I'm a I/L and i want to get my zhelm as atker, but they decline me everytime (for good reasons), so i decided to try to find 5 archmages/bishops that have enough faith on his job to try a 6 mages zak run just for fun. If i find the atkers, i'll record the run and make a simple video (SE and SI mules are welcome) If u wanna join, just let your IGN down bellow, your level and your Discord nickname, i'll use Discord only to try to find a time that everyone is available to run (When i find at least 5 mages ofc)
I might join in like a month or so lol Just joined this server and started off i/l last week, level 73 now IGN Soyokaze Discord Soyokaze#2143
G'DAY MATE three mages interested in joining Nimmo I/L lv150 Dynamike I/L lv170 CheapoBishop Bishop lv130 discord: celine#4230
This sounds like a great topic for a video. Although, having six Ultimates going off at the same time...wouldn't that overload the graphics and cause a Disconnect? Not to mention Zakum's graphics too. Arch Mages are stereotyped against for Boss Fights!
I have done a mage only run after new resolution update and it worked fine :3 Btw I can join too. Lvl 193 i/l Shiratsuyu#8286
heh always wanted to be in an all mage party IL mage lvl 178 [ign:lichwiz], lets blizz the shit out of the arms I'm mostly online on the characters written down in my signature, so you can pm me there if there's a sudden call for arms