Spoiler: Current Spawn Times Pianus (Level 110) Boss Name: Pianus Boss Level: 110 Location: The Cave of Pianus Respawn Time: 24 Hours Pianus (Level 110) Boss Name: Pianus Boss Level: 110 Location: The Cave of Pianus Respawn Time: 36 Hours Can we reduce the spawn time of Pianus? Why does this boss have a 24-36 hour respawn time in the first place? I don't recall this boss ever giving anything super amazing aside from the occasional need for the certificate.
If I had to guess as to why the current spawn times are so high, it's because there are up to 2 pianus bosses per channel, and given the high level quest items and mastery books they drop, we wouldn't it to be too farmable. But, maybe 36 hours is a little high for a "mini" boss like that.
The good drops are rush 30 and miniature pianus. But yes, it would be nice if timer was lowered, 36 hours is super excessive.
Maybe left could be 24 hrs, but to increase competitiveness, the right could be altered to like 20 hrs so that chances of double spawn is reduced. However I do support a review into the altering left pianus spawn time!!
A reduction in spawn time would be very welcome to be honest. As it is, Pianus is only hunted by a few players willing to track the spawn/kill times. In fact, it's difficult to even start hunting Pianus, because you can't track the spawn times if there's no big fish on any channels.
I think it's incredibly hard to track the spawn time because there's a +-20% randomization, which is a 10 hour window for 24 hour respawn time. Personally when I used to hunt Pianus (for cards), I just swept through all the channels every 10-15 minutes or so when I'm bored. It really isn't too hard to find one Pianus if you're willing to put some time into it, and it's very easy to find one if you camp your character there right before a long server check. (I do not recommend hunting pianus for cards though - felt like a big waste of time after the fact )
I think lowering Pianus' respawn time is very much a good decision. As it stands now, in 24 hours a single channel will spawn 1,66 Big Fishes. Multiply by 20 and you could argue an average of 33 Big Fish are spawned daily. Considering the 20% spawn timer randomisation and the fact that nobody has time to sweep his map for 24 hours straight, the chance of running into one of the 33 Big Fishes at any given moment is a noticably low one. Furthermore, consider that Big Fish is probably the most camped boss in the game (besides perhaps the ToT bosses or Anego). I add to this my personal experience of running into a live Pianus already being fought by another player and another player running into me already fighting a live Pianus, and you'll notice that finding a Big Fish has become a particularly unlikely lottery draw. The same concept goes for any spawn-timer area boss in the game, but most of these are either off-set by having very low spawn timers (swept all channels but didn't find the boss you're looking for? Try again in 2 hours for a decent chance of finding at least one) or having multiple maps to spawn in (I'm fairly certain more than 200 Bigfoots in total are spawned daily). Consider that despite two Big Fishes being available for spawning, a single channel will still spawn less than two of them in a day. While the argument that Pianus' spawn timer is so high to discourage farming his valuable drops makes sense on the surface, consider the fact that you'll have to take his high spawn timer and still multiply this with his drop rates. In the 5 months I've played Royals I've perhaps killed 10 Big Fishes in total and I haven't obtained a single Rush 30 or Miniature Big Chungus from any of those kills. In fact, I've had to spend more than 400 million mesos buying Miniatures on the Free Market for me to unlock Hero's Will in any sort of timely manner. Add to that that Hero's Will is an all-classes skill, and it suddenly makes a lot of sense why Big Fish would get camped so much and the price tag on the Miniature is so ridiculously high. From a market perspective, the Miniature's price tag is completely logical considering the very much non-guaranteed drop rate combined with the very small chance of even finding a Big Fish at all plus having to do this multiple times, even if Hero's Will use value is significantly lower (it isn't even a necessity in the current meta as it's only use is against Horntail, Mu Gong, or Auf Haven, and even getting to run that last boss is already somewhat of a rarity relative to the other two. Even then, Hero's Will only functions as an extra quality of life update for a Horntail run). Even items with a ton more use value like Triple Throw 30 are considerably cheaper than Hero's Will in this case due to how many Horntails are slain daily (I imagine more than 33). One more relative position one could look at to make an argument for Pianus' current status is to see Pianus' as a 'big' boss, in the row of attempt limited bosses like Papulatus and Zakum. He does become viable for killing at around the same time as Papulatus, and his HP, damage output, and abilities do make him appear a lot like a usual Big boss (and his size too, obviously), but there is a major difference between hunting area bosses and Big Bosses in which Pianus takes a strange middle ground. Big bosses, besides their increased difficulty compared to area bosses, are guaranteed to be fought considering all prerequisites have been met. I will fight Papulatus twice a day if I so desire, but Pianus doesn't have this luxury due to the sheer luck involved in finding him at all. I may fight Papulatus and have two dry runs, only getting a bunch of Elixirs and 700 NX in cards from him, but this luck factor is made up by the fact that I can and will fight him against two times the next day, to have another shot at the lottery of getting decent drops. Pianus in this regard is effectively two lotteries in a row, finding him and obtaining his rare drops. No other boss in the game functions like this. (Maybe with the exception of Black Crow, but then Black Crow fails to serve any function worth caring about besides maybe getting a nice Stonetooth. I'd rather play NLC gacha.) In the end, we end up with an area boss fiddled around with to resemble a Big Boss, but becoming far more of a struggle to deal with than any other Big Boss or area boss in the game. There's two ways I can imagine this issue could be remedied: either make Pianus more like an area boss and lower his spawn timer, or make Pianus more like a Big Boss and have his spawn be controlled manually by players themselves in exchange for restricted access to him (two attempts per day). Personally I'd prefer the latter option, maybe build a bit of a Quest Line around him and add some lore too, it would make his character within the game a lot more interesting at the same time, but then I am in no way knowledgeable if such a reconstruction is even feasible in the slightest within the game.
It's not that hard to find one. I'd say it's respawn should depend on server size. Slightly increases respawn based on how many online per 200 ppl. If the server suddenly on average has 1k more players, yes it will be more difficult to find one. As it is now, it's not that bad, I would increase the variable to +/- 30% too, but not lower the time
I've recently been farming Pianus for their miniature pieces to do will quest. I actually run across one quite often (I checked 2-3x a day at random points). I'll find at least one. With the 1.5x drop, I was able to pick up 5 miniature Pianus pieces fast. But lately there does seem to be some campers.
I really like the prereq quests idea + limited number of daily attempts for pianus cause as it stands, I can't find the time to camp maps and I haven't fought a pianus in probably over a year at this point. (Can't ever find him, or he's already being fought) You could have a quest that requires you to obtain some items from sharks or squids or something and exchange it for a summon item? - thinking both right and left pianus could be fought once a day, they could be summoned with an item like pap, and you could have the option to summon both by dropping both items on both sides of the map. While this isn't traditional - as it stands right now I literally don't feel like I have an opportunity to fight pianus unless I plant a client afk on a channel and hope I'm at my computer at that time, which I doesn't sound like fun gameplay to me and usually isn't viable because I work full-time and can't be at my computer for long.
fyi, threads in the accepted subcategory won't get noticed by gms or most forum users, so posring here will probably fall on deaf ears. The spawn rate was buffed already in a recent update, so for your suggestion, i think it will be better if you'll make a new thread if you want to renew the conversation