Could we add Lord Pirate to the list after update 67? Also small feedback, but I think it’d be nice if the thread title can be changed to All Area Bosses in Mapleroyals.
In update 70, pianus' respawn time was tweaked, but the exact timers were left in the dark, do you plan on sharing it in the future/over here, or is it intended to stay as hidden information?
Hi, is it possible to add the respawn time for some boss-like monsters, such as MT-09, D-Roy, Homunscullo and more. For MT-09 my feeling is around 10-20 min, and for D-Roy, I've been waiting for more than half hour and have no idea how long should I wait.
Please reduce the respawn time for Blue Mushmom from 23 hours. That's wayyyy too long for a mini boss like that. I've only seen this boss like once in a year ...
I guess I was lucky after changing channels for about 10 times https://i.filehostingsite/wspzLW5/Maple0004.jpg
is this post updated? where iz zakum, pap, krex? are there more bosses that are in the game and not here?
Pianus is on the main post. The other bosses aren't included because they must be manually summoned by the player and thus don't have a "respawn timer".
May i know where to find deo?waiting,killing at royal cactus desert and changing every channel,still can’t find it
Deo is a very easy to farm boss, so someone probably just wiped all of them. Come back in a couple of hours and he should be there.