The issue is more evident in Saint Exorcist medal, but pretty much all medals are not aligned in the middle. This triggers my OCD.... Is it possible to have the text aligned in the middle?? Hopefully I am not the only one bothered by this...
I see my text in the middle of the titles, not sure why yours doesn't. Might have something to do with the language settings on your PC?
Now that is something new... What language setting do you use on your computer? I doubt it is the language setting because my computer is set in English anyway.... Can you ss and show me how your medals look like?
It actually seems like your medal is correctly centered around your name and it's your guild that is off-center @sparky95 pls fix
I would like to see images where the characters do not have label rings equipped. It's my understanding that label rings affect the placement of the guild name/medal text, at the very least vertically.
OP means the text on the Saint Exorcist medal is significantly skewed to the ceiling, in the vertical axis.
let me give you another OCD Trigger: 3 years and still waiting for a fix
My master collector medal is lined up fine, it might have something to do with the font given to the game by your region. I know that in certain areas, medal text is in a different font than my area, which might have an effect on the alignment.
If you don't mind me asking, what region are you in? I am considering changing my computer region to treat my OCD here....
I'm in the united states. I have seen screenshots from asian or SEA clients that show medals with times new roman-like font instead of whatever font I have. Might be because of the localization.
Interesting, because I am in the US, and my computer is set to US region as well. I will tweak around a bit with region/language setting and see if it does anything with it. Thanks!
I remember having this different "font" for text when i was using my virtual machine that ran on windows XP, but when i play on my normal setup on windows 10, it looks normal. Donno if that helps.
This seems to be related to your system font, indeed. Could be it's not Arial 12pt (looks like it judging by pixel differences). Spoiler
this might help changing default system font will have to be done via a registry hack since there's no real option in the control panel or settings