The thread is fine as long as it encourages constructive feedback or healthy discussions But if things go wrong, such as the topic spiraling into attacking others (flame wars), may get moderated heavily or even locked So, a gentle reminder to everyone to discuss the proposed topics in a civil manner If there are issues that can be improved on, please do link the related threads and provide potential solutions as well (if possible) Just writing 'this server/game suck' doesn't really help to clarify the situation
Wow thanks everyone for your input. Was a simple question, with no malicious intent lol Keep it coming though
Here's some nitpicks that don't really affect the game all that much but I'll point out anyway: - The first 11 bosses in Mu Lung Dojo have the wrong SFX - Wonky animations on Crimsonwood Keep enemies (delayed damage frames) - Crimson Guardians don't have a hit SFX - Really wonky animations on Shaolin enemies and NPCs - Some background elements get cut off in the widescreen player - Spelling and grammar errors in NPC text (especially noticeable in Neo-Tokyo if you're actually trying to read the story) - Wild Kargo Area has a severe lack of Wild Kargo - Regular downjump mechanics still apply on underwater maps despite fall damage not being a thing there - Coke Town not being real
Can believe you didnt have malicious intentions b4..hard to believe that after seeing all comments your intentions are not malicious now...
I have no control over others' behavior. Hoping those mature enough to give their genuine opinion (without forcing it on another) will post.
How daunting it is like HP wash cost billions and damn I have 3m. Using hp wash calc made it seem better but yeah, seems like gear gonna be a pain. Also FM sucks. Owl of Minerva should be free. Would really make stuff more accessible. Imagine having to use owl to check items value when you need that money
I dislike this solution. The game is so over-saturated with clerics in low-level its almost torture to cpq and low level int gear is expensive because of washing. There is a serious problem when "mAkE a BishOP fIrsT" is the first thing to come out of people's mouths when new players ask questions. Then, subsequently, most people just quit cause making a bs is straight CHEEKS and they never actually enjoy the game.
A whole lot of the road blocks I hate tend to involve nostalgia vs how-this-server-meta-runs For me, when I joined the game, I had the mentality to join a nostalgia server by: I will play the class I like or always wanted to play and go very far with it. Sadly, when you get into Royals, the first road block is of course, T3h Bishop, which you go "okay, fine... but THEN I'll play the class I want and go very far with it." Only for the next permanent road block that if you're not muling SE/CR/SI/HS/etc then you might as well quit. There's no way to circumvent this one.
Yeah that's very troubling. Like I understand that alot of people play this for nostalgia, which is fine. But its hard to watch people just disappear because the meta is so unforgiving for new players. Its make 4 mules or basically miss out on end game (which is most of the game)
And even when you get to endgame selling leech is still the most reliable way of making money,it sucks
Zak is about the only boss i go on run with, still 3m per smega is not affordable for me, so I dont recruit but simply hope to see other recruit, Am I cheap or am I lazy?
I really dislike when @zaan (aka KIMOCHEE) doesnt learn his lesson and keeps coming back with new forum names omglolz
See, that's the thing with this server. We've all been there, We've all made a Bishop, do you think we wanted to make one? Absolutely not. But meta tells you it's a requirement, so yeah, spend about 100 hour selling leech, go beyond hell and once you're there, you are a free man. Before you even try to have a go at me, I been here since 2016-2017, I made an unwashed Dark knight took it to lvl 73, then a lvl 120 NL unwashed, you think I had a slighest clue what HP wash was at that time? Absolutely not. Then I just had to take the punches and follow the meta. It's just how the server works. It's frustrating but we've all felt the same way.
I did not do this at all. I never participated in leech and still got several high level chars. I do not like this thread, its overboarding from negativity without any actual positive use for this server. Looks like the creator of the thread wanted to troll and/or damage this community if you ask me. Neither do I like this meta of which you are all talking about. You do not have to be a part of this stupid sh**, guys. I do not play that much anymore lately cause I do not get invited to boss runs since I do not have any mules viable for duo clienting or other malicious abuse of this game, but I simply accepted it and do not join the destruction of this community. If you guys stopped whining and just did the right thing, which is not abusing the game despite its not bannable, then it would become better for everyone. Not abusing a system is always possible, despite the BS that people are telling you. Of course you will suffer from draw backs but stop whining and just take it like a gender*
Staff members scared to make a feedback thread or reply to threads. Probably the biggest annoyance is when Staff tell YOU to make feedback thread on something they should be gathering feedback about
that's literally the same thing the guy is complaining about . Pretty valid complaint than right. literally hit the hammer on the head very hard to get into those boss raids than. i'd agree with you that spreading negativity is bad if this didnt's happen but having mules is the meta. It's defo very trash for new players your literally missing content why should people keep quiet this is just a fact. if you don't have all those mules you might not see allot of those boss runs wich are pretty fun. maybe in a guild if your lucky. slim pickings. and to make those mules you dont want to use, you either waste tons of time or spend B's wich for a new player very hard to do. Mules also affect PQ's remember how fun carnival PQ was. In this server people selling leech in that PQ. you can hardly play it the fun way anymore carnival PQ has turned into a leech business. The server has good things, but the above things mentioned are defo not fun for newer players.