I think it is unnecessary to set a limit, when in the original game this limit did not exist as I remember. I don't know why they put this limit, but I imagine it must be because of the hackers. If so, they are affecting the legal player. In such case the limit is 5 per day. but the real request is to remove it. I want to get these items and I can't. I must wait a day and try my luck. and i'm not a lucky guy. Tao of Shadows Raven's Claw Raven's Wing Raven's Eye Note: Sorry my english.
this has been asked for, multiple times, but it was never addressed... https://royals.ms/forum/threads/cwk-exchange-quests.88451/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/adjusting-the-raven-ninja-cwk-exchange-quest.189545/
I have more than 1 month trying to get. raven's eye Without any luck. I am a very unlucky guy or I am bugged.
i am a guy who loves farm, i tried to go in several places, the drop of water for me is this CW Exchange limit, i farmed more than 1000 badges for nothing and i quitted after this, some months ago...
supposedly they said they listened to the community, I am not the only one asking for this restriction to be removed. If it is not going to remove the restriction and exchange for a day. Increase the drop of the orbs. The drop is very low and you have to wait for the day to end. Just to get 750k mesos
Supposedly this list of rewards. however, I have gotten a scroll for knucle. I was 2 weeks exchanging and I've only got mesos, knuckles scrolls and Gross Jaeger I did this more than a month ago and I gave up. but again I'm trying to get Raven's Eye and it's very frustrating to get mesos and wait 24 hours. being that this restriction was NEVER in GMS remove restriction or increase drop for orbs.
The restriction was in GMS as far as we know. But keep in mind the tag of this thread was recently changed to ”In Discussion”.
again, again,again!!! is Bugged!!! I remember reading a post where they said that this restriction did not exist in GMS. but if it existed in MSEA, which is the source used by this server.
Why am I so unlucky? Why does the universe hate me? I'm really sorry, but I only post once a day. Also, apparently I'm the only one who cares about this topic. Therefore, if I do not keep this post alive. Who will do it? I found evidence that the restriction did not exist in GMS. At minute 2:12 we can see that it has 284 windraider badges. in minute 3:44 the remaining windraiders badge after several exchanges, without having to wait 24 hours.