So, as some might know, way back in version #59, many classes received buffs to make them more viable in the game. Most of these changes were just number buffs, but for one class specifically, they were changed in such a way that fundamentally changed how the class played in almost every regard, that class is Buccaneer. While this was discussed back when the change happened, I believe it's worth revisiting due to how split the opinions were at the time, and how much time has passed since then Originally, Buccaneer's Super Transformation at max level had a 6 minute cooldown and a 2 minute uptime, meaning 33% of the time, you were in super transformation and had access to Demolition, which was vastly more powerful than Barrage + Dragon Strike, however with the update, Super Transformation had its cooldown removed, and Barrage & Dragon Strike were buffed so much compared to Demolition that the combination out-dps'd Demolition. This change completely changed the identity of Buccaneers from a bad dps 2/3rds of the time, with good dps 1/3rd of the time to a good dps all the time. While this doesn't sound like much it really got rid of the feel of super transform being special, gaining a damage buff for a duration is a unique selling point of the class. In addition it took a lot of the thinking away from the class, before you had to choose when the best time to super transform during a fight was, waiting for certain patterns to maximize the damage you could get off, whereas now there's no thought. This also has reproduction's for their kit in general, maxing super transformation is actually a detriment to you now since when the transformation expires, it cancels your current animation allowing you to get more damage off, and increasing its level increases the duration of the skill. Time Leap, or Echo reset as it's now used also makes much less sense as a skill when Super Transformation doesn't have a cooldown. The reasons for this change were 2 things in particular, the lack of mobility and lack of ranged attacks. While I personally don't see either of these things as an issue and would prefer it they played largely the same, there's an easy solution for both, 3rd job's transformation skill and shockwave. Having the 3rd job transformation be the skill without a cooldown retains the mobility & ranged abilities without sacrificing what made Buccaneers Buccaneers. And so, the changes I'm proposing are as such: Super Transformation is changed back to this Take damage off of Barrage and Dragon strike and add it onto Demolition (The exacts would need math, as I don't want Buccs buffed or nerfed, just reverted to how they originally played), make non transformed buccs one of the weakest classes, but while transformed one of the strongest, evening out in the middle Make 3rd job's Transformation not have a cooldown (optional) All in all, this would have a few effects on buccs, it'd put them more in line with how they were originally designed, they'd be less effective in Auf as barrage mules, and would take a bit more thought to play well.
I remember the main reason why they made super transformation to 60sec of CD was because bucc couldn’t reach ht arm without demolition. Permanent demolition wouldn’t hurt the gameplay much to experienced buccs as Barrage+DS /Snatch+Ds sometimes has higher dps than Demo+DS combo in some situations (eg:HT/Zak Arm/Cwk Btm Bosses/Scarga) and they still use different combos in different bosses not only Bar+DS. Nothing is stopping you from playing the way you want. It doesn't nerf the old way of playing in any way. You can still use your own way to play a bucc. In my opinion the only change needed to be made on bucc is nerfing barrage in Auf to prevent people bringing barrage mule to Auf.
The reason for this post was because they fundamentally changed how the class plays, not dps. To give a comparison, it's like if Shadowers were changed so that their main dps came from stacking Venom, and Savage blow was the optimal skill to do it, yeah, nothing is stopping you from playing the way you want, but one way is undoubtedly worse than the other.
DON'T nerf barrage in Auf. Not all parties bring bucc as a barrage mule. At least we always run auf with bucc main not mule. It does good dps and has many helpful skills. In addition, not 30k bucc can only demolition BGA and the boss. If super transformation has CD, bucc will be useless in BG.
I'm having a ton of fun with the current bucc, i'm personally against changing this class again after it finally found relevance
Again, this has nothing to do with nerfing or buffing buccs, it's simply about changing them so that they actually play like a bucc.
If it was up to lil ole me, old trans would be three minutes but still w/ CD, demo would be slightly nerfed, but energy orb would be slightly buffed to balance and work like chain lightning, but could also still hit a single target up to six times if no other targets are available, but at a paced tic, not all at once. Or somehow making orb more useful and able to slip into the combos Also brawlers look and play nothing like pirates. I get they're a "monk" class, but the vibe is all off. Snatch would be an anchor instead of the scorpion blade thing, shockwave would just be wave, dragon strike would be like leviathan strike, or broadside strike (remember pirates?) or rogue wave, etc, and transformation would be more of an aura effect and buff than a total super Saiyan thing. But that's my useless input Trans being permanent is a bit weird now since all other buffs are temporary or on cd after use, and buccs are increasingly more and more common and ubiquitous in the meta for their two big party skills, devastating 1v1 and rush/snatch abilities. They are possibly the #1 pick in most parties w/o a NL, they're already a highly efficient party class
inconsistent damage output, and inconsistent access to some of the skills in the kit is without a doubt a nerf to the current setup. you'd need to SERIOUSLY OVERTUNE demo to compensate for this sort of change, and even then, i'd say it will just feel bad, as you are again feel constrained with what skills you use. Snatch not being available for consistent grinding, and demo missing for a long time in bosses that punish close range would hurt the class and return it to being irrelevant. This community is kinda DONE with pointless nerfs to classes that work. Any more and royals might as well shoot its own foot.
Not sure who's idea to have perma trans and uses magic rocks? It does ruin the bucc identity but i guess everyone is assimilated into the "new bucc". So whatever is done now will have a consequence but anyway I will give some of my thoughts on the possible adjustments. The og buccaneer feedback was from Luna Here was my og suggestion If adjustments is to be considered, here are my thoughts 1. Make transformation with cd or lessen the cd 2. Decrease the damage of barrage/dragon strike and demo but lessen the delay 3. Lessen the delay of snatch 4. Make energy charge last longer 5. Larger range of SI and TL buffs 6. Range increase for barrage 7. Be able to jump and cast dragon strike 8. Increase to mob count to 6 for blackspin blow and corckscrew blow Only reason why people see it as a nerf is because they are used to the meta. The adjustments suggested above actually preserve the game style of the original bucc.
This is an entitled playerside only thing to say, and if staff bows to it, you will always be fighting against powercreep, especially if staff keeps releasing new gear, weapons, and ways to improve current standards, which will just lead to more walls they are forced to breakdown, instead of more creative problem solving. A class nerf with a rebalance elsewhere in the class isn't a nerf, and a standalone nerf to balance against other skewed aspects of the game is itself a buff for the health of the server, not a personal grievance or a nerf. But then again NL is busted, hp washing is bogus, and what did they expect, edgelords abusing these things would be chill their amount of back row kbs are getting messed with lol, shads got the actual short end there, NL would have been just fine Every entitled NL still sore from the avoid formula experiment thinks they can get their way now, and distrusts the machinations of balancing and staff judgement, while staff vaguely issued a statement about only improving things in the future rather than nerfing them, so every player thinks they will only get buffs from now on, which is toxic, especially if changes actually need to be made. What does that mean about damage cap, or auf circlet? It feels like staff is catering to the loud, overly wealthy imo, instead of folks who would rather see healthy improvements overall, but if you ask with polls what do you expect I'm not saying the avoid alter was good or bad, it definitely wasn't well tested (again, it was intended more for NLs and shads got the hit, but NL were much much louder), maybe start with something that doesn't affect the most common, richest, and obnoxious, top dpm class in the game, and slowly get there, or have the conviction to follow through with the idea, because sorry, money shouldn't allow you to play the game with the best class with almost no challenges, it should just mean you can afford better gear and excess potions, not a way to exploit how the game was never intended to be played. Like, in a healthy server, NL and other ranged chars, and bandits, hp would cap below 30k even with hp quests (there would be no washing, it's a ridiculously transparent scheme and game exploit/bug, unworthy of preserving because it's entirely too problematic, yet it remains while other issues and problematic aspects resolve) so they would still need hb in some situations, or would have to actively avoid touch damage or spells (put some conveyor belts in boss rooms lmao) With buccs getting such a heavy handed buff, now folks won't even entertain the discussion of possibly rethinking it, unfortunate, and which is the exact toxic mentality you don't want to comfort your players with, you want to do what's fair for the classes and their identity and the server and thoroughly explain why, not instantly backpedal or only powercreep forward, unhealthy. Not saying this is precisely what's happening, or the case for buccs but it can be felt all around. Threads like "hey why won't you tell us about x before you implement it" or "make a royals tespia test server" or "server longevity concerns" or "discussing p2w", or "feelings about multiclienting", "hp washing", "auf circlet" (but instantly deciding to keep such a busted item available with no drawbacks just because some people with more funds than they'd ever need have started making one or finished it) or "should shao be nerfed", speak to the higher meta aspects that are problematic, matt himself asking the last one, seemingly regretting the state of meta and the super exp highway shao offers for those exploiting washing, or because there is no party play there (hundreds of alternatives could be discussed about that alone such as making him harder, requiring 6 members, and booting inactive players, and awarding no exp to anyone if the party disbands, but a simple poll killed any progressive server change) Folks are obviously concerned about the state of things but the carrot in front of them that says things will only be buffed will just lead to more complicated issues down the line, or nothing being changed, and the first one is preventable, and the other should never happen. Improve=/=buff
It's interesting seeing you calling out others for being entitled when you've complained in shoutbox and other places that people won't take your torrent of wall-of-text suggestions and feedback threads/comments seriously. Within the past month, you've posted the following feedback threads alone (not including all the other lengthy comments in other threads): For you to take Nicky's one line reply "buff, not nerf classes", and blow it up into this reply, with this nugget "Every entitled NL still sore from the avoid formula experiment thinks they can get their way now", is very telling who's truly an "edgelord". I think it's worth noting that as staff already has so much on their plate with autoban and Pink Bean, amongst other things I'm sure, and that they are doing this all voluntary - flooding them with fairly significant and time-consuming game change suggestions, that may or may not actually prove beneficial for the server, for the time being, might not be the best move or a productive use of time. Don't get me wrong, I believe feedback from passionate and active players is amazing and keeps the server we love something that we can continue to grow with and at the top - I also believe that it's on us, as players, to understand that staff has to prioritize with their limited resources/time and that we, as players, should be more understanding of staff as they are doing for us, as they've shown in the recent months and have stated in their most recent GM blog.
My reply isn't calling anyone out directly, and my post wasn't meant to be towards Nicky, I was just saying I think that line of thinking isn't 100% healthy or necessary to be progressive. I post ideas for the server for fun. I never expect my threads to get major traction because I try to go for ideas or concepts that arent considered, to see what other possibilities they could generate. A few of my own boohoos in the shoutbox, at nobody in particular are totally meaningless and unrelated to any issues I just posted about here, and so are any of my threads, there's no relation, my forum activity is totally off topic to bring up just because you thought it was inappropriate of me to call people acting entitled entitled, or the so often rule bending/breaking people trying to fund NLs edgelords, just to try to turn it on me and try to slam me for threads I've made? Completely off topic I post them knowing there are bigger fish, everyone does. You can shut any conversation down by saying blah blah blah not til autoban, but that's obvious and redundant, but that's no reason to not make them, and I hardly ever bump my own threads, and acknowledge and know that they'll maybe get buried and that they are niche (btw one of those links you posted was not a feedback thread, just a dumb idea I had I felt like sharing in the general forum). I just had an idea/concept/feedback thread and wanted to share it, idk what is weird or edgy about that... I'm not being misunderstanding or impatient about gms time management or that any of my ideas are neglected at all and really none of my posts reflect that, I'm not sure at all what you're thinking but you certainly misunderstand me, my pov, and my tone. I'm ultimately trying to give productive feedback. Calling the majority of overly funded, att obsessed NLs edgelords or entitled, (and I've met a lot in three years), who sit comfortably in the back row with huge washed HP pools in a related entitled server issue we just had where their damage or dpm status was not affected at all, is hardly offensive or far off the mark but excuse me lol, that's not at all the point of what I was saying though, I just disagree that our only option is to buff things going forward since we seem to have crossed the Rubicon with that last experimental patch to avoid formula, and the backlash was so insane that the bemoaning NL was my example of this sentiment of "no nerf, only buff" and why I said improvements aren't the same as buffs, and don't need to be I just personally disagree that only buffs for the future is the only possibility because ultimately that's unhealthy and limiting and not a good a good precedent, or what players should expect, hence the use of entitlement.
buff [weaker classes], not nerf [other] classes [that have already been redesigned/improved, in hopes of class balancing, to gain acceptance and less backlash from the community.] imagine putting in years of effort into a class just for its previous improvements to be reverted
That's not necessarily what I meant and not what I was trying to say, and there's ways to improve classes without buffing or nerfing them, such as altering skill functions and usage, like total crash. Shads got shifter nerfed hard, but I didn't notice and didn't complain because MG is op and 30% avoid is still op. Also the bucc changes are still fairly new, I just don't think we should outright not consider changes just because "numbers go up not down", especially if they're reasonable and sensible in the context of the whole class and in relation to others, but that's my opinion. Alchemist got nerfed and I'm sure people want it to go back to 150% but it was a long overdo and sensible nerf, and it was to NL, the most popular and tryhard class, so it can be done if it's reasonable, and it's still fair to consider and discuss changes or alternatives than only buffs, all I was trying to say
Hi everyone, just another one of our reminders to be respectful towards one another when sharing and discussing ideas throughout the forums. We understand that players have strong feelings about various topics in this server, but we also want to encourage everyone in this community to participate in such conversations without resorting to potentially toxic language and behavior. And so we just ask that you consider your word choices and arguments carefully when interacting with other players. Instead of nuking everyone's posts and inadvertently censoring people's thoughts in this thread, Dave and I felt that the more proactive approach would be to first ask everyone nicely to be... nice. That's all. Thank you!
I remember back when transform had cd I couldn't hit HT's arm with barrage and went afk in arms lmao. Anyway I like the new bucc more, it gives you more combo options (like ds+snatch for 4+ mobs, demo+barrage against 1-2, barrage+ds against 3, pure demo for long range and more) Back then you only had demo spam when transformed and barrage+ds when you aren't, making the gameplay a lot more limited