Currently aiming to complete Quest Specialist for the third time. Here are a few bits of feedback. Might add to the list over time. "Open Sesame" password to Red Scorpion's Lair is case-sensitive for no apparent reason. Drop rate of Rainbow Colored Snail Shell from Mano is far too low considering that Mano is, for whatever reason, a highly contested area boss. Recommend adding additional text to Roger's Apple quest, explaining how to bind potions to a key. I recently had some friends who'd never played MS start playing Royals and this confused the hell out of them. Quest items that have no further use (such as Plant Fossil, Animal Fossil, Dry Branch) should all be removed from inv upon quest completion. Certain quest items (ex. Aqua Road DNA samples, Soul Collector, Letter to Camila) that you only need 1 of should be made one-of-a-kind. Remove upper level limit for Mariwaka of Performer Training and Movie Star, which can currently only be completed if your level is exactly 40. Eliminating Drumming Bunny quest only makes sense in a version where the Drumming Bunny mini-dungeon exists. Right now you might have to dedicate an entire day to finish just that one quest. "???" should have her nametag changed to "Hella" once the required quests are complete. I think it was supposed to be this way but it might be glitched. Various inconsistencies: "Dran's Notes" instead of "De Lang's Notes", "Rumo" instead of "Lumo" Remove EXP reward entirely from Bigg's Story on Victoria Island and every Vic Island quest that normally takes place before 1st job. Too many people accidentally level up to lv11 from this quest and panic, thinking they've permanently lost out on SP, and ask whether their character has been ruined and only continue after finding out that it hasn't. It's disruptive and wastes everyone's time.
Ill add to that list: Increase droprate from quest items that drop from "box" objects. Stuff like kenta's advice, icarus flying potion, the one where you need 20 empty bottles in orbis, etc etc... All of them have a big droprate issue. As for the drumming bunnies, i think that its still very doable to farm them, maybe 500 etc instead of 1000 would be a little more fair though
Empty potion bottles are not that bad, honestly (enter portal to cloud park, then cc). Witch grass is a little frustrating but not to the point that it would take an hour or more. Kenta, on the other hand, can go to hell.
I had similar results on all my other characters, one time i even reached 10 on one of the papers before getting the one i needed This is the only pic i found on my discord chats tho: My god the nostalgia, i miss the early game on ironshichika
Curious, how much effort does it take to get Quest Specialist in comparison to Card Collector medals? From looking at the stats of Quest Specialist, it's not even worth my time attempting because you lose HP while gaining mediocre stats.
It's only anecdotal evidence, but I managed to get Quest Specialist before hitting my 4th Job Advancement by just casually playing and taking all the quests I could find (because I enjoy doing them since they add another dimension to progressing through the game besides just "hit monster, gain 0.03%, repeat indefinitely" devs plz add more). In comparison, I'm currently on level 163 and didn't even manage to get Amazing Collector before I started purposefully grinding cards.
I like this thread! What about the 300 State-Held Rice? The reward you get for giving Mr. Shim enough rice to bury him in it 15 times over is extremely disappointing. I don't remember the exact number, but Hidden-Street BBB says 5,700EXP. Not to mention the drop rate of the rice. Also, the quests that require Jewels. Like the Florina Beach Ticket one. I spent 3 Diamonds on that ticket and it disappeared after one free use to Florina Beach.
In regards to specific quests that could be improved, the rewards for the Showa quests Umi's Spiced Veggies, Veggies are Awesome, and Youthful Mariwaka are completely laughable. At the very least they should give actual EXP, instead of just only giving you useless items.
Yes, the ticket disappearing on me happened a long time ago. Good to hear it was fixed. Now the question I want to spend 3 Diamonds on completing one quest on my other characters? Yes! A lot of quests in Showa Town don't give any EXP at all!
-Homunculus's Blood should be renamed "Homunscullo's Blood" since it drops from Homunscullo -Homunculus's Blood and Magic Stone of Trust are hideously rare items that only drop from rare monsters that spawn every few hours, making these respective quests some of the least fun you will ever have -During In Search of the Book of Ancient, you get a total of 7 map pieces, leaving you with 3 leftover for no good reason -Hobi drops "Hov's Shorts" -Cupid's Courier: Thief breaks entirely if the letter's time limit expires, so why is there a time limit in the first place
Hi for the 7 pages, I recorded down the process, which is very strange: First in Perion, we got 1, Second in Ellinia, we got 2, Third in Henesy, we got 0, not at all !! And the last in Kerning city, we got 4 !! Checked with the BBB The original version, which aligns with the story, we should get 1 from each. This bug should be fixed!! I agree that the name of the blood is misleading, which I spent 10 mins killing Homunculus and finally realize something, however I will accept this if they (probably in monster book) give a good reason, to explain the relationship between the two monsters, perhaps if Homunscullo is Homunculus with blood inside or if the droplist in the monster book indicates this. However, I haven't got any monster card from Homunscullo yet, can't check on this. OK, I do the search by myself, this is probably one of the later version of the monster book. (Checked with "Homunculus" description in my monster book, they are completely different) hopefully this explains why "Homunculus blood" drops from Homunscullo. Basically the three are all "homunculus", and according to definition given by google: homunculus means "a very small human or humanoid creature". So if we have good, or being an expert in English (which I am not), we might know that homunculus is not only the name of a monster but also a vocabulary. Homun: A young Homunculus, a person without a soul created through the powers of alchemy. Found deep in the Zenumist Laboratory of Magatia. It has the tendency to spawn in swarms. Homunculus: An evolved Homun, a failed Homunculus created by the powers of Alchemy. Found deep in the Zenumist Laboratory of Magatia. Homunscullo: A huge, monstrous Homunculus, a failed attempt at creating a person with the powers of Alchemy. A wretched monster rarely found in the deepest parts of Magatia's Zenumist Laboratory with the Homunculi. One of its attacks can drain your MP by 400. The other attack cannot. And for the rare drop from rare monsters, I think slowing people down is also one of the characteristics of the early online game, so I personally don't consider this as a problem.
here's a big one All quests should show you the exp reward before the quest is turned in several quests can fake you out with a massive unannounced exp drop (most notably the quest where you feed worms to baby Timer), causing you to accidentally level up without INT equips also, moira tells you to "beat Horntail off" after you turn in the dragon elixir quest, and i don't think girls like her should be saying stuff like that
Does arwen's shoe and blackbull's deed for land development gotta be so rare for any particular reason?
I would really appreciate fixing the movie star quest, having the lvl req be 40 is really harsh, I missed it by only a few levels with 4 characters already... Please look into this...