might be helpful for creating this update
The nx items are not as a big problem as the number of people (which is inevitable) and perhaps pets that remain on the platform for a short duration of time after the owner moved on. I always thought its silly that gms have to manually disable pets for events such as RR. perhaps disabling them for all gm events isn't such a bad idea to look into as they serve no purpose
Oh! I remember that in a past feedback thread, when Matt talked about the halloween lobby code, he said they managed to split characters into different groups for the gauntlet boss in a very efficient manner, which helped with the over/undercrowding of any given boss gauntlet "channel". I remember that in some other thread, one of the admins said it was possible because when people finish their jump quest gauntlet, they already know how many characters are heading in, so they could split using the name list of all the event participants. If that's the case, then the fitness event actually have the same "setup". The event starts with everyone entering the lobby, then the lobby locks down so no more people can join (you can leave via DC, but for the most part almost everyone stay after the lockdown). After that, the portal is unlocked, and the timer and jumpquest begins. What about, instead of unlocking the portal in the center, everyone in the lobby will get warped into the jumpquest room, but instead of there only being 1 of them, there will be a couple identical maps, and the halloween gauntlet code will be able to sort all the players so that no channel is too empty or too full. The clear disadvantage of that (other than extra coding), is that players could no longer feel the satisfaction of getting to the end first, cause they don't know what happens in other "channels". But i guess it can be mitigated simply by the GM waiting in the reward room and telling the first one to show up that they were first :3 This is the answer Matt gave us on my feedback post for the halloween event that I'm refered to at the start btw: As for the other part, I honestly don't remember when and where I heard it so it could very possibly be wrong (@Karven , do correct me if im wrong lul )
That only solves part of the problem. Having less people per map is a good idea, but if we're still being assaulted by triple pets, Shadow Style, jump sprites, huge chairs, full screen smegas and other various NX items, we still can't see well enough to participate properly.