Backtracking changes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joong, Apr 3, 2021.

  1. akash

    akash Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Honestly, I think this would be a good thing. It would make the game more clean with less balance clutter. There are some balance changes that are quite "extra".
    whitemagejames likes this.
  2. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    This is pointless as Paladins currently hit cap easily as is, and can't use higher level attack pots after a certain point. This would help low level pallies, but will quickly lose usefulness unless blast is made to hit multiple times instead of once (and therefore at a lower %age for each hit) or if the damage cap is increased.
    I am going to do best to not sound cheeky, but what exactly was the point then? If Matt or Tim or Joel have already said this elsewhere I missed it- but I fail to see what this has accomplish and might be the source of confusion in multiple threads since we are sort of left guessing.


    My view, its one thing to add usefulness to an otherwise useless skill (crash), but changing core gameplay mechanics, it shouldn't be done with such reckless abandonment. For example, Joel suggested something in discord that Dasha and I voiced concern over (being vague here as to NoT dIsClOsE sTaFf DiScUsSiOn)- admittedly I was a bit more crude than she was- but it's in the same as this nerf to avoid- like- why? Why are we even sticking our fingers into something so ingrained into Royals?

    In that same line of thought, if the new crash was removed- it's not like pallies lost anything, it was never "theirs" to begin with, however avoid was always a rogues possession- and if so dead set on reducing their avoid, there are ways to do it more gently and without altering how stats work (IE reducing shadow shifter).
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
    yesbita, RareCandies and Dash like this.
  3. LichWiz

    LichWiz Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    Making mm and bm equal in endgame would result in MMs have an INSANE early game, which would result in people making MM instead of BM cause why not? This is the issue of flat damage skills, balancing them is not as intuitive as you may think
    Cooler likes this.
  4. Nerd

    Nerd Donator

    Oct 24, 2016
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    I would like to see more class diversification as well but I don't think nerfing other classes down is the right approach. There have been countless feedback threads asking for buffs for other classes and when there have been buffs, the classes get much more play and shine (see buccaneers, shadowers, DKs). When changes like this are introduced with no community input, the players are left feeling like their voices aren't being heard. Many players, including myself, have put thousands of hours into their character and now it feels like that is getting chipped away with update after update of nerfs, where instead, we can encourage other classes getting the spotlight be seeing some much needed number tweaking.


    Its great to see some inner dialog shared from a developer even if its not reflective of the staff or direction of the server. I share a lot of the same sentiments provided. I think there have been some great modifications to some skills to make the class flow better (see Buccaneers and more recently Corsairs mount time delay) where I would consider these quality of life changes as they don't necessarily introduce new features to classes. I agree, there is a lot to consider when customizing skills as its nearly impossible to future-proof them which can lead to undesirable and unintended meta outcomes.

    I personally prefer classes staying true to the original vision MapleStory had and working on their shortcomings through number tweaking. I think there are appropriate QOL's that can be implemented where need be, but they should not substantially change the features of the class.

    I want other classes to shorten the gap between the DPS leaders and I think most players would enjoy trying out different classes without having to worry about being 'useful' or not recruitable. I think this can be achieved by communicating effectively with class enthusiasts and veteran players. I'm by no means either of those, but there are some incredibly experienced players sharing their data in the feedback section that I think some of these posts are getting lost in all the discussion.

    I really appreciate the thread even if its not a reflection of what is to come in future updates
  5. silv

    silv Donator

    May 12, 2016
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    I already said though, MM will need SI to be on par in the late game, and don’t have alt-tab hurricane.

    I think most people would still prefer to make BMs, but it will make MMs at least more appealing than how it is now
    whitemagejames likes this.
  6. Joez

    Joez Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    I think the need for HP washing stems from various factors but one of the key elements driving it is the ability to allow a class of your choice participate in all available bossing content on MapleRoyals. People are now spending hundreds, if not thousands of hours dedicated into 'main' character(s) and no one really wants to be told "oh actually, you can only participate in this content if you're a ____ class".

    Over time as people have become richer in game and the pool of available people to play with dwindles, naturally players are setting arbitrarily higher HP goals for their characters to account for different possible scenarios where you may not have HB available, you may not want to risk getting touch damage, you may not want to burn through power elixirs, etc. This has culminated in the '30k HP phenomenon' that we see today.

    The avoidability nerf - particularly for shadowers, is akin to making stance have a 60-70% success rate. Personally I think it would cause outrage amongst warrior mains who are probably more than used to watching netflix while holding down a button and it would virtually make warriors unplayable at Horntail given the current map design.

    You are right in that the avoid nerf is what I would label as negative. It no doubt causes playing NLs/shadowers to be more annoying - but has it equated to an indirect buff to other classes? I think that really depends on who you talk to. It probably stops many people from pursuing shadowers but I'm not certain that NL numbers would be affected by much at the end of the day. The alchemist nerf and the star recharging meso sink are similar - it has made life as a NL more difficult, but I'm doubtful that players find other classes more attractive because of this. Ultimately, these changes have just made people more annoyed with playing their NLs.

    The driving force behind the paladin/marksmen numbers vs. NL numbers is without a doubt their overall DPS.
    Nerfing triple throw's damage output by half will probably make most veteran NLs quit the game, but will it do anything to your paladin or marksmen numbers? Probably not.
    Will buffing snipe or strafe by double the original damage output help more people choose marksmen? Of course it will. Is it going to make all of your night lords quit? Probably not.

    Those are extreme examples of what a positive and negative balance change might look like but can you see what I mean?

    The balance patch for buccaneers, paladins and shadowers a while back is an example of a positive change - it encouraged players to experience these classes because they know they now have a competitive niche in the metagame. It probably meant less new players chose night lords in the end - but none of your existing night lords suffered from this change. You have not said "fk you" to all your dedicated player base, unlike the recent changes.

    Of the negative updates over the years - I can't comment on anything prior to mid-2018 since I've only been playing in the last 3 years. Changes (not limited to class balancing itself) I can think of include:
    - potion and star recharging prices
    - summon farm nerf
    - mage nerf (Maps: ulu1, petri, duku; Misc: 1/1 nerf, macros)
    - shadow shifter nerf, followed by the recent avoidability nerf
    - snipe nerf
    - crash nerf

    Some of these have been reverted, some of these have had alternate reasons (or at least reportedly) for implementation. Regardless with each of these changes your existing player base suffers a little more - and there comes a point where people just give up on the administration and quit.

    These are just some of my thoughts and I'm sorry Joel if it deviates from the purpose of your OP. In the end, all of your players just want to have a good time in the game and if these nerfs meant there would be less RWTers/botters/hackers around I would happily accept playing a game that's more irritating but cleaner. But no, Royals continues to be rampant and it's so disheartening to see the legitimate player base continue to be punished, time and time again.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
    HolyWaffles, TBK, SoyaMilk and 17 others like this.
  7. Incentv

    Incentv Donator

    Jun 9, 2017
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    Whenever a new player asks me what class they should make, I always tell them that every class has something unique that they are good at. At the same time, each class had their drawbacks.

    Before this most recent patch. Here is my opinion on each class
    NLs were the strongest single target DPS in most scenarios because of their high avoidability, the downside is that they need to rely on SE in order to do this. My opinions about NLs pre-patch, they were fine? They are the go-to single target DPS character. It does seem they have no drawbacks (low potion usage, can triple macro triple throw), but being fully reliant on a buff from another class seems like a pretty big drawback to me.

    Shadowers are good at both single and multi target DPS, but aren't the best at either. They are a great middle ground between these 2 types of DPS dealing characters. They don't rely on other classes for anything, and smokescreen is great for giving other classes a "perfect" DPS scenario for a short period of time (corsairs love smokescreen).

    Overall, thieves just felt like thieves. they were stealthy and mobile and dodging felt good. Post patch, the nerf on avoid hurts a lot of the identity of what thieves were to me. The increase in shadow shifter % did make it feel 'better' than the full nerf, but nevertheless, playing a thief feels different now.

    Heroes are relatively strong multi-target dealers, are cheap to fund (if you factor in washing), and have an easy gameplay style. They have a lot going for them, and can really shine at areas where multi-targetting is important, such as CWKPQ and Zak arms.

    Dark Knights are the strongest multi-target dealing characters in the game while zerking. Nothing comes close, and playing a DK is very active but rewarding.However, zerking is near impossible in some areas. To that, I say "cool?". Dark knights can already dominate a lot of places with their multi-target damage, they don't need to be able to zerk everywhere. They have plenty of places where they can shine, leave the places where they don't to other classes. I would be interested to see more multi-target based end game bosses come to Royals though to give DKs a super-end-game alternative to neo-tokyo.

    Paladins have a lot of misconception behind them. They are the only warriors that excel at single target DPS. Elemental weaknesses makes this class fun to play and their mobbing abilities for grinding large maps is good too. Though their DPS is "good", there's the misconception that it isn't "great". Especially for well funded players, Pally's are limited by the damage cap set by client restrictions. However, for less funded to moderately funded players, Pally's still pack a punch, and their high numbers are great for pinning bosses that move. I really like the idea of making Total crash a party buff, I would like to see it tweaked though to be more useful and engaging.

    Each warrior has a unique identity. But before the patch, Paladins felt neglected, replaced by crash mules in a lot of places. I believe the route of the crash change is moving paladins in the right direction of giving them their unique identity.

    Bishops are the premier support class in bossing. Nothing much to say here.

    Arch mages have no place in bossing, but excel at grinding large maps. There is a small, niche community of attacker mages, but that consists of super well funded mages that can actually qualify as attackers. Gameplay for these characters is basically limited to grinding with meteor/blizzard, but that's a type of gameplay that some players enjoy. No need to make them what they aren't by trying to fit them into the current bosses. It would be cool if there were future party play content where they could shine, not as an attacker, but as a secondary role.

    Bowmasters have decent single target DPS with hurricane. Hurricane also allows for some passive play in some places (such as krex). They also scale well into late-end game.

    Marksmen are strong early-end game. Snipe and marksmen boost gives them really consistent damage with little funding. As soon as you hit mid-end game though, they quickly fall behind their other archer counterpart. Although snipe is the "premier" skill that people think of when they think "marksman", I feel that "piercing arrow" is forgotten. I would like to see marksmen be the "multi-target" dps version of archers. Let bowmasters be the single target dps and let marksmen shine a different way. This would give them an identity that's unique to them.

    Archers are great in parties because they provide SE, giving the whole party a damage boost. Although archers aren't the best DPS in the game, they make up for it in boosting the whole party's DPS.

    Corsairs are the #1 single target damage dealer in ideal situations. However, that situation doesn't happen very often, and playing corsairs is difficult, but rewarding. Those seeking a challenging and active game style should opt to play this class.

    Buccaneers are decent single target damage dealers and have unique gameplay mechanics. They also have SI which greatly helps warriors, marksmen, and corsairs. Buccs have a lot going for them in their kit. Dragon strike and snatch makes them decent multi-target damage dealers, and their main single target combo has a lot of i-frames. I do miss what the old bucc's of GMS used to be, but I'm also very happy with where buccs stand right now in terms of their kit.

    Each class has specific traits that contribute to their identity. I believe balancing changes should try to preserve these identities. A lot of people say "don't nerf, only buff". I disagree with this. I welcome any change as long as they stay true to giving a class a unique identity. And classes without an "identity" should be given changes to give them one.
    Cooler, Zancks and McPew like this.
  8. OrcaGel

    OrcaGel Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    It would probably be helpful to take a strong stance on what the end goal truly is. What's more important? Nostalgia or balance? This server used to be mainly about preserving nostalgia so it's only natural that you'll come across many roadblocks when experimenting with balance since it's new territory. This is probably what resulted in the recent balance changes. Nerfs can be a great addition for balance, but most people play Mapleroyals because it's filled with nostalgic choices that they like so it's going to be an uphill battle if unappealing changes are made to core mechanics. Buffs should be preferred in this game because there are so many useless skills and monsters. There are so many ranges in levels where there's nothing to look forward to (Crusaders/WK level 80-120). I understand skills like Seal can be incomprehensible to make useful, but there's plenty of useless things with easier fixes.

    Shield mastery doubles shield defense. That's useless, why not can't it just give 1,000 def or something? I would actually max it if it did something like that.
    Iron Will gives +20 magic/weapon defense. How about 500 for both?
    Can Focus give +100 avoid instead of 20?
    If range is the meta at bosses you can increase the number of monsters summoned and up their hp so it takes 2 mobbers to kill them instead of 1.
    Puppet has 6k hp. Can it have more?

    After the new source, one of the noticeable fixes was Power Guard no longer working on ranged attacks. This was fixed because it didn't work that way in the original, but Total Crash isn't in the original and it seems like it's here to stay. So is balance more important than nostalgia now? And if it is:
    -what mechanics are they trying to experiment on?
    -if any mechanics are off-limits what are they?
    -if they don't know until the idea pops into their heads, will the idea be shown to the players before being implemented?
    -if you standby your changes will you let the players know it's not going to be reverted? (We're not changing this sorry. This is what I want for the server and it will not change)
    -if you don't know if you want to revert it, will you update us every once in a while on how you feel about it? (I'm still not convinced we need to change Total Crash because xxx)
    -will you tell us specifically what your end vision is? (Every class besides mages will have a strong purpose at every boss)
    -do you want to only keep players that share your vision? (This is what I want. If you don't like it you can leave)
    -do you only care about the server's total population? (I won't be upfront with specifics of the server because being ambiguous allows people to insert their own maple fantasy which brings in more players at the cost of misleading them)
    Cooler likes this.
  9. Snake

    Snake Donator

    Mar 14, 2014
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    You state yourself that balancing changes should be to preserve class identity but you yourself also acknowledge that the recent patch has negatively impacted the identity of the thief class.

    Perhaps the other feedback thread is more relevant for this discussion, but given your stance as a Shad player and member of the staff why would you (staff collectively) push through this nerf that counteracts what you’ve stated balancing changes should do?

    In addition, how do you expect nerfing in the current royals meta game to give other classes a better sense of identity? I struggle to think of any cases where negatively changing one class’ skills/ratios will allow it or another class to gain a stronger purpose and be more attractive to the general player base.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
  10. Incentv

    Incentv Donator

    Jun 9, 2017
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    You can see which side of the argument I fell on when we were discussing this.

    I'm not saying nerfing should be done to give other classes a better sense of identity. I'm saying that nerfing is ok as long as it doesn't take identity away. The goal of the nerf was to bring NLs closer to other classes. But, as the other feedback thread has mentioned, there are other ways to achieve this, all while preserving the identity of a NL.

    Back on topic of this post. I don't think a full revert to vanilla skills is the solution here. I believe each class is slowly finding where they belong through the changes throughout the years.
    newduhls, Egoiste, Henray17 and 3 others like this.
  11. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Nerfing a class for balance is like you running a burger restaurant which offers a variety of burgers for its menu, and fish (NL) burger has always been your top selling burger from the beginning. You realize the quality of your fish burger is far superior than your veggie burger and you want them to be of equal quality, but instead of improving the quality of your veggie burger, you decide to worsen your fish burger by making it more bland. Now your fish burger consumer base that's been faithfully patronizing your restaurant over the past few years is pissed cos their favourite fish burger now taste like crap and you wonder why.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
  12. GunzGaming

    GunzGaming Donator

    Sep 15, 2017
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    I believe that backtracking some changes is better for the game in its current state. Mostly due to how each change somehow comes with a negative side effect as well, which is usually not even thought of. Meanwhile, some changes have made things SO MUCH BETTER for certain classes.

    I'll list some examples of the bad ones.

    Pot prices: to make a meso sink. Did not stop any inflation of the market, and made warriors waste more mesos than intended.

    Star prices & alchemist %: only made legit players have to grind more for mesos via leech/farming for NL class players. Then coincidentally those farming/leeching methods are also nerfed throughout several patches.

    Initial shadow shifter reduction: so minimally affected the NL class, leading one to question what is the point of it.

    Total crash mechanic: Party buff for paladin, but so easily muled that it was abused by players rather than meeting the intended use of it. It is a slight shock it took so long to consider tweaking it but I know yall busy as hell.

    Disabling mage macros: a bandaid fix only impairing legit players farming capabilities and SLIGHTLY hinder dukus leech, which itself is an effect of changes in order to provide a "party training" location from the want to reduce high-level leeching/farming at ulu1/2/petris. Again! impairing legitimate players to casually grind for mesos. meanwhile, bots plague the maple world.

    there's a lot more. Some changes are even unannounced like Events drop rates. But I'll stop there.

    my point is that it's a domino effect and won't stop until the nerfs/buffs stop. Making it harder for any class to boss, or any farmer to farm, only makes us upset and not want to play the game. It continuously results in a loss of players and negative side effects to other classes. There seems to me a "stubbornness" with updates. what's changed is done and won't be changed back. But that culture should change. If something is done to "fix" anything and does not work as intended at all, remove it and reassess the situation. The root cause of so many issues is usually much deeper than a quick fix or impairing the core gameplay. It should always be about maintaining class identities, then balance/evolution of classes second.

    oops forgot to add a point. And if something unintended comes up, and the players evolve, adapt, and think of creative ways to continue forward. Don't nerf that too. work off of it and build upon it, or adjust it to not be so overpowered. example: DUKUs. Why not just change the level req and/or adjust the required magic attack so it's not so easy and used for so many levels. ok bye now.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
    benkrong, mell, Dash and 4 others like this.
  13. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    This is a really interesting thread to post, now of all times, and I want to reply to every post and poster but I'm not going to.
    The community is upset about a few gameplay changes they were very comfortable with (and felt entitled to) right now, but forgets they can be rolled back or altered, and the staff seems to be wondering if they are warping into an unrecognizable game from the meta they have built.

    I came to this server because big bang destroyed the creative classes, maps, and gameplay bbb, which broke my heart back then. Everything changed over night, and, now in gms, every class is a bizarre facsimile of one another, almost all functionally the same, and then a next new arbitrary novel thing is released for no reason whatsoever, offering reskinned gameplay.

    Muling, is basically this if you think about it. One player packs all the skills and benefits they can into "one". And the availability and ubiquity of washing means no class is restricted by its natural inequities. NL are supposed to be glass cannons. Now they're unplayable unless washed, the upper meta is too demanding, and nobody wants to miss out on the treasure and wealth of HT, especially if you're a top tier attacker.

    The meta curves around this and openly or not caters to it unfortunately, and of course things will feel off and out of sorts if you compare it to quote unquote nostalgia. This isn't my server though I just play on it.

    The crash change made sense, it was too simple and ubiquitous to exploit the lvl 80 pure hp ease of crashing cancels. People did it because it's absolutely worth it for most parties, and horntail is more or less the meta fulcrum of this game. It provides massive profits, essential skills, and huge exp. All that matters is taking it down asap.

    And I like what they did with crash, it's not 100%, it doesn't have huge range, and it requires engagement and activity to an aspect of the game that before only snipers could enjoy (not that anyone even knew that), and these are all the right ways to go about buffing classes and "useless" skills--indirectly, and which require upkeep/rebuffs, and could fail when you roll the dice. This is ultimately much more rewarding and fun (and wonderful for class distinction and role and roleplay) than 100% skills with no cd, no drawbacks, mulability.

    I said entitled earlier. Well, imagine doing all it takes to buff your NL to HT, and it's a lot. Then a core aspect of your class is taken (your avoidability is gutted). You feel entitled to all this because the meta allows you to play the game in a way that lets you be the best despite it being an exploit, so yes, you're going to have some very angry and loud edgelords on your hands, NLs or shads or paladins or anyone with crash mules who are used to playing in a way that makes the game extremely easy and simplified because they feel entitled to it because they were allowed to do it before.

    But these aren't nostalgic features, they're just perks of a private server. So the appeal to nostalgia is a very muddy one, especially coming from a staff member, in casual capacity or not.

    If you know the things I post them you know where I'm coming from, and I'll try to paint my pov here:

    The original game, people always talked about making "your own story" (your own "maplestory"). Likely because the game had no core plot, which was actually what made it so replayable, but also because of all the different classes and roles and skill trees you could walk.

    Bigbang stood at the end of all these paths, taking all the min/maxed linear meta builds, and exponentially rewarding this meta culture. Instead of fixing what was broken, they only improved what was being used, and scrapped all the raw potential and creativity of the old game, turning everything into the same linear, monometa. Even maps all have the same extremely simplified platforming, scrapping all the nostalgic vistas and locales, all to cater to the trending meta that popularized itself, and why wouldn't they, they were skyrocketing in popularity. But it ruined the game

    The majority of the same "useless" skills all exist in almost exactly the same way they did in the earliest versions of the game, and only the linear build skills are improved, and this is what keeps chipping and tilting the power creep.

    You guys read my posts, I care a lot about the neglected, unused skills, and love to think about how they could be improved to help the class or party out, instead of see what else we can slap the speed infusion ductape on.
    Rounding out and giving life to these skills doesn't just help the class, it's fun. Yes there is a min/max build, but in most cases, even if you wanted to try a different build, it would be a waste if time just because they are simply so bad and barely supportive or helpful and don't do anything or synergize outside of 2nd job etc.

    Approaching them this way also prevents the hard dmg buffs (or nerfs) so many people ask for, which directly imbalances the game. Smaller, indirect, conditional, short burst, PROCS, or new niche use skills will go much farther than a dmg buff if they're done the right way for a specific class or skill.

    Yes, they're often less simple. Sometimes simple is the best way. But sometimes you just have to totally reevaluate how all the parts are moving though, and not keep adding horsepower (this thread wouldn't exist if there were simple solutions staring us in the face). The new WK crash isn't simple either, but it's the exact kind of progressive concept that revitalizes class role/identity/play without being OP and extremely convenient, which is why it was being exploited.

    The avoid nerf was also a bold nerf against the very comfortable and streamlined existence of NL and shads and that meta. I'll be totally honest: Nothing is faster or more efficient to take down ht than a team of just shadowers. You don't need se, si, hb, you don't even need a priest or bishop.
    Entitled shads/nl complain "they are the most expensive classes to play, why punish us?" Ok well you're also the strongest, and most comfortable classes to play outside of a super funded hero.

    I'm not 100% for or against the avoid nerf, I understand all arguments for and against and it's almost certainly getting tweaked, but I think it's a progressive trend towards reversing the power creep and dominance that the server, meta, culture, community ultimately bends to.

    When I first heard people trained si/tl "mules", I felt visceral horror. Who would invest their time like this just to play a nostalgia server?
    And now even I have a F/P I can use to leech myself if I want, but ultimately it's if arch mages ever break their farmer/leechers destiny bondage--another massive can of worms the server caters to.
    Yeah it's nice to be able to buy all the stoppers I want in the fm, but now you can't boss unless you have some att potion on at all times, and rage/enrage/dragon's blood and all other attack potions are useless and have to find new functions. And why?

    Because it's fun. It's fun to help a party out in a special way, it's the fun of the mmo. It sucks that everyone is obsessed with se. Nerf SE? Lower boss HP? You have to be willing to examine what has gone toxic in the meta and willing to change it for the holistic good of everyone, not just because everyone want to be immortal ninjas.

    If you're entertaining backtracking because you're feeling nostalgic for nostalgia on your nostalgia server, you'll just end up back here again years later because the linearity of builds (useful vs useless), current class roles and the amount of useless skills that collect dust in the classes will just trend back to the same singularities in some similar form or another unless they are all reexamined, like how crash was, or how mindless/easy it is for NL to dominate, or how heroes, NL, sair or archmages serve essentially no party role. shads barely squeak by with haste/smoke.

    If you want to hear the most radical and innovative change that will shatter the "washing optional" server meta (but still reward anyone who does) but keep all classes viable and the game exactly as difficult, make monsters/bosses ranged damage just do less the farther away you are, simple. Literally nothing simpler than that if you think about it. It would make mobile bosses more challenging (cause 2d platformer) and the two archers might need a camouflague skill (like ds but they can't move/att but can heal), but lol hey, major class inequities solved while
    maintaining full difficulty of the game and class roles

    I forget why I'm here now, bye
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2021
  14. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    I can agree with all this except two.

    I really disagree that MM should morph into a multitarget role simply because BM are more single oriented. BM attack super fast and because of that, they can also be better multitarget that MM in some cases simply because of how quickly they can kill and instantly move on to the next target without doing anything.
    I strongly disagree MM should be BMs foil or change their role or nature or dynamic or what they do simply because BM are doing the opposite, I just think MM are a more deliberate, calculating class than BM, all their skills reflect this. Hurricane is incredible, but trying to be the opposite of bm only devalues what mm already do. I think mm simply need more avoid for dpm (various routes here, best and most balanced, along with fuller class identity is via Blind), snipe causing a short auto-target effect (to focus dpm but needs to be recast say every 7-15 seconds) and for pierce to have some QOL improvements (won't cancel if hit, can fire in air/while moving--all of which are possible). Otherwise pierce would have to be totally scrapped/changed to become a mob oriented skill to actually be viable in bosses (please read the improved mm feedback thread to hear the long pierce/bossing discussions), but that just goes against what it feels like to be a marksman, they don't and never felt like mobbers, even though they have decent crowd control, but stun is actually better than freeze in all cases. They would fall very far behind in essentially all bosses if they were reoriented to be BMs mobbing foil

    And I disagree about archmages. There's no reason they don't deserve a spot at the table to boss if they want, they really can't boss for shit and it's only because we want them to farm/ leech instead. Imagine learning all this arcane knowledge to keep a materialist capitalist economy machine running while everyone else including bs parties lol
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
    Kenny, whitemagejames and Incentv like this.
  15. SoyaMilk

    SoyaMilk Member

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Maybe it is worth it to go back and look at all the major updates if not all to what has really benefit and what has been detrimental to class identity and gameplays.

    IMO (from an old player at mid game level) unfortunately there are some problems that cannot be fixed or if they were to be fixed it would have to be a drastic change for example number of NL base player, HP washing.

    As for what I think are negative is the past updates (mentioning only the ones I’ve been around for since I’ve been playing on and off)

    • Nerfing farming spots and leeching spots (ulu and duku) + pot cost increase.
    I personally don’t want to be someone who sells leech to make a living, but due to my luck at scrolling and ha ha I am forced to time to time, to make money for pots and to get alittle extra mesos to get that upgrade am so close to getting. Nerfing these farming spots and increase in pot prices makes it alittle harder to make money.

    • Nerfing avoid on NL and Shad.
    I feel like this takes away from their identity of being a rouge class, not to mention in other post, reasons why it was so detrimental to shad’s gameplay.

    • Changing crash system (some may not agree but this is my own opinion)
    Although it wasn’t intentionally, I feel like it takes away from a MM’s snipe uniqueness, some may argue that having Cr mules is probably worse, but not every HT I’ve been in has 3 Cr mules if any. Now you only need one pally, Wknight to take that away from Snipe.

    Positive points

    • Increasing Exp on mobs in less popular grind spot
    I think this was a good idea to try and turn players towards the less used but good grinding spots like ludi tower and ToT, unfortunately, this is and probably always will be a leech dominant server.

    • Increase MM’s mastery
    This kinda give extra damage out put may entice the current MM mains to keep playing the class (if there were any) however, I don’t think is enough to bring in new MM players.

    • Giving incentives to do party quest
    I think this was a good idea, I have seen a rise on R> [insert pq], however is that enough to keep them interested for long. Some might agree with what am about to say, but I feel having a cap on the amount of times you can get the tokens is a good idea.

    • Nerfing alchemist (some might not agree with me, but I was a NL main so am not being bias)
    I think that has always been to OP, by Nerfing it, I don’t think it has broken their gameplay.

    These are just a few from the top of my head, there were probably more significant buffs and nerds that I haven’t mention or was not here for.

    But I think that it would be a good idea, for the developers to go back to drawing board and have a really close look at what the main problems are in the server and the cause of it from the root. Then take a look at the changes you’ve made and see how it affect the server, has it fixed the problem or was it just a plaster over the wound.

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