Hello~! Not here to complain or make a issue, just curious on how to handle a situation like this in the future. I`ve been banned for 3 days duo to Kill-Stealing, : So i`ve wanted to farm Heartstoppers at the Haunted House, we all know the map,, I was channel surfin to get a channel to start some Heartstopper farmin. Turned out every channel from 1/20 was full and taken, noticing the same character name with a 1/2/3/4/5/ behind his name, takin 10 channels that way(Not neccesary to throw names). I asked him if he can give up one channel, since were not alone on the world? Told me to gtfo etc, he was doing it like that since 2019 -_- blablabla , and basically wanted to flex 10 channels like that. While i get his point and it`s a smart way of using your chars to the fullest, shouldnt there be a thing or something to provend it in a way he uses it to the fullest. Imagine me creatin 20 clients, accounts etc, stall all my 20 chars on all the 20 channels, and never turn down my pc, i can basically own the maps till infinity or what??? While 9/10 people if asked polite would gave up a channel in that situation, what to do if you meet a guy that doesn`t? Isn`t Map-Stealing a thing,,,? So yeah thats basically it, maybe i`ll get some backlash for it because its allowed to have as much clients as you want, was just curious to see if pointed out. Excuse me for my bad english grammer, its not my first language. One love ~!! And enjoy Royalsss
This happens and it's allowed. There is nothing you can do.... It's a typical example of a "gray zone", like we have in the real world. Obs: Usually stopper farmers are rude, probably because they have to confront people all the time
Not really a whole lot you can do and cause of how it stimulates the bossing meta, there's not really a lot of pushback. Sadly there will always be sweaty gamers.
Sadly yes, it is allowed, and it is also gonna be terrible to enforce if they were to consider adding a rule aganist it. You recognized that this person had 10 channels because he has the same chara name on all of them. I could do the same with 10 mules with different names, and you would be none the wiser, and won't be able to know if im a single mule or many. So the only way to enforce it would either be wasting admin time to check each individual in popular maps, or find a coding solution (which will probably be very easy to bypass), and this kind of change would be unpopular with a significant portion of the community so they'd never go there to begin with. All i can do is recommend you to check the psycho jack maps, as they are pretty ok in comparison to the popular stopper map.
Hi Hasnis First of all, thank you for respecting my privacy that not exploring my IGNs but I don’t care since I have nothing to hide. I’m a quite well-known multi-channels stopper farmer here. just because of my identical IGNs and NX outfits. I am quite enjoy having the same NX outfit not because I want to flex all 10 channels are belong to me. Well since I am involved in this and you twisted something. So I have something to say. When you asked me for a channel politely. Then I said sry no. I am farming here and not having fun here. Then you said you’re going to report me having multiple channels. Then I said go ahead I’ve been farming here since 2019. Which means what I’m doing here is legit and not ban-able. I did NOT tell you to GTFO when you asked me for a channel nicely. I do not usually give channels when I’m farming because this maximising the hourly profit I can get. And how can I farm if everyone come and ask me for channels. Stopper map channels were quite full because there was another multi-channel farmer was there. And I’m sure you cannot recognise him. I spent the time to search my own channels too and sometimes even pay for it. Then you came and asked me for a free channel. I rejected. Then You pissed and stayed in my map KSing me for more than 20mins. I was really busy multi-client farming and dealing with your childish attitude. Then you got the chance to take my mapowner in my other channel. Then I had to leave and search channels again because of the map owner rule. later on I got the chance to take MY Channel back when you were AFKing with a different looking IGN and outfit. You were not keeping the mapowner. Then I asked you to leave the map. But you refused to leave again. Then I said GTFO on my different looking mule. Yup, both are me. and I say GTFO to you because I do not respect your sick attitude. At that time I’m pretty sure you don’t know the mapowner rule. So I recorded and get you banned 3 days for KSing. I requested GM to tell you why you’re banned and l think they did not explain well in your ban-appeal. So I am here to explain. According to the mapowner rule. You will have to attack mobs to hold the mapowner which can last for 3mins. If you afk for more than 3 mins and someone take the mapowner and ask you yo leave. Then you will have to leave. You have to take your effort to hold your map. you may check in game with ~mapowner command. I hope you to read ToC and not to make trouble to other farmers again.
Getting a new player banned for trying to take one of the 10 channels your mules are farming on is the most MapleRoyals thing I've heard in a while. Gotta love seasoned veterans trying to make the game as bad as possible for new players, keep it up!
Perhaps read the above comment to have a more wholistic idea of the whole situation but ig jumping to conclusions is our specialty too
This post doesn't seem like it was made by someone that new. If they have a 4th job char they should have an understanding of mapownership. Rather than blaming someone that was well within the rules of the game, why not suggest some changes. You can use the feedback section on the forums, especially if you think this "make(s) the game as bad as possible for new players".
Also just to clarify, due to the confidentiality of the Report Abuse section, the Staff are unable to disclose the report content or the reporter identity Hence the reply without much details such as who reported on the Ban Appeal
Yeah man, I should just take his word for it despite OP having a contradictory story in both this thread and his ban appeal.