1) How many hours do You spend on playing every day? (Be honest) I used to play for like 1 or 2 hours a day, but I don't play often at the moment. 2)What are You doing most of the time when You are online? I used to go to the Free Market, because bossing takes more time and kind of boring for me sometimes.
6-7 hours a day(usually take a break in between, so like 3 hours in morning 4 hours in afternoon/night or vise versa). LPQ or Romeo and Juliet PQ(if you ever wanna RNJ pq lmk I'm always up for it on my crusader), lvling my crusader, hanging out with guildies/helping them lvl, bossing, and sometimes just roam around town to town looking for new friends or people to just chill and hang out with.
1. Used to be in a really unhealthy numbers, around 10+ hours but lowered it down significantly to work on other games too orz 2. Just hoeing, a bit of exploring and questing too
1) used to play around ~10 hours a day back then on GMS circa 2007 and about whole days on Royals since 2014. then had to reduce it significantly when I started working on 2016, but still managed to get in a couple hours. nowadays I barely play, but still am around on forums every now and then. 2) mainly hoeing on fm, or questing.
1) Now I rarely play because I'm in peak season (my job is seasonal). In summer or holiday, when I have free time, I play 2-3 hours a day. 2) Monster cards hunting, chat with friends / guild mates at FM
1)i use to play 12 to 17 hours a day, but now since work i play 2 to 5 hours 2) APQ untill my timer sound
1) 8~10 hours active and the rest hours for afk ,tbh royals is my 2nd life ==! 2) Farmingstory(4~7hrs per day depends on my mood ), bossing, collecting nx from mini boss and monster cards(before)
1) around 1-3 hours cause thats the only free time i have left in the evening... 2) mostly just make progress on whichever of my ironmen spark my interest at that moment. And do my daily bosses on IronShichika, cause im curious at this point to what lvl can i reach on him before giving up